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  1. ottozing

    FMC - Advanced guide/collection of tips for EO>DR

    It's been a while since I've felt compelled to post an FMC related guide. Recently, a decent amount of progress has been made in the EO>DR department, so I feel like documenting the more current take on EO>DR stuff is worthy of my time Intro Traditionally, when trying to go from EO to DR...
  2. ottozing

    FMC: My recommended approach for recognizing all 12 HTR corner subsets

    With all of my previous threads on DR and HTR, I've recommended that people learn the corner cases (from unsolved to solved) and to use those as a way of structuring your general HTR solutions. While this is personally how I learned HTR, I don't believe this method is the best way to go as a...
  3. ottozing

    Updated HTR guide for FMC (Introduction to HTR subsets)

    Previous guide which you should read if you haven't had a chance to yet as I won't be restating all of it here. Since posting my last guide, I've learned quite a bit more about HTR and have a more complete understanding of HTR than I did previously. ITT I'll be covering some key information on...
  4. ottozing

    (FMC) A guide for finding DR's/Domino Reduction Guide

    Recently, I posted a thread on what to do once you've found a DR, which you can find here. Before I start talking about actually finding DR's in the first place, I want to quickly gloss over the "good/bad corners" stuff since it's important for deciding whether or not you should even try to find...
  5. ottozing

    (FMC) A guide for finding HTR's once you've found a DR

    NOTE: This is not a guide for finding DR's. If you don't know how to find a DR in FMC/aren't a DR solver, this guide will be of no use to you. If you want to learn DR, I recommend this guide & to learn how to find DR's using EO, followed by some set up moves to 4C4E, 4C2E, or 3C2E, followed by...
  6. ottozing

    A new way of doing CFOP last slot (JPLS placeholder name)

    Recently I've been thinking about alternative approaches to last two pairs when you have adjacent slots already solved I've already developed things like FRUF stuff, and PSF2L is also a very solid approach, but what if you reach last two pairs and find that one of your corners is solved but the...
  7. ottozing

    F2L 15 OLS for ZZ (or CFOP) + proof of concept for a better way to deal with 3 corner OLS

    (mostly useful for ZZ since it's more common) Why F2L 15? Because when EO is done this F2L pair needs 11 moves using intuitive RUgen (the only other case that's like this other than CLS cases is F2L 23, which I might document at a later date... if I do it'll be in this thread so I avoid...
  8. ottozing

    ZZLS+1 proof of concept

    Generally speaking, people who use full ZBLL agree that for ZBLL cases, having 2 oriented corners is the best while having 0 oriented corners is the worst (this is accounting for recognition, quality of algs, and how nice OLL>PLL is in comparison) What I've gone ahead and done is taken every...
  9. ottozing

    Another Scramble Dependent Method (SDM) for CFOP

    Recently I posted an idea for a CFOP based Scramble Dependent Method. I'd recommend at least reading the 2nd point on "the aspect of method neutrality that gets overlooked" since that section will be relevant here Honestly, I already think the initial idea I came up with is mostly a bad idea...
  10. ottozing

    BFOPv1 - Jay's Scramble Dependent Method (first version)

    ~ (I really wanted to call this method JDSM but I can't make the acronym make sense lmao. I also think this method needs a name with 2-3 syllables maximum but I don't want to just call this "McNeill" so consider JDSM a placeholder for now. If I don't see any possible names I like after a week...
  11. ottozing

    How OLS for CFOP could be developed intelligently

    A few disclaimers before I begin: I want to make it clear that with this potential OLS tool I have in mind, the UI/UX would be nearly identical to what Kirjava developed for doing 1LLL with 2 algs that are considered nice to execute, but also with some additional features and probably some...
  12. ottozing

    Random thoughts on improving/evolving Roux for 3x3 2H that may or may not suck

    Over the past year or so I've posted a lot of content to my YT channel & Newsletter about ways to improve many of the steps of CFOP. However, I've also spent at least a small % of my time thinking about Roux (no plans to switch or even try to get fast as a side project) after seeing certain...
  13. ottozing

    6.96 3x3 Average of 12, using some PSF2L

    Pseudoslotting has been getting talked about more and more as of late, and is basically the hot new technique in town This average isn't anything special (pretty good by my standards, but I've also done better in the past), but the fact that I used PSF2L on so many solves in this average...
  14. ottozing

    JOLL v2 in depth explanation (+ROLL/JOLL learning tools are finally here!)

    ROLL/JOLL learning tool by Tao Yu How to use it About a week or so ago I sent a wall of text similar to this to my email list... (link in signature to sign up)... However after some consideration I've decided that this info needs to be posted publicly since ROLL/JOLL resources are so scarce...
  15. ottozing

    Making better ROLL/JOLL resources

    (For those who don't know ROLL or JOLL, I have written explanations *here* and *here*, as well as videos on my channel explaining the method) I just posted this video on my YouTube channel which explains why exactly ROLL and JOLL resources currently suck Aside from a lack of widespread...
  16. ottozing

    Rubik's Cube - 6.52 Average of 5 (7.08 Average of 12)

    Haven't really posted any unofficial solves here in a while, so here's what my solves are looking like ATM Been relearning some of my bad T U and L ZBLL cases. I actually got one I recently re-learned near the end of the avg12 which I messed up, making the avg12 not sub 7 :p TPS is also the...
  17. ottozing

    The best video about look-ahead that currently exists (probably)

    If you're a newer cuber who's just getting into more serious speedcubing (especially if you're using CFOP), this video will break down what to work on if you want to pause less aka have better look-ahead and get you ahead of the curve while suckers watch out of date channels discussing...
  18. ottozing

    3x3: 6.752 avg12

    1. 6.733 B2 U2 R' D F2 D2 B' L U F B2 R2 L' D2 R' F2 B2 R' F2 B2 2. 7.216 D R2 U' F2 R2 D' F2 L2 U' F2 U L' U F2 D L D2 L B D2 B2 3. 6.415 F2 B D' B2 L' U F' D2 L B U2 D2 F' D2 F B2 D2 F R2 B 4. 6.652 U2 R' D2 L2 U2 B2 D2 B2 U2 L2 R B R2 B2 D' R2 U B U L D2 5. 6.347 F2 U2 R2 F2 L' D2 R2 B2 R...