guinepigs rock

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  • They are more expensive then any other place I have seen them, in my opinion that makes them over-priced.
    hey can you clear your inbox I'm going to send you pics of the 7x7 but cant't because your inbox is full.
    sooooo.....did you ever get that gu hong? I mailed it a long time ago, and I haven't heard anything. If not, I'm really sorry. It was a free service, so at least you didn't lose anything.
    Your inbox is full.


    I just checked my PMs with cuberguy21 and I sent him a 2x2x2 on 07-30-2011 and he didn't recieve it until 08-13-2011. Three weeks. So we're still on track by far. I double checked your address and compared it to the address I noted on the box and it was correct.
    Also bear in mind that US customs might inspect the package because it was shipped from Holland. They'll probably check if for drugs. I hope not because that would make it take even longer. Hope you get it soon because I'd like to get on with the second round...


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