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Happy Holidays!

Another year is nearly in the books. 2015 will mark 9 years since created, and in 2015, will surpass 1,000,000 posts by over 20,000 people. It is amazing to see it grow each year and connect an international community of people who all share the same interest in puzzles. We hope that you continue to enjoy it as much as we have.

Make a special effort to enjoy yourself and your family during your leisure time this holiday season.

Happy holidays from!

A few short notes:
- We've reorganized the forum home, added a few forums and removed a few. We think this will help with discussion flow. Additionally, we wanted to let you know about 'Whats New', where on a single page you can find all the latest posts, without relying on the 'recent threads' on the homepage. Please see more info in the announcement here.
- Christmas is near, and puzzles make great gifts. Checkout our shop at and grab a gift before Christmas. Use coupon CHRS1014 at checkout for 10% off all orders! Expires December 16th so order now! Free shipping in the USA!

Responding to Spam
Please only reply to a speedsolving question/concern if you have something of value to add. Don't reply to spam posts. If you notice a post that you think is inappropriate, please use the "Report" button below that post and one of the moderators will take care of it.

Read the Rules
Please read the rules if you haven't done so (click here to read them). These rules are being enforced on the forum, so make sure you're aware of them. Premium Membership
Premium members get various extra features and at the same time support to help it grow. More information about becoming a premium member can be found here.

Contribute to the Wiki
There is a speedsolving wiki here. Don't know what it is? Check out the about page here. Feel free to contribute and help grow the already large amount of information there.

Compete in the Forum Competitions
Interested in competing online at home with other members? Visit the Competition Area for weekly and monthly scrambles and compare your times with other members.

If you haven't yet seen the interviews section, be sure to check it out here. Every couple months we interview a puzzle solver in order to give people more insight into their hobby of speedsolving.

Connect with on Facebook & Google+!

Happy holidays! Team

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