Recent content by fei193

  1. F

    3BLD 58.39

    Where did you learn corners commutators?
  2. F

    One-Answer Blindsolving Question Thread

    I want to ask how many algs people often use for corners and edges? We can't learn all of them:) And show me algs you are using^^.
  3. F

    One-Answer Blindsolving Question Thread

    How many algs people usually use for corners / edges ( BH method)? Which algs for corners you often do?
  4. F

    One-Answer Blindsolving Question Thread

    Thank you for your help:D. Where did you learn it? I going to use M2 for edges, i don't know how to do with corners.
  5. F

    One-Answer Blindsolving Question Thread

    B2 L2 D' L2 U L2 B2 D2 R2 B' D' R B2 R' U R' L' F D' U Corners: U2 R D2 R' U2 R D2 R' (8/8) y' R' U2 R' D R U2 R' D' R2 y (9/17) U' L' D L U L' D' L (8/25) Edges: x' U' L2 U M U' L2 U M' (8/8) x2 M' U' L U M U' L' U x' (8/16) L2 U' M' U2 M U' L2 (7/23) U2 M' U' R' U M U' R U' (9/32)...
  6. F

    One-Answer Blindsolving Question Thread

    I don't know where i start with BLD cubing? Help me!!!
  7. F

    ZZ speedcubing method

    Im trying fix some bad edges when make a line, i usually make a line first, after that do other edges. Someone said to me fixed bad edges and make a line could be done same time. Edit: In Roux method, fix bad edges have solutions for each cases. i don't know how i do same thing in ZZ method.
  8. F

    ZZ speedcubing method

    EOLine (ZZ method) help. Im learning ZZ method for speedcubing. I have some problem with the first step EOLine, it take so much time and moves :(. Help me please!!!!
  9. F

    The One-Answer Question Thread [closed]

    Im going to learn ZZ method, but i see ZZ a,b,c,d. Which one for speedcubing?
  10. F

    Best Cube?

    AII^^. It's sound is very loud, speed really cool
  11. F

    Best Cubing Store :))
  12. F


    Thank everyone, im learning PLL and xcross:). That ways can be used for recreation or training do blocks
  13. F


    My avg 21 ( with Roux). Im going to learn Fridrich again but my cross is terrible. there for im finding some ways not to make cross and use blocks 1x2x3 (i make them about 10-11s). F2L i do very bad about 15s ( cross was done)
  14. F


    B2 U' F2 R2 U2 R2 L2 F2 D F2 U' R' L D L U2 B D' F2 D L D M2 D R' U2 R U' R' r2 B' x R U' R' U L M' U r2 U' R U R' U R U' R' Make 2 blocks 1x2x3 U2 R' U R' Fix bad edges and DB-DF: U' M U M2 U2 M ( always have cross on U face) OLL. PLL I have an idea for Roux and Fridrich method^^...