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Weekly competition 2009-04


Premium Member
Jul 6, 2006
Rotterdam (actually Capelle aan den IJssel), the N
Visit Channel
Last chance to keep the unofficial events!

For now, all events are the same as last year, but all unofficial events are on probation. That means that if they don't get at least 3 competitors on average over the first 4 weeks, they will be removed (and don't rely on Mike and me to do them every week). So if you like those events, make sure you (and others) do them every week. This is a list of all the unofficial events:
  • 2x2x2 Blindfolded
  • 6x6x6 Blindfolded
  • 7x7x7 Blindfolded
  • 3x3x3 Match the scramble
  • 4x4x4 Fewest Moves
  • 2x2x2 + 3x3x3 + 4x4x4 Relay
  • 2x2x2 + 3x3x3 + 4x4x4 + 5x5x5 Relay
  • 2x2x2 + 3x3x3 + 4x4x4 + 5x5x5 + 6x6x6 Relay
  • 2x2x2 + 3x3x3 + 4x4x4 + 5x5x5 + 6x6x6 + 7x7x7 Relay
  • Snake
All current (new) scramblers from the WCA are used.
  • For all 3x3x3 events (including FMC) Cube Explorer was used to generate a random position and provide an inverse scramble (generator) for that position.
  • For all cubes > 3x3x3 (mediumcubes) a "w" means "Wide" so you turn not just the slice, but also the outer layer.
  • For all cubes > 5x5x5 (bigcubes) normally a subscript number indicates the amount of layers to turn like a wide turn. U32 would mean to turn the the U layer and the 2 layers beneath it (3 in total) a half turn. However, this forum doesn't support subscript, so I transform the default notation to "3U2" notation which also means "turn the 3 uppermost layers a half turn".
  • For Megaminx R and D are "double layer moves of the entire megaminx. The U moves are normal U moves, not "double layer" or cube rotations
  • For Square1 the new notation is not entirely clear about when to perform a slice/half-turn. I am assuming that no slice-turns are to be performed at the beginning or the end (unless the scramble begins or ends with (0,0))
  • Clock hasn't changed, but just so you know: UddU u=-1,d=5 would mean Up-Left-pin is Up, Up-Right-pin is Down, Down-Left-pin is Down, Down-Right-pin is Up and that you need to turn a corner that has its pin up rotated counterclockwise by 1 hour and that you need to turn a corner that has its pin down rotated clockwise by 5 hours
  • Pyraminx hasn't changed either, but just so you know: The first (small) letters are for the tips, then come the normal moves
Just to make sure everyone understands: We follow the official WCA rules for all events. Here are some things that people often don't know:
  • For multiple blind you can choose how many cubes you are going to do (let me know if 15 scrambles is not enough). If you choose 5 cubes you have to use the first 5 scrambles.
  • For one-handed you can use both hands during inspection
  • For with feet you can only use feet during inspection
  • For 3x3x3 Fewest Moves there is a 1 hour time limit. (2.5 hours for 4x4x4 Fewest Moves)
  • For Match the scramble you can use a glas (or other construction) so you can easily look at all sides of the cube. You perform the scramble on (solved) cube 1, can use 15 seconds inspection time and the goal is to turn a solved cube into cube 1
  • For relay you have 15 seconds of inspection in total, you can use any order to solve the cubes and the rest of the relay-rules should be obvious
For every event you participate in you will be rewarded points. You will also be rewarded points according to your ranking. Because this is quite a complicated system you can read about it in this thread. The results of the competition will be available as soon as possible after the competition closes at the end of the thread.

If you think other events should be added to this competition you can influence that in the 2008: Other events for Weekly competition thread

This competition starts now and ends wednesday/thursday nightchange (officialy), but I will only close a competition after the new one is on-line. If a competition doesn't start at wednesday/thursday nightchange you still get the full 7 days to participate.

1. D' F' U2 B' U R B U2 L2 U' L2 U2 F L2 U B' D R F' U' B L' D2 F2 D'
2. F2 R2 D' L' U R2 U L D' F' D2 B' D' R' U B U2 R2 D L' B2 R2 U' L B'
3. R2 U2 R2 D' R2 F' D' R2 U R F2 L2 F R B2 L' B2 R' B2 L2 F' U2 B2 L B2
4. D B U' R U L U R' U2 L U2 R2 B' L' U R F2 D2 L2 D B L2 F2 R U2
5. R U B2 D2 R2 U2 F2 R2 B' D2 F' D2 L D L2 F' U R2 U' B U2 B R2 B R'

1. B2 D F2 U' L2 F2 L2 R2 U R2 F2 D R' U B' U2 F' L' R' U F (21f)
2. R' D2 U2 L U2 B2 U2 R2 B2 L R D L B L2 U R B F L2 B (21f)
3. B2 R2 D2 L' D2 R' B2 U2 B2 R' D2 F' L' U' R2 F' L U' F2 R' D' (21f)
4. U2 R B2 F2 R F2 L F2 U2 L2 U2 B L2 D R2 U L D' F R D' (21f)
5. R2 B D2 U2 B U2 F' U2 R2 B D L F' R' U' B' U2 L R2 B2 L (21f)

1. D' Uw Fw2 F Rw Uw2 R2 B2 L2 D' Uw U F' L' Uw2 B2 F D2 Rw' D2 Rw' U2 Fw' U' Rw' B Fw2 F' R D2 U2 F2 R2 B2 Fw' F' Rw U' B' D'
2. Fw' R D' L D L2 Rw U' L' Rw2 R' Uw' U2 Fw' F L2 D2 B' D Uw' U' L' Fw' Uw Rw2 R D Uw Fw' Rw U Rw2 U R2 B' Rw2 D' U2 Rw' F
3. B L' Rw' Fw2 Uw2 B' Fw2 Rw' R B2 Fw2 F L B' L2 Rw R B' Fw2 F D Rw' R2 U L' Rw Fw' Uw' B2 D' L D U2 R Fw D L2 Rw' B' R2
4. D2 Uw' U' L' Uw B' Fw F D Fw2 F Rw B' Fw2 F2 D Uw2 Fw F Uw' Rw' F Uw' Rw2 R' Uw2 B2 L' Uw Fw' L2 Rw R Fw' Rw F2 U' B' Rw2 R
5. B D2 L' B2 Fw F L2 Rw2 Uw2 U' L Rw' R' D R' D' U' Rw' D Uw F L Rw' F2 L' Fw' L2 Rw' R' F L' Rw U2 Rw R2 U' F' D Uw2 L

1. L2 Bw' Fw' Uw' L2 Dw Uw2 Fw' F D L2 R2 U Bw Uw2 U2 L U' B2 Bw' Fw' U' Fw2 Dw' U L' F U L2 Rw' F' D Dw' Uw U' Lw' Uw B2 D2 L Lw R2 Dw' Uw2 U B' Bw' F Dw L2 Lw Dw' Lw Dw L2 Lw2 D U Lw Uw2
2. Bw2 F Rw' Dw' Bw2 Dw B' Rw Fw2 Uw Lw Rw Dw2 L2 Fw Uw' F' Dw2 Rw' Dw2 U' L' Lw R' U' Bw Dw L2 B Uw2 Lw2 D Lw2 Dw2 Uw U L Lw2 R' Fw2 Lw2 F' Lw' U' L D R' D Dw2 U2 Fw' F D' Dw Lw F' Uw2 Fw' Dw' F2
3. D2 Uw2 L2 D' Dw Uw' U F L2 D' Dw Uw' U' B' R U L' D Uw2 U2 R' F' Uw2 F Uw' U B Bw Lw Bw2 Fw' F' Uw2 L' R2 B2 Fw2 D2 Uw U B2 Bw' Fw2 F' Lw' B' L R Fw Rw B Uw2 Rw R' B Uw Bw2 Fw Lw D
4. D L Bw Fw' F' L2 Rw R U2 Rw' U R2 U2 B2 Lw' Dw' Fw L' D Bw Rw2 R2 U2 B2 F2 Rw2 F2 U Rw' F R Dw2 Uw' U R2 Dw L' Rw' Dw2 U Lw2 F Lw Uw Bw' Lw D2 Dw L Bw' R2 B' Fw2 Dw2 Uw' B2 Fw' F' Dw' Uw
5. Lw Bw Fw Dw' U B2 Rw F2 Lw' Rw' D' Dw2 Rw' R' U2 Rw B Bw2 U R2 Bw Rw' B Bw' Fw' F2 Lw Dw Bw' L' D2 R Fw' F2 R' B' Bw2 D Lw2 Uw' Bw Fw' Dw2 Uw2 Lw2 B Bw Fw2 F' U2 F D' B' Dw' Fw' L' Bw Uw U' B2

