All Puzzles. All the Time : Speedsolving the Rubik's Cube and Other Puzzles

June 2009 Newsletter

Hello, $username,

This newsletter contains some general speedsolving updates and happenings through June, 2009.

Speedsolving.com News/Happenings

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June 2009 WCA Competition Results

Kanneti Sae Han won Nantes Open 2009
Kanneti Sae Han won the Nantes Open 2009 with an average of 12.42 seconds. Guillain Potron finished second (13.81) and Jimmy Coll finished third (14.51).

Anthony Searle won Dallas Open 2009
Anthony Searle won the Dallas Open 2009 with an average of 15.41 seconds. Daniel Brenes finished second (18.08) and Alex Mason finished third (18.40).

Ravi Fernando won Missouri Open 2009
Ravi Fernando won the Missouri Open 2009 with an average of 12.55 seconds. Austin Moore finished second (13.60) and Waris Ali finished third (14.03).

Balazs Bernat won Mammut Open 2009
Balazs Bernat won the Mammut Open 2009 with an average of 14.63 seconds. Peter Roka finished second (14.77) and Bence Barat finished third (15.04).

Andrew Kang won Horizons Open 2009
Andrew Kang won the Horizons Open 2009 with an average of 14.14 seconds. Chris Hardwick finished second (14.95) and Chris Tran finished third (17.13).

Dan Cohen won Safe Haven 2009
Dan Cohen won the Safe Haven 2009 with an average of 12.69 seconds. Rowe Hessler finished second (12.81) and John Tamanas finished third (13.95).

Takumi Yoshida won JRCA Kanto Summer 2009
Takumi Yoshida won the JRCA Kanto Summer 2009 with an average of 11.48 seconds. Syuhei Omura finished second (13.30) and Moe Nakano finished third (13.82).

Phillip Espinoza won Berkeley Summer competition 2009
Phillip Espinoza won the Berkeley Summer competition 2009 with an average of 13.17 seconds. Darren Kwong finished second (13.98) and Lucas Garron finished third (14.05).

Harris Chan won Toronto Open Summer 2009
Harris Chan won the Toronto Open Summer 2009 with an average of 11.93 seconds. Eric Limeback finished second (13.15) and Jai Gambhir finished third (13.35).

July 2009 Upcoming Competitions

Santiago Winter Open 2009
July 3-5, 2009 in Chile, Las Condes

Kociewie Open 2009
July 4, 2009 in Poland, Starogard Gdanski

Madrid Open 2009
July 10-11, 2009 in Madrid, Spain

Puebla Open 2009
July 11-12, 2009 in Puebla, Mexico

Minnesota Open 2009
July 11, 2009 in Rochester, Minnesota, USA

UK Masters 2009
July 11-12, 2009 in Swindon, United Kingdom

Czech Open 2009
July 17-19, 2009 in Pardubice, Czech Republic

JRCA Kansai Summer 2009
July 18, 2009 in Amagasaki, Japan

Aurora Summer competition 2009
July 18, 2009 in Aurora, Colorado, USA

Hong Kong Open 2009
July 18-19, 2009 in Hong Kong, Hong Kong

Brasilia Open 2009
July 18-19, 2009 in Bras�lia, Distrito Federal, Brazil

canadianCubing Classic 2009
July 25, 2009 in Kitchener, Ontario, Canada

Indian Summer Open 2009
July 25, 2009 in Fishers, Indiana, USA

Big Cubes Summer competition 2009
July 26, 2009 in Allentown, Pennsylvania, USA

To find all WCA recognized competitions (upcoming and past), please visit this page: http://www.worldcubeassociation.org/results/competitions.php.

You can also find all the latest speedcubing news at Speedcubing.com.

Thank you to all the members who have made Speedsolving.com what it is today,

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