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[Member Intro] Never too late to learn


Jun 28, 2018
Lelystad, Flevoland, The Netherlands
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Hello everybody. I've owned a cube for most of my life, but I was never really able to solve it without looking at an ancient piece of paper that my dad had laying around.

Picked it up again a few years ago and managed to memorize the beginners method.

Third time's a charm. Picked it up again a few weeks ago, this time got a little more serious and ended up buying a Moyu Weilong GTS V2. I've been improving my best time recently, and today I went under 1 minute with 56.03.

I'm 42, my wife hates my cubing, but puts up with it. We have two little dogs that we adore. I work as an IT manager.

I also love other puzzles. I collect Hanayama Cast puzzles. I love them, sometimes they take me weeks to figure out. The Rubik's Magic has also always been my thing. I think I can solve it in around 3 seconds.

Like Max Park, I'm autistic. But everybody's unique, right? :)