1. 3R U 3F2 2L B 2B F 2U2 U L' 3R' 3U' 2B 3R' 2R' R B 2B2 3F2 3R D2 2D 2B' 3F 3R' 3F2 F D2 2U 2L' 3R 2F2 L2 R' 3U B' 2F2 U' 2R2 2B' 3R' 3U2 2R D U2 L' D 3U' 2R 3F 3U2 B' 2B' 3F' 2F F2 L2 2L2 3F2 2F' U 3R' 2R2 3U2 2B 3U' U2 R' 3F 3U2 L 3F' D 3U2 2L' B' 2F2 F 2U' 2F2
2. 2B 2D' U' B' 3U2 3F' 3U 3F2 D2 3F 2F2 F D' 3F 2F R 3U' B 2F U2 F2 3R 2F2 2D2 3U' L 2L R2 3U R' 3F' 2D' R 3F' D2 2R2 D2 2B 3F' F 2L' 3F F 2L' D' 2U' F' L 2L R 3U' F' 2L2 3R2 2D2 3U U 3F2 2L' 3R 2R' 3U' L 2F' R D' 3R' 2D' B 2F F D' U' 2R2 D2 2D2 3U2 U B' R'
3. L 2L' R 2B 2R' B2 2L2 R' U2 F 2R2 R D2 2D2 L2 3R' R 3U2 3R B2 2L' 2U' R B 3R' 3U' 2U' F 3U' 3F U L 3R' R' 2D 2L2 2R' F' L 2B 2F' 3R 2R 2D 2U2 R2 2B2 F 2L 2F L2 R' 2B D 2D' U' 3F 2L' 3R U' 2R' 2D2 3R 3U2 L B 2L2 3U' 2U2 2B2 D R 3F' 2D2 2F' 3R B2 2U' F D'
4. 3U2 U 2B 2F' U' B' 3F' 2R 2D 2U 2F 3R' 3F' 2F2 F' 2L2 2U' B 3U' L2 2R U2 3R' B R' B 2B D' 2U' U' 2L 2B2 2U2 U B' 2B' 3F2 2F2 2R2 R2 2F' 3R 2F' 2D 3F2 3R 2R 2F 3U2 2U 2B' 2R D 2U L R' U L' 2L' 3R 2R' 2B' 3R' 2R' 2D' 2U2 3F' L' 2L 3R 2R 2F' 3U2 2B 3U' 2B 2R' 2B' R' F'
5. 2D2 2U' L2 3R2 2D2 U 2L' 3R' 2R' 2D' 3F2 L' D 2L' 3R 2F2 3R F2 D' 2U' 2L 3U B 2B 2F 2R' 3F2 2U 3R2 2B 2D2 2U' R' 2B F' 2D U B2 2F2 R2 F2 L 3U2 3F2 F U2 2F2 F' 3U' L' 2L 3F2 2L' 3R 2R D2 3U2 2U2 2F' 3U2 L 3R2 2R2 D 3U2 U 2B2 L 2L2 2D 2L' 3R2 2R2 3U U' 2B2 2F 3U2 2U2 U2

1. 2B' 3F2 F' 2U U 3L 3R 2R' R' D2 R' D2 3B2 3R 3U 2R D2 F D' 3U 3B2 F 2L2 B2 R' 2U' 3F2 2F F' 2L2 3R2 2B 2U' 3R D 2U' 2L2 3D B 3D2 3U 2L' B2 2B 2D2 3D2 2R' 3B 2F 2L2 R2 2D2 L2 3R R2 3U' 3F 2L 3D' R 2D 2L' 3B2 3F' 3D' B' D 2D2 3B2 F' 2U2 3F2 3U' B' 3B 3F 2F' 2D' 3R B' 2L 3L' R 2B' 2F2 3L2 3R 2R 2B' 3B 3D 3L2 U 2F 3D2 3U2 2L' B2 3B2 3R
2. U L' D' 3L 3D' U 2L R2 2D B' L2 3L' 3F' 3L2 2B2 3F' R U 2F' D 2L 2B2 3B2 L' 2L' 3L' 2R' R2 3D' 3U2 3F2 3U 2U' 3F2 F' 2D2 R B 3B2 2F2 L U' F' 2L 3L2 2R2 2B' 3F' F 2U 2R 3B2 D' 3B R' 2F 2R2 D2 3U 2F D 2D' 3U' B 3U' F' 3R R2 3U F2 3D2 3U2 B2 F' 2R' R' 3F' D2 2U' U 2L 3D2 3R B 2F' F2 R 3U2 2R' B 3B' 2F2 F2 U2 F' 3R2 2R' D' 3L' D
3. 3B' 2F' 3L' 2B 3D L B 2R2 U 3F 3R2 R' 3F2 2D2 3U' 2U' U 2R' 2U2 2R2 3D 2R2 B2 2D 3D2 3U' 3B2 2R R2 B D 2D' 3F' 2R U 2L2 3R2 2R U 2R' 2D2 3D2 3U2 U 3B' 2F 3D2 2L 3R' 3D' L2 F 2L2 3L 3R2 2R2 3F' 3D' L' 3L U' 3L' 2B 2L U 2B' 3B2 F' L 3R2 D 2D2 3R2 R2 D2 U' B D' 2U2 3B2 3R2 R 2D' 3D U2 L' 2D 2F' U2 2L 2D' B 2L2 3L' R2 3B2 2F2 2L 3B U
4. 2L' 3R' 2R R 2B 2U2 R2 3B2 F2 2D 3U' 2R' 3D' L' D' 3R2 D2 2D' 2U' U' L' 2L 3L' 2R2 B 2B' 3B 3F2 2L2 B' L 2F2 2D' 2U2 2L2 3L2 2R2 2B 3R 3F' 3U' 2L 2B' R2 U2 F' 3L' R2 B 2D2 3B2 2D2 U R' 2D' L2 3L2 U 3R B2 2F' 3R 2D 3D B2 2D U 3F2 2F2 F 2D B2 F2 3R2 B2 2F' D' 2L2 3L' 2R2 2D2 2B' 2F2 2D2 3D2 2L' 3R2 2R 3B 3R' U2 2F2 L 3R' 3U' 2R' D2 3D R' U2
5. D B' 3U L2 2L' B F2 U L2 3U2 2L2 2D 3D' 2U 3R' B 2B2 2F 3U2 2U 3F 3U 3R B' 2U' 3L U L' 2L2 3L 3R 2R2 D' 2F2 2L' D 2R2 3B2 3F2 3L2 R 3U2 2B2 3B L' 2U2 2B' 3B' 3U2 3F' 2D' 3B2 U2 2F2 2U' 2R2 2B' F' 2D2 3L' 3B2 2F F' 3U' 3R2 3B' F2 L 2U2 2R' R' 3U2 3R' 3D F2 3L' 2B' 2F2 F 2R2 2B' F2 D' 2D2 B2 3L' D' U2 2R F 2L 3B F' 2L' 2F2 D' 2R2 3B 3R' 2R2

