Fire Cubing
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  • I feel like nuking someone today. Darn it, weekends are ending. Tomorrow is another day of deep depression called school.
    Fire Cubing
    Fire Cubing actually causes depression and anxiety for some people.

    And that's not how depression works either. Depression and anxiety can hit someone poor or rich, happy or sad. You're basically contradicting the existence depressed rich people who get whatever they want. Trust me, they exist. And guess what, most of the things I learn is online, from Youtube, google and more.
    Fire Cubing
    Fire Cubing
    My 13 year old classmate almost commited (I dont wanna say it). A few of her close friends help stop her.

    Also, I have been researching about the topic of mental illness online. I'm really trying to understand what it is.
    Fire Cubing
    Fire Cubing
    But yeah...everyone has different opinion about stuff. So for you, school might be great, but in my opinion, school really wastes my time by making me learn things i dont want to instead of learning how to earn money. But do remember, you look at things differently from how others do. Just because school didnt give you or anyone you know depression, doesnt mean it wont happen to anyone else.
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