SpeedPube Apr 1, 2012 Hi Godmil, Any idea if there are any shops in Aberdeen that sell decent lube? I;ll be in Aberdeen tomorrow so I thought I'd ask.
Hi Godmil, Any idea if there are any shops in Aberdeen that sell decent lube? I;ll be in Aberdeen tomorrow so I thought I'd ask.
Y Y YrMyKnight Nov 24, 2011 Hey bro, I know you're more experience in cubing then me so I wanna ask you something. I'm sub-50 now using the CFOP method and I use a regular storebought cube. My parents agree to get me a new cube online under $30 I was thinking of getting a zhanchi,but I heard that its uncontrollable even for intermediates . And when it pops,it kind of explodes. I want a long lasting cube and I've added several items. 1 Lubix lube $9.99 2 Dayan Torpedos 4.25 Which means I'll have $15.75 left for my cube. I'm interested in guhong so is there any flaw? or should i get the zhanchi? Lunhui,Lingyun, alpha are all in my consideration. Thanks for tips ^^
Hey bro, I know you're more experience in cubing then me so I wanna ask you something. I'm sub-50 now using the CFOP method and I use a regular storebought cube. My parents agree to get me a new cube online under $30 I was thinking of getting a zhanchi,but I heard that its uncontrollable even for intermediates . And when it pops,it kind of explodes. I want a long lasting cube and I've added several items. 1 Lubix lube $9.99 2 Dayan Torpedos 4.25 Which means I'll have $15.75 left for my cube. I'm interested in guhong so is there any flaw? or should i get the zhanchi? Lunhui,Lingyun, alpha are all in my consideration. Thanks for tips ^^