2x2x2 Blindfolded
1. B2 R' U' F R F' U' L2 D' F L2 D2 B' U' L U' L B' L2 U' L' D2 F2 U B'
2. F' D L' D F' L2 F' D2 L2 D' B2 L2 D L' F2 L U' L B2 L B2 U2 B' U F
3. B2 R D L' D2 F2 U F2 U2 B' D2 R B2 U F2 U2 L' D2 B2 U' L2 U R B' R'

3x3x3 Blindfolded
1. B2 R' F2 U2 L U2 R2 F2 D2 B2 U B U R2 D' U B2 L' F2 U' F (21f)
2. L R2 B2 L2 R U2 B2 R' B2 R F' R' F2 U L2 B' D' R2 F2 D B2 (21f)
3. F2 R2 U2 F2 R2 U B2 D' R2 D L2 B2 R' B2 D2 R' B' U R' F D' (21f)

4x4x4 Blindfolded
1. D2 Uw U2 L2 Rw B2 Uw2 U' Rw2 R' B2 Uw F L' Rw2 R2 D2 F' Rw' Fw2 D2 Uw U L2 Rw' R Fw2 F2 R B2 D Rw' R2 Fw' L Rw R' Uw2 U' Fw'
2. Fw' D Uw2 B D' L2 Rw' F2 U2 L Fw R2 D' Uw L2 Fw Rw' D Uw U F U B' Uw' Rw' D2 Fw2 L Rw2 R Fw L R U2 L B' Uw' Fw2 F2 D'
3. Uw' Rw' B2 F D F2 L D' B' F U R' D Fw2 Rw' D Uw' U2 L2 R B2 Fw F2 Rw R' F' L' F D' Rw' B Fw' F' Uw2 U B F' L' Fw F

5x5x5 Blindfolded
1. Bw' Lw Dw Lw Bw F2 L' B F L' Dw Uw2 U B' Uw2 Fw2 Lw2 Fw' Dw' Uw2 U' Rw2 D Fw D2 Bw F' Lw2 Rw Fw' Uw2 L Rw R Bw' Uw F R' Bw2 L' Lw2 Rw' R' D' Uw2 B2 Uw L2 D2 R B2 Bw2 F Lw2 R' F' Lw B' L' Uw
2. L2 B' R2 Bw R' Dw2 Uw' U' Bw2 Lw Rw' D' B Fw' R' Bw' Fw' F' R2 Bw' Rw' D' Rw' B2 Bw Uw Lw Fw2 R' D' Dw R' F2 Rw2 D Fw' D' Uw F' L Lw R2 U' B2 Bw2 Fw' F2 Dw' B' Lw2 R2 D' Lw D' Dw Uw2 U' F Rw2 R
3. Rw2 F' Rw' Dw U Fw Dw L B2 Bw' L Lw2 B Bw Fw2 F2 Lw2 Rw2 R B2 D R2 U B Bw2 Fw2 F2 U Bw F' Rw' R' Uw L' Lw' Rw' R U' Bw2 Fw2 F' Rw Fw' L' Lw' Rw R2 D2 F' D' Dw' Rw2 Bw L Rw' R' Bw2 R2 D Rw2

6x6x6 Blindfolded You don't have to do all 3 scrambles!
1. 3U2 2U2 U2 L2 2L2 2R' R2 B2 2F2 R2 U2 2B2 3U2 U B' L2 2D' 3U 3R' 2R' 2U' 2L' R2 D B' 3F' 2R' B L2 2L' 3U F' 2L' 3F D 2F2 L2 2R' D B2 2R B' 2U B2 2R2 F D' 2D' 3U' 2U U2 L 2R' 2U2 2B 2L2 B 2D' 3U2 2U' 3F' 2R R 3F 2F' F' D' 2U R2 2B 3F2 2U2 F2 3U' 2B2 3R 3U' L 2B' 2D2
2. L2 2L2 3R2 R' 3F 2F2 2U' L B F' 2D 3R R 2U 2B2 2D2 F2 2L' U L2 2R 3F' 2R' B2 D2 R B 2U2 3F2 2D2 2U' R' 3U 2L2 3R' F' 2L R' F' 2L 2R' B 2R' D 3U2 2U 2R' B2 2B2 3F2 2F F D 3U' U L' 2D2 L2 2B 2U2 3R2 2U L' 2R B2 3F' 2F F' 3R2 R F 2R' 2B 2F2 2D2 U R2 3F2 2R2 R
3. L' 2L R' U L2 R' 3F2 2F F' 2D 2U2 2L2 2B F' U' F D' 2D2 3F F' 2D' 2U' U2 L 3R R' 2B' D U' B' D2 3F 2F2 F 3R 2R 2B' 2R2 B2 2L' 3R2 R2 3U' 3R' 2D 2U U2 B 3F2 L2 2L' 3R' R2 B 2B2 3F' D R2 2D' 3F U 2F 3U' B 2F' F 2L 2R' R2 B2 2B' 3F' 2F2 F2 3U 3R B2 3F' 2F F

7x7x7 Blindfolded You don't have to do all 3 scrambles!
1. L2 2L 2D F D2 2R B' 3B' 3F 3L' 3F' 2F2 F2 3D2 2F2 L B2 D' U2 2F L' 3R 2D2 3F D' 2R2 2B' 3B F 2R' 2F' F2 3D' U2 2L2 3R2 2R' 3D2 2B' R' F 2U' U' 2F D' 2U2 U 2B 2R2 2D' L 3R 2R' R U2 3B 2L' 3R D' 2D 3D2 2U2 3R2 2D' 3F' 3L' 2R2 B2 3F 2L 3R 2R' B2 3F' 2F2 2U 2L' 3L2 2R2 D' 3U 3L 3R' D' 2L' 2D2 2R D' B' 2D2 3D2 U' B2 2F 3D2 3U F D U2 3B
2. D2 3D' 3F' 3R 2U2 L2 D' L 2L2 3B' 2R2 2D2 L' D2 3D 2U2 2R2 3F F2 L2 D2 3U2 2U2 2F' 2D L 3R 2U' U' B' 2L' D' 2B' F2 2L2 2B2 R' 3B' 2R 2B' D' 3L 3F2 3L2 2F2 F' 3U' 2B' 3B2 3F' 2F2 L 3R2 3U 3L' 3F' 3L' 3R 3F' U2 3L' 2F2 F2 U2 L 2D 3B2 R2 D 3D' 3U 3F 2F2 3L 2D2 L 2B' 3B2 F2 3R2 2R R2 3F 3R2 3B2 3U 2L2 R' 3F2 3R2 3B 3R 2U2 2L 2R' R' 2F2 D' 3U F2
3. L' R2 B2 2L D2 2L' 3L' 3D' L2 B' 2L2 R2 U 2L2 2R 2B2 3L' 2B' 2D' L2 2R' 3F2 F 2R F2 2R R2 B 2R 3U' 2R 3B' F2 L' 2U' 3R' 2R 3U' 2R' 3F' L2 2D' L 3B' 3R' 2B D2 3D' R2 B2 3R2 3B2 F2 3R2 3D2 2R 2B 3F' U' 3L B2 2F2 2U2 B 3B 3L2 2R D 2D2 3D 2F2 D' 3U 2F D 3R 3F 3L2 3R' R D2 3U2 2B' 3U2 2U R2 2B' 2F L' 2L 3R 2R2 2U' 3R2 2F L 3F 3R' 2B' 2R

