General Speedsolving Updates
It's been 2 months since our last update. June was a fast month, and July is nearly over. There are some big upcoming competitions, including US Nationals, European Championship, and Asian Championship. Look forward to those results, as there is some great competition to soon come.
In June we updated to the vBulletin 4.2, which provides some nice new features (mostly backend stuff, but allows for some new internal developments). However, we're still working on a new theme and filtering out some of the bugs that come along with it. We are going to continue to improve the site. If you have any ideas, comments, or suggestions, please let us know.
In June, Sebastian Weyer (Germany) set the world record for 4x4 Average (30.81 seconds). In July, the following world roecrds were broken/set:
Marcin Kowalczyk (Poland) for 3x3 multi blind (23/25) in 53 minutes, 33 seconds, Marcell Endrey (Hungary) for 4x4 Blindfolded (2 minutes, 48.88 seconds), Oscar Roth Andersen (Denmark) for pyraminx average of 3.25 seconds, Tomoaki Okayama (Japan) for 3x3 fewest moves of 20 moves, Fakhri Raihaan (Indonesia) for 3x3 single with feet of 27.93 seconds, Lin Chen (China) for 7x7 speedsolving single (3 minutes, 10.71 seconds), and average (3 minutes, 18.35 seconds). Congratulations to all the new world record holders!
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Do you organize competitions? Checkout - for delegates and organizers. It is a system to for data management that makes running a competition easier.
Do you use Facebook? If so, like on Facebook. There are 3,700 fans, our goal is 10,000. We post site updates/happenings, speedcubing news and videos, and more on a regular basis. If you have any suggestions, comments, or questions about, we'd love to hear them. Post them in the Help/Support forum.