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Staff member
Mar 13, 2006
SS Competition Results
I replied to PM before I checked out the other forum. Just checked out the forum, not too bad! The top banner is awesome. I dont really like the green background, I think keeping it gray or a blue like it is now is a good idea, with maybe some algorithums in a faded grey or something. As far as the image that is above the forums, we need to do something a bit darker. This way you can see it better against the black background and you can read the test on it easier (i can change the color regardless though). I do indeed like the 6 colors in those boxes with it though, maybe do that on both sides. Thanks for a lot for all the work you put into it, we greatly appreciate the effort.

P.S. Check out http://www.hockeycentral.has.it . It is my Hockey Forum, what do you think of the layout, and all the buttons?