3x3x3 Multiple Blindfolded
1. L2 B2 D2 F2 D2 L2 R B2 U2 L' B D U B' D' L' D2 B' F2 U2 L (21f)
2. R2 U2 L2 U2 F2 D' F2 R2 B2 L2 U' L2 U L' F' D' B U2 L R2 F2 (21f)
3. F2 D2 B' U2 L2 F2 R2 U2 F2 U R' B L' U2 L' F' L' D2 R F' (20f)
4. D2 L F2 L2 U2 B2 U2 R2 F2 R B L' B' U' B' U2 L B2 U2 L F (21f)
5. B2 R2 U' B2 L2 U' B2 D2 B2 U B2 R' D R' U' F' D R D' U L2 (21f)
6. B2 R' D2 L2 B2 F2 L' U2 L' R U' R2 D' L' B F' D' L U' B (20f)
7. D2 L2 F2 L' B2 D2 R' D2 U2 L2 U R' U R2 F' D' F U2 F' R2 (20f)
8. B' U2 L2 R2 F R2 U2 L2 D2 U' L' B2 R2 D' B2 F' L' R F U F (21f)
9. D L2 B2 L2 D' R2 D' L2 R2 D2 F' D' R U R D2 U B R' F2 D' (21f)
10. U2 R' D2 U2 R D2 L' U2 R' U2 L2 U B' D' L2 F D' B R' U2 R2 (21f)
11. R2 F' L2 B' L2 F R2 F2 D2 L' U2 R' F' L2 D L' U B2 R' U' F' (21f)
12. B L2 R2 B' L2 F D2 B L2 F2 L F' L U' B2 F' D2 U2 L' F2 U' (21f)
13. D2 L2 F2 D' R2 U B2 U' B2 F2 L R F L2 U R2 B' L F (19f)
14. D2 F2 D2 F2 U2 F2 L' U2 L2 F2 R2 D' L2 D' R' B D' B2 F2 U2 (20f)
15. U B2 D' U' R2 F2 L2 F2 D B2 F2 R F' R2 F' U F2 D' R' B' (20f)

3x3x3 One Handed
1. U' F2 D2 B2 L2 F2 U' L2 U2 R2 U' B' R B2 U' B2 D' L D' F U2 (21f)
2. F2 L' D2 L B2 L2 F2 D2 L' U2 R' U' L D' U B' D' U F' D' R2 (21f)
3. R' U2 R' B2 L U2 R F2 D2 L2 R' F' L2 R' D' F2 U F2 D' B2 U2 (21f)
4. R2 D' B2 U' B2 R2 B2 L2 D2 L2 U2 L' B R D R' F2 D F R D2 (21f)
5. D2 R' U2 R D2 R' B2 F2 R' D2 F2 D B R2 F' L F' U' B2 R2 F' (21f)

3x3x3 With Feet
1. R2 D L2 R2 B2 U' B2 U' L2 F2 L D B' D L U2 B L R2 D (20f)
2. D2 B2 R2 D2 L B2 L2 R F2 L' R' B' U' R B2 L' D2 R' F R' D' (21f)
3. F2 D' B2 R2 U B2 D' R2 D B' F2 L2 F' U' B L B' R2 D2 (19f)
4. D2 R2 D2 F2 D2 R B2 D2 U R2 F L U F R2 U R U2 R' F' (20f)
5. F' R2 F L2 F' D2 B2 D2 R2 D2 U' F2 D' B R' U' F' D' R' B F (21f)

3x3x3 Match the scramble
1. R2 B2 F2 U L2 D' U2 L2 U F2 D' L' R' U F' R' D L2 F D2 U (21f)
2. R2 F2 L2 F L2 R2 B2 D2 B' D2 B' R U F2 U2 L' D U' R U2 B' (21f)
3. B2 F2 U2 L2 F2 L' B2 R2 F2 R' D' L' D2 R' F R' U2 L' B' L F' (21f)
4. D2 R U2 R' U2 R' B2 R2 F2 D2 F' U R U' F' R F' D' F' (19f)
5. F2 R2 F2 U' R2 B2 D2 U F2 D R F2 U R F' U' L2 D B2 L2 U2 (21f)

3x3x3 Fewest Moves
1. L F2 L' U2 L2 U2 F2 R2 B2 F2 D R' B2 L' B D' L2 F' R' D' F2 (21f)

4x4x4 Fewest Moves Only experimental so if you want this to become regular, start submitting your solutions
1. L F Uw L' Uw2 Rw' D Rw2 R B2 F' L' R2 D2 B Uw B Fw L' B2 F2 D2 Uw' R F2 U2 L Fw' U Rw' Uw' Fw D' Uw L B' Fw2 F D' Uw2

2x2x2 + 3x3x3 + 4x4x4 Relay
2. D B R2 B2 U F L' U' B' U L B2 D L F2 R' U' R2 U L2 B2 L2 U' F2 U
3. L2 U' R2 F2 D' R2 D B2 F2 U2 R' U2 B U2 B D2 R' B' L' R' (20f)
4. U' R' B D' U2 B2 Fw2 R F' Rw' B D2 Rw' D' Uw U Rw' Fw' F D' F2 R2 Uw F2 D' Uw B Fw F' U2 L2 B2 R' B2 Rw R D2 B R2 F'

2x2x2 + 3x3x3 + 4x4x4 + 5x5x5 Relay
2. L2 U' L2 U2 R' B R2 F2 L2 F' R2 U2 R' F2 L' F U B U' F2 D' R B' D2 R'
3. R2 D R2 F2 D' U B2 U2 F' D2 U' R2 F U2 B L B2 R2 (18f)
4. D' Uw' L2 R' Uw' F D2 Uw2 L2 F' U' L D' Uw2 L' B' Fw' L2 Rw R Uw2 L Uw2 U2 B2 Fw' Uw U Rw2 R B F' R2 B' Fw F D2 B Uw' Fw
5. Lw2 U Rw' R' D' Fw2 D Dw2 Lw2 Bw2 U F2 D Dw Uw' U' F Lw Fw' D' R2 Bw2 D2 Dw2 Uw' U2 B2 L2 Lw' Rw R' U Rw Bw U2 Lw' F D' B' F' D2 Dw2 Uw U2 Rw2 R' B2 R Uw U2 B2 D' U' R2 Dw2 Uw2 L' Dw' Lw' Uw

2x2x2 + 3x3x3 + 4x4x4 + 5x5x5 + 6x6x6 Relay
2. F U L2 U2 R B U' B L' U F2 U B2 D' F R U' F' U L2 F L2 D2 B L'
3. B2 R2 F2 U2 F2 U2 R D2 F2 L' B D2 B L R' F' L2 U F' R D' (21f)
4. D U R' Uw2 B' Fw' F' D Uw2 Rw' Fw' F' D' Uw' U2 Fw' Rw B' Fw' Rw' D L' B Uw' Rw2 B D' F' R' B F L Rw' B F2 L' Uw' B' Uw U
5. R' Bw2 Fw Lw Bw' Dw' Rw U Rw2 R' Bw Fw2 D' Dw' Uw' R2 D Dw Bw' Dw Fw Uw' L2 Lw B Fw' F' D' F2 D2 Uw2 Bw2 L2 Rw2 F2 U2 B' Bw' F' D Fw' F' Dw2 Rw2 R2 D2 B2 Fw' F' U2 R U2 Fw D2 Dw Uw' U' L' Lw' Uw2
6. B2 2D U2 2B D L2 B' 2B 3F2 2F F' L' 2L2 B' L2 3U' 2U2 2R' B 2B2 3F' L B L2 2L 3R' B' L' 3R 2R2 B2 2F2 2R' D2 2D 3F' 3U 2R' R' D 3U' 2U L' 3R' 2R2 R' B U 2L' F2 D2 2D2 2U' U' 2F2 2U F' 2D' L2 2L 3R' 2R2 R' 3F' 2F2 2L2 2R2 2U2 3F' D' 2B F' D2 U2 2B' R 2D 2L2 D' 3U'

