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  • Top 5 videos consisting almost solely on unedited, un-commentated copies of other people's videos does not fall under fair use. I'd recommend securing each cuber's permission if you're not going to "significantly change the viewing experience of the footage".

    If you already make sure to secure permission before using footage in the above described way, then I apologize.
    You don't give credit in the description/video either, so if you don't secure permission to use said footage, then your top 5 videos definitely don't fall under fair use.

    Just something to be aware of; using other people's footage is fine, just make sure to ask permission and give credit if it doesn't fall under fair use(and even if it does fall under fair use, it's common courtesy to give credit)
    Again, if you do always get permission to use footage in that way, then I apologize, I simply cannot find anything indicating that.

    (sorry about the 3 posts, there's a character limit)
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