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  1. puzzl3add1ct

    [Help Thread] How to Get Faster using the Fridrich / CFOP Method

    Great video overall but I disagree with your first tip. I could get sub 15 times with my Rubik's brand easily which are the Same times I get with my thunderclap.
  2. puzzl3add1ct

    [Help Thread] Lubrication Thread

    CRC and jig-a-loo are not popular lubes anymore...... U must be relying on outdated information. Try buying differential oil instead.
  3. puzzl3add1ct

    [Help Thread] How to Get Faster using the Fridrich / CFOP Method

    Your cross and LL is pretty bad imo. Try to be able to do cross bld in under 8 moves consistently. Watch a lot of walkthrough solves from fast people to improve your efficiency in your cross. For LL just keep spamming algs and improve you recognition. Try learning full PLL if u haven't...
  4. puzzl3add1ct

    Questions about mains and backups

    Right now I actually have 5 different mains. I'm kinda switching between the yuexiao, thunderclap, Aolong v2, Tanglong and meiying.
  5. puzzl3add1ct

    Moyu GuoGuan Yuexiao?

    The Tanglong is 56.5 I think
  6. puzzl3add1ct

    [Help Thread] "What cube should I get?" The Puzzle Choice Thread

    The thunderclap would be a great choice for anyone at any skill level!
  7. puzzl3add1ct

    [Help Thread] How to Get Faster using the Fridrich / CFOP Method Badmephisto vids are really nice
  8. puzzl3add1ct

    [Help Thread] 4x4 Discussion and Help

    Does turning slow and looking ahead also apply to 4x4?
  9. puzzl3add1ct

    Racing to sub-15

    Round 31 Ao12: 14.41 (11.38) 14.18 (16.80) 15.20 14.60 15.19 14.22 13.40 14.40 16.23 14.12 12.57
  10. puzzl3add1ct

    [Help Thread] "What cube should I get?" The Puzzle Choice Thread

    Sorry if this isn't the right thread but I think you are better off learning intuitive f2l from badmephisto YouTube vids or something. Ok. Back on topic. What are the top 4x4s on the market now? Still the Aosu? Do you think the meiyu will be any good?
  11. puzzl3add1ct

    [Help Thread] Where To Buy Cubes Thread

    Does hknowstore have a physical shop?
  12. puzzl3add1ct

    One-Answer WCA Competition and Regulations Question Thread

    I was in Brunei just last week!!
  13. puzzl3add1ct

    Racing to sub-15

    Round 29: 14.199,13.566,14.316, 14.567,(26.450),14.226,14.267, (12.084),14.966,15.967,13.867,14.616=14.445
  14. puzzl3add1ct - High Quality Puzzles, Custom-Cut Stickers, Premium Lubricants & More!

    You guys should stock some kind of dissolving agent or something
  15. puzzl3add1ct

    [Help Thread] Should I switch to Roux?

    What's sexy method?
  16. puzzl3add1ct

    Thoughts on 3x3 improvement progression (CFOP)

    This thread should be stickied.
  17. puzzl3add1ct

    [Help Thread] Lubrication Thread

    I used weight 5 in my yuxin 4x4 and it worked well and speeded it up especially the inner layers.