2x2x2 + 3x3x3 + 4x4x4 + 5x5x5 + 6x6x6 + 7x7x7 Relay
2. F U2 L D B2 L' D F' L2 D2 R B' L' F' D' F L U L F D' L B' D F
3. D2 F2 R' B2 L' B2 D2 F2 L' D2 F2 R' U B' U2 L' R2 F' U' F D' (21f)
4. B Fw2 F R' Fw2 F' R2 Uw' R' D2 Uw' L B2 D U' L2 Rw' R' B' Fw' F' R' Fw R2 D Uw' U' B2 Fw U B2 F' D L2 Uw2 U2 Rw B' U2 B2
5. Lw2 Rw D' U2 B' F Lw2 Rw R Dw' U2 R2 Uw B2 Bw' R D2 Bw' L Dw2 U' Lw Uw2 U2 Rw2 Uw' R Bw' Lw Bw U' B2 Bw2 F2 Lw2 Dw2 B2 Dw L Bw2 Fw F Dw Rw2 Bw F2 U' Lw2 Dw2 R U Rw2 Fw Uw' R B Dw B D U'
6. B' 3F U' 3R2 D' 3R' 3F' D2 R2 2D' 3U 2B 2F2 2U 2F F' D B' 2B' 3F2 2F2 F' U' 3R2 R 2B 2L 3R' 2U2 R2 2D' 2R' R' 2B2 F' 2U 2F' R2 3U2 2F2 R2 B 2U2 L' 2L2 3R2 2R R2 D2 2U F2 3R 2R R' F2 L 2R2 B U2 2F2 2R2 2U L2 R2 B 2B' 3F 2F2 3R 2U' 2L' D' 2D 3U' 2F' D U' 3R' 2F2 2L'
7. L' 3F F' 2D' 2F2 2D2 3D' 2U2 U' 2B F R2 2B R2 D2 U2 2L 2D' 3D 3U2 2B' 2D' 3B 2D 2U' 2B 3D 2R 3D' 2B' F2 U' 3B 3R R 2F 2D 3U2 B' 3B 2F' R2 3D' R 3U' 2R2 2U R2 U2 2B' F2 2D2 2U2 3F' 2F 2L 2D 2U2 2F2 2D2 2U2 2R 3F2 L' 2L F2 L 3R2 B2 3F 3L' B' 2L' D U 3L' 3R' 3B 3R 3B' F2 3D2 2B 3B2 D' 3L2 2R' 3B 2D B2 2B2 D 3D 2U' L 3L' 2R2 2B' 3B' D'

Magic (Just do 5 solves)

Master Magic (Just do 5 solves)

Snake (Just do 5 solves)

1. UUdd u=0,d=4 / dUdU u=-4,d=-2 / ddUU u=-2,d=6 / UdUd u=4,d=-4 / dUUU u=1 / UdUU u=-3 / UUUd u=2 / UUdU u=-3 / UUUU u=4 / dddd d=0 / UUdU
2. UUdd u=2,d=-4 / dUdU u=6,d=5 / ddUU u=-3,d=4 / UdUd u=3,d=-2 / dUUU u=2 / UdUU u=0 / UUUd u=1 / UUdU u=-3 / UUUU u=-1 / dddd d=-1 / UdUU
3. UUdd u=-1,d=-2 / dUdU u=-1,d=3 / ddUU u=2,d=3 / UdUd u=-1,d=-1 / dUUU u=-3 / UdUU u=-5 / UUUd u=-5 / UUdU u=1 / UUUU u=5 / dddd d=4 / dUdd
4. UUdd u=2,d=-2 / dUdU u=4,d=-5 / ddUU u=3,d=-5 / UdUd u=2,d=-4 / dUUU u=-5 / UdUU u=5 / UUUd u=-4 / UUdU u=3 / UUUU u=6 / dddd d=3 / UUdU
5. UUdd u=3,d=4 / dUdU u=2,d=5 / ddUU u=-3,d=6 / UdUd u=3,d=-3 / dUUU u=3 / UdUU u=6 / UUUd u=-1 / UUdU u=5 / UUUU u=0 / dddd d=-4 / UUdd

1. R-- D-- R-- D-- R++ D-- R-- D++ R-- D++ U
R++ D++ R++ D-- R-- D++ R++ D-- R++ D++ U
R++ D++ R-- D-- R-- D-- R++ D++ R-- D-- U'
R-- D-- R-- D++ R-- D-- R++ D++ R++ D-- U'
R++ D-- R++ D++ R++ D++ R-- D-- R-- D-- U'
R-- D-- R-- D++ R++ D-- R-- D++ R++ D++ U
R-- D++ R++ D-- R++ D++ R++ D-- R-- D++ U
2. R++ D++ R++ D-- R++ D-- R-- D++ R++ D++ U
R++ D-- R-- D-- R-- D++ R++ D-- R++ D-- U'
R++ D++ R++ D++ R++ D-- R-- D++ R++ D-- U'
R++ D-- R-- D++ R-- D-- R-- D++ R++ D++ U
R++ D++ R++ D-- R-- D++ R++ D++ R-- D++ U
R++ D-- R++ D++ R-- D-- R-- D-- R++ D-- U'
R-- D-- R++ D++ R-- D-- R++ D++ R++ D-- U'
3. R++ D++ R++ D-- R++ D-- R++ D++ R-- D-- U'
R++ D++ R-- D-- R-- D-- R-- D++ R++ D-- U'
R++ D++ R-- D++ R++ D++ R-- D++ R++ D-- U'
R-- D++ R++ D-- R++ D-- R-- D-- R++ D++ U
R-- D++ R++ D-- R-- D-- R++ D-- R++ D++ U
R++ D++ R++ D++ R-- D-- R++ D++ R-- D-- U'
R++ D-- R++ D++ R-- D-- R++ D-- R-- D++ U
4. R-- D++ R-- D++ R++ D++ R++ D-- R-- D-- U'
R-- D++ R++ D-- R++ D++ R-- D++ R++ D++ U
R++ D-- R++ D-- R-- D-- R-- D++ R++ D++ U
R-- D++ R-- D++ R-- D-- R++ D++ R-- D-- U'
R-- D-- R++ D++ R-- D++ R-- D++ R-- D++ U
R++ D++ R-- D-- R-- D-- R-- D-- R++ D-- U'
R++ D++ R++ D++ R-- D++ R-- D-- R-- D-- U'
5. R++ D++ R++ D++ R-- D-- R++ D-- R-- D++ U
R++ D-- R++ D++ R++ D-- R-- D++ R++ D-- U'
R++ D-- R++ D++ R-- D-- R-- D++ R-- D++ U
R++ D-- R++ D++ R-- D++ R++ D++ R++ D-- U'
R-- D++ R-- D++ R-- D-- R-- D++ R-- D++ U
R++ D-- R-- D-- R++ D-- R++ D++ R++ D-- U'
R++ D-- R-- D++ R-- D++ R++ D++ R++ D-- U'

1. l' b' u' U R U R' U' R' B' U' R B U B L U R' U' L R' U B L' U
2. l r b' U' R B L' U R B' U' L B' L' B' U L' R U' L' U' B U B L
3. l r b' u' U' R U B R L R B R B' R' L R B' L' U' R' L' U' B' R'
4. l' b' B' L' B L' R B U' B R U L' B' R' B' L R B U B' U B' U' L'
5. l' b u' B' L' R L U' L U' R' U' R' L' U' R' U' B R' L' B' L' U R' L'

1. (6,5) (-5,1) (-1,5) (4,3) (3,3) (-3,1) (5,5) (6,4) (-3,0) (0,3) (0,3) (3,2) (1,0) (0,2) (4,4)
2. (-2,2) (0,-3) (0,3) (6,0) (0,3) (0,3) (-3,3) (1,5) (2,0) (-1,4) (6,0) (0,2) (0,5) (3,2) (-4,2) (6,2) (-3,0)
3. (0,-4) (0,6) (4,4) (0,3) (0,5) (0,3) (0,3) (6,2) (0,2) (-2,0) (1,0) (5,0) (-5,2) (0,5) (6,1) (6,2) (6,3)
4. (6,2) (0,3) (1,0) (0,3) (3,3) (3,3) (2,3) (2,1) (0,2) (-2,3) (-2,5) (0,5) (4,0) (3,0) (0,5) (-2,4)
5. (1,-3) (0,-4) (-3,0) (3,3) (0,3) (0,3) (-1,3) (3,0) (0,3) (6,1) (0,4) (0,1) (6,2) (6,0) (6,4) (0,2) (-3,4)

Mike Hughey

Staff member
Jun 7, 2007
SS Competition Results
Visit Channel
Looks like beginning next week, I will be doing "worst 3 of 4" averages on megaminx, 6x6x6, and 7x7x7 every week. The fifth one will be used for a BLD solve. Oh well, it's nice because it cuts out over 15 minutes of cubing per week. (One 6x6x6 and one 7x7x7 speedsolve per week, including scramble time.) Unless I can convince 8 other people to try 6x6x6 and 7x7x7 BLD this week. :)

On the bright side, maybe this means I can go back to doing all the solves every week again? (Since it won't be much more than what I'm already doing.)


Peter V:

2x2x2: 14.29, 12.01, (11.14), 11.70, (15.79) = 12.67 avg.
Comment: I seem to be improving in this event.

3x3x3: 34.46, 29.49, 31.86, (34.88), (24.30) = 31.94 avg.
Comment: Average solves, except for the sub-25 (almost a PB!)

4x4x4: (2:49.56 (P)), 3:32.15, (3:50.54 (OP)), 3:38.14 (OP), 3:21.96 = 3:30.75 avg.
Comment: Yeah, I need to work on this puzzle, but it's still a lot of fun.

2-4 Relay: 4:01.38 (P)
Comment: It was fun.
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Dec 18, 2008
Visit Channel
37.07, 37.35, 36.87, 39.16, 38.07 = 37.5
COMMENT: Pretty good, I'm getting more and more sub-40 averages now.
3x3x3 BLD:
1.58, 1.68, 1.45, 1.62, 2.16 = 1.63

I'm going to try to do all of these, although usually I only get one or two done.
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Not A Moderator
Mar 11, 2008
Waterloo, ON, Canada
Visit Channel
3x3x3: 13.82
13.93, 13.40, (14.27), 14.25, (13.11)
easy scrambles o_O
3x3x3 OH: 29.72
(32.10), 29.21, 29.39, (28.97), 30.55
sub-30 is always nice :)
3x3x3 BLD: 1:51.51
(DNF)[2:37.60, 4 edges wrong], 1:51.51, 2:32.66
I really liked the 2nd scramble's CO
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Premium Member
Jul 6, 2006
Rotterdam (actually Capelle aan den IJssel), the N
Visit Channel
Including Warmup solves
2x2x2: 9.83 8.27 9.27 7.22 9.83 10.53 7.00 8.97 7.59 8.71 7.94 8.78 = 8.64
3x3x3: 24.18 19.58 22.25 25.81 22.91 21.84 21.33 25.25 26.38 23.16 21.69 17.80 = 22.80
4x4x4: 1:28.05 1:23.15 1:37.38 1:27.34 1:32.03 1:31.80 1:36.30 1:27.90 1:36.18 1:18.33 1:08.61 1:36.55 = 1:29.76
5x5x5: 2:33.50 2:08.81 2:30.69 2:28.31 2:23.61 4:16.75 2:35.00 2:08.18 3:18.09 2:29.71 2:35.02 = 2:33.64
6x6x6: 4:59.16 5:07.61 5:07.18 5:35.47 4:45.68 4:31.34 4:54.02 5:41.27 5:28.86 4:48.28 5:03.83 6:03.83 = 5:09.14
7x7x7: 7:35.77 7:26.80 7:36.25 7:39.46 7:04.41 7:10.52 7:04.47 7:35.63 7:26.90 6:35.69 7:11.75 7:49.77 = 7:23.20
3x3x3_oh: 47,38 36.16 34.25 44.68 49.50 53.50 39.36 46.72 54.72 47.68 45.31 36.72 = 44.70
3x3x3_match: 1:07.96 DNF 1:34.88 DNF 1:11.86 DNF 1:17.18 1:06.78 1:14.65 1:10.61 1:15.02 1:03.53 = DNF
Magic: 2.15 2.78 2.08 2.77 2.71 3.21 1.96 1.91 1.71 3.30 1.72 DNF = 2.46
Master Magic: 4.88 5.52 5.38 5.27 6.47 5.91 6.05 4.50 7.41 4.66 5.83 5.58 = 5.56
Clock: 19.69 14.72 19.94 22.40 19.27 13.90 26.68 16.18 19.34 14.71 16.46 17.16 = 17.99
MegaMinx: 3:16.75 2:54.06 3:12.86 2:57.41 2:56.50 3:26.55 3:07.69 4:01.43 2:42.06 2:50.09 2:46.53 3:02.93 = 3:03.14
PyraMinx: 18.59 13.88 21.97 20.72 14.83 13.81 14.61 18.38 17.36 14.21 11.81 18.90 = 16.53
Square-1: 59.88 1:21.97 48.25 1:22.68 1:05.52 1:16.15 1:12.91 1:16.94 1:08.46 1:23.19 1:19.71 56.72 = 1:12.09

Only the 5 real solves
2x2x2: 8.97 7.59 8.71 7.94 8.78 = 8.48
3x3x3: 25.25 26.38 23.16 21.69 17.80 = 23.37
4x4x4: 1:27.90 1:36.18 1:18.33 1:08.61 1:36.55 = 1:27.47
5x5x5: 2:08.18 3:18.09 2:29.71 2:35.02 = 2:32.37
6x6x6: 5:41.27 5:28.86 4:48.28 5:03.83 6:03.83 = 5:24.65
7x7x7: 7:35.63 7:26.90 6:35.69 7:11.75 7:49.77 = 7:24.76
2x2x2_bf: 58.88 39.78 DNF = 39.78
3x3x3_bf: DNF DNF DNF = DNF
3x3x3_oh: 46.72 54.72 47.68 45.31 36.72 = 46.57
3x3x3_match: 1:06.78 1:14.65 1:10.61 1:15.02 1:03.53 = 1:10.68
234-Relay: 2:05.86
2345-Relay: 4:14.46
23456-Relay: 9:37.05
234567-Relay: 16:19.28
Magic: 1.91 1.71 3.30 1.72 DNF = 2.31
Master Magic: 4.50 7.41 4.66 5.83 5.58 = 5.36
Clock: 16.18 19.34 14.71 16.46 17.16 = 16.60
MegaMinx: 4:01.43 2:42.06 2:50.09 2:46.53 3:02.93 = 2:53.18
PyraMinx: 18.38 17.36 14.21 11.81 18.90 = 16.65
Square-1: 1:16.94 1:08.46 1:23.19 1:19.71 56.72 = 1:15.04

Time to do a power-nap and go to work

My 5,6,7 are now really ready to be replaced. For some reason they are ok for relays though. At least I can finally do MegaMinx sub 3 on average
Apr 29, 2008
Almelo, Holland
Visit Channel
Looks like beginning next week, I will be doing "worst 3 of 4" averages on megaminx, 6x6x6, and 7x7x7 every week. The fifth one will be used for a BLD solve. Oh well, it's nice because it cuts out over 15 minutes of cubing per week. (One 6x6x6 and one 7x7x7 speedsolve per week, including scramble time.) Unless I can convince 8 other people to try 6x6x6 and 7x7x7 BLD this week. :)

On the bright side, maybe this means I can go back to doing all the solves every week again? (Since it won't be much more than what I'm already doing.)
Come on everybody, do it for Mike!!


2x2: 7.38 6.58 6.90 (7.54) 6.42 = 6.95
comment: SUB-7 FTW!

3x3: 19.54 (18.74) (20.34) 19.86 20.02 = 19.81
comment: very consistent. sub-20 AGAIN!

4x4: 1:30.64 (OP) 1:26.10 (O) 1:37.36 (1:21.18 (P)) (1:59.72 (OP) = 1:31.37
comment: so close to sub-90...

5x5: 2:26.36 (2:15.64) (2:28.18) 2:22.54 2:21.46 = 2:23.45
comment: YES! PB average (H)
P.S. Arnaud, would you just get a V5 now, PLEASE? STOP WITH THE RUBIK'S!

Megaminx: (3:40.64 POP) 2:36.90 (2:21.28) 2:45.28 2:23.64 = 2:35.27
comment: waiting for new megaminx from c4y, hoping to sub-2 at benelux open :D

234: 2:07.46
comment: why not sub-2???

2345: 4:36.18
comment: normal.

23456: 10:12.80
comment: happy that i didn't time that with a stackmat... next time it's sub-10!

3x3OH: 37.14 41.06 38.82 (43.26) (33.78) = 39.01
comment: sub-40 = :):D:eek:

3x3MTS: (1:36.82) 1:54.64 (2:23.10) 2:06.18 1:40.28 = 1:53.70
comment: waste of time. not going to do this again soon (because it's off the list next week :D)

3x3 BLD: 4:38.18 4:35.00 4:03.30 = 4:03.30
comment: Jeez, I WANT SUB-4!!!!!

2x2BLD: DNF 59.22 DNF = 59.22
comment: no centres is really confusing. At least I got a sub-60:D

LF'R'L'B preserving a pair and making cross on L
BR2B' solving preserved pair
RF'R2FRURU' solving another pair
FRF'R2FR'F' solving another pair
R'DR'D'RF'R'F solving the last pair
yx putting LL on top
y "AUF"
comment: did this in 10 minutes. I'm pretty content with the outcome.
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Sep 5, 2008
Visit Channel
2x2x2 6.64 7.35 7.84 8.05 7.96 avg:7.72
Getting slower and slower...
3x3x3 16.33 16.45 16.31 19.48 16.54 avg:16.44
The third was a OLL skip.
4x4x4 1:20.38(OP) 1:27.45(OP) 1:10.33 1:19.87(P) 1:11.43 avg:1:17.23
5x5x5 2:25.94 2:28.26 2:44.01 2:13.00 2:18.58 avg:2:24.26
6x6x6 5:19.73(OP) 4:22.22 4:48.15(P) 4:40.18(P) 4:47.41(P) avg:4:45.25
The first and the fourth popped. The second was a PLL skip.
7x7x7 7:37.40 7:19.57 7:22.37 7:13.58 7:41.46 avg:7:26.45
The first and the third popped.
2x2x2bld 1:12.57 28.59 1:14.83 best:28.59
The second was so easy.
3x3x3bld DNF 1:38.77 DNF best:1:38.77
I memorized EP wrong for the first scramble. The second couldn't be easier!
4x4x4bld 19:49.74 DNF DNF best:19:49.74
The first was my first sub-20 succeeded solve. The second took 18:6.02 with 2 corners misoriented and 2 centers swapped. It's my first sub-10 for memorization. About 8~9 minutes. The third was quite easy! But I did something wrong so it's messed up. Memorization took 8 minutes and 10 seconds or so. Total time was 18:14.26.
5x5x5bld 46:29.94 DNF DNF best:46:29.94
About 26~27 minutes to memorize for the first one. I made a lot of mistakes when memorizing the plus centers and the wings. No less than 7 minutes wasted:(. Actually I'm very tired now. I did a 4x4x4bld and a 3x3x3x3 bld today. And It's midnight now. The second took 44:8.02 and about 22 for memorization. I forgot the wings during the solve and wasted a lot of time to analyse and recall. I have to say, it's really noisy now, because It's the New Year's Eve today in China. Finally I got a few mistakes but seems turned something wrong at last and got a cube with only centers and edge-pairing correct. The third one has only 2 x-centers and 2 wings swapped. 44:15.15
6x6x6bld DNF
1:43:22.73 and about 58 min for memorization. I thought I had to do it for 2 to 3 hours. Corners are solved, 7 inner wings, 6 outer and a lot of center pieces wrong.
7x7x7bld DNF
2:35:4.50 and 93 min for memorization. I arranged 4 hours for this. It's amazing that I did it much "faster" than 6x6x6. I thought it would be 3 hours at least. Seems less centers wrong than 6x6x6. 8 inner wings and 12 outer wrong. 4 corners wrong permutated and 3 wrong oriented. 4 edges wrong permutated and 2 flipped. It's really a bad solve.
3x3x3multiBLD 2/3 16:24.88 1 point
The first one was messed up, I don't know why. It seems that I made one turn wrong.
3x3x3oh 37.99 27.58 34.62 36.37 39.80 avg:36.33
It's sooo cold. Bad.
3x3x3 with feet 3:18.81 2:27.35 3:4.31 2:40.89 4:19.72 avg:3:1.30
Very bad for me. I haven't practiced this for a long time. I have to practice for the coming Beijing Spring Open 2009. Many mistakes. I did PLL wrong on the last one.
3x3x3 match the scramble 1:53.07 1:35.46 2:13.16 1:38.16 1:24.31 avg:1:42.23
I made some mistakes on the third one.
3x3x3 FM 37 moves
Yes! It was my second attempt and I got a sub-40! Here are the details.
Scramble: L F2 L' U2 L2 U2 F2 R2 B2 F2 D R' B2 L' B D' L2 F' R' D' F2
I got two 42s and a 41 before the final solution.The final solution was amazing and I just CANNOT understand it!
Solution: F' R' B2 R2 B' R2 U2 F U2 F U F U R' U2 R U B U B' U' B' F R B R' F' L U2 L' U' L U' L2 U L U2
double x-cross: F' R' B2 R2 B' R2 U2 F U2 F U F (12)
3rd pair: U R' U2 R (4)
The steps following that came out by chance. I just tried to copy the state after the 16 moves from a solved cube and then I found it's shorter than my 2 solutions.
Now it's the way I copied the state.
4th F2L: U2 L' U' L (4)
COLL: L U L' U L U2 L' (7)
EOLL: F R B' R' F' B U B U' B' (U') (10+1)
After that I found it's EXACTLY the state. So, a short solution was found. There's cancellation between the 4th F2L and the COLL. The solution:
reverse of EOLL: U B U B' U' B' F R B R' F' (11)
reverse of COLL: L U2 L' U' L U' L' (7)
reverse of the 4th F2L: L' U L U2 (4)
So the whole solution takes 12+4+11+7+4-1=37 moves.
4x4x4FM 110 moves
Scramble: L F Uw L' Uw2 Rw' D Rw2 R B2 F' L' R2 D2 B Uw B Fw L' B2 F2 D2 Uw' R F2 U2 L Fw' U Rw' Uw' Fw D' Uw L B' Fw2 F D' Uw2
Solution: U' Rw2 Uw F' Uw' U L' Fw F' Dw F2 Dw' R' Fw' L' U2 R' D2 R U2 R' D2 Fw' L Fw2 L2 Fw L D Bw D2 Bw' F' U' F R D2 R' B' U' B Uw' B' U' B2 U' B' R U R' F U F' Uw F U2 F2 R F R' Dw R' D2 R F' D2 F Dw' U R' F' U' R2 L U L' R2 U' R' F' U2 L B2 D L D' U' L' U2 B' U' B U' L' U L' U' L F' L F U Uw2 Fw2 L2 Uw2 U2 L2 Fw2 Uw2
I just did this for fun, almost normal solve. The whole solution was found at 71min and I quit then.

First center(W): U' Rw2 (2)
Second(Y): Uw F' Uw' U L' Fw F' Dw F2 Dw' (10)
Third and fourth(G&R): R' Fw' L' * R' Fw' L Fw2 L2 Fw (9)
Last two(B&O): L D Bw D2 Bw' (5)
Total: 26

First 6 edges: F' U' F R D2 R' B' U' B Uw' B' U' B2 U' B' R U R' F U F' Uw (22)
Following 5: F U2 F2 R F R' Dw R' D2 R F' D2 F Dw' (14)
Total: 36


2x2x3: U R' F' U' R2 L U L' R2 U' R' F' U2 (13)
cross(R): L B2 (2)
3rd pair: D L D' (3)
4th: U' L' U2 B' U' B (6)
OLL: U' L' U L' U' L F' L F U (10)
PLL parity: Uw2 Fw2 L2 Uw2 U2 L2 Fw2 Uw2 (8)

Insertion at *: U2 R' D2 R U2 R' D2 R (8)
Cancellation after the insertion: D2 R R' Fw'->D2 Fw'
26+36+42+8-2=110 moves.
2-4 relay 1:43.51
Good 2, bad 3 and 4.
2-5 relay 4:19.58
Not good.
2-6 relay 9:47.30
Nearly over 10 minutes.
2-7 relay 19:30.90
Popped on 7x7x7, but any way, it's bad.
Magic 1.36 1.51 1.35 1.29 DNF avg:1.41
My magic works so bad.
Master Magic 3.62 3.87 4.16 4.46 4.84 avg:4.16
It needs one more string.
Snake 15.32 18.16 16.33 15.09 17.65 avg:16.43
Bad snake. And I have just practised for no more than 2 hours.
Clock 21.46 DNF 20.59 28.05 26.72 avg:25.41
Megaminx 2:25.51 2:34.77 2:7.89 2:11.03 2:31.48 avg:2:22.67
First 4 CPLL were the same.
Pyraminx 21.76 28.62 16.36 20.34 20.32 avg:20.81
Not too much practise.
Square-1 57.33 54.03 59.72 43.85 67.71 avg:57.03
Not so bad.
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Sep 23, 2008
3x3: (17.21), (22.01), 18.43, 20.05, 17.95 = 18.81
4x4: 1:19.98, (1:36.22), (1:16.61), 1:26.70, 1:19.04 = 1:21.91
5x5: (2:08.26), 2:23.27, 2:16.58, 2:34.01, (2:47.41) = 2:24.62
Good until the last two

3x3 Blindfold: 4:23.21, 3:34.72, 4:46.04 = 3:34.72
Wow... having all successful solves is rare enough, but two PBs? The last solve would have been a PB also if I did it first.
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Premium Member
Jul 6, 2006
Rotterdam (actually Capelle aan den IJssel), the N
Visit Channel
Looks like beginning next week, I will be doing "worst 3 of 4" averages on megaminx, 6x6x6, and 7x7x7 every week. The fifth one will be used for a BLD solve. Oh well, it's nice because it cuts out over 15 minutes of cubing per week. (One 6x6x6 and one 7x7x7 speedsolve per week, including scramble time.) Unless I can convince 8 other people to try 6x6x6 and 7x7x7 BLD this week. :)

On the bright side, maybe this means I can go back to doing all the solves every week again? (Since it won't be much more than what I'm already doing.)
Come on everybody, do it for Mike!!


2x2: 7.38 6.58 6.90 (7.54) 6.42 = 6.95
comment: SUB-7 FTW!

4x4: 1:30.64 (OP) 1:26.10 (O) 1:37.36 (1:21.18 (P)) (1:59.72 (OP) = 1:31.37
comment: so close to sub-90...

5x5: 2:26.36 (2:15.64) (2:28.18) 2:22.54 2:21.46 = 2:23.45
comment: YES! PB average (H)
P.S. Arnaud, would you just get a V5 now, PLEASE? STOP WITH THE RUBIK'S!
I am not going to take those 6x6BLD and 7x7BLD serious ;). Mike's children deserve a father!

And I have several V5's, but I just preferred my Rubiks (PB-Single = 1:48, PB-Average = 2:06). I will have to get used to V5 from now on :(
Apr 29, 2008
Almelo, Holland
Visit Channel
Looks like beginning next week, I will be doing "worst 3 of 4" averages on megaminx, 6x6x6, and 7x7x7 every week. The fifth one will be used for a BLD solve. Oh well, it's nice because it cuts out over 15 minutes of cubing per week. (One 6x6x6 and one 7x7x7 speedsolve per week, including scramble time.) Unless I can convince 8 other people to try 6x6x6 and 7x7x7 BLD this week. :)

On the bright side, maybe this means I can go back to doing all the solves every week again? (Since it won't be much more than what I'm already doing.)
Come on everybody, do it for Mike!!


2x2: 7.38 6.58 6.90 (7.54) 6.42 = 6.95
comment: SUB-7 FTW!

4x4: 1:30.64 (OP) 1:26.10 (O) 1:37.36 (1:21.18 (P)) (1:59.72 (OP) = 1:31.37
comment: so close to sub-90...

5x5: 2:26.36 (2:15.64) (2:28.18) 2:22.54 2:21.46 = 2:23.45
comment: YES! PB average (H)
P.S. Arnaud, would you just get a V5 now, PLEASE? STOP WITH THE RUBIK'S!
I am not going to take those 6x6BLD and 7x7BLD serious ;). Mike's children deserve a father!

And I have several V5's, but I just preferred my Rubiks (PB-Single = 1:48, PB-Average = 2:06). I will have to get used to V5 from now on :(

But I really did the scrambles! I got the corners right, and a few center pieces (A)


Premium Member
Jul 6, 2006
Rotterdam (actually Capelle aan den IJssel), the N
Visit Channel
Looks like beginning next week, I will be doing "worst 3 of 4" averages on megaminx, 6x6x6, and 7x7x7 every week. The fifth one will be used for a BLD solve. Oh well, it's nice because it cuts out over 15 minutes of cubing per week. (One 6x6x6 and one 7x7x7 speedsolve per week, including scramble time.) Unless I can convince 8 other people to try 6x6x6 and 7x7x7 BLD this week. :)

On the bright side, maybe this means I can go back to doing all the solves every week again? (Since it won't be much more than what I'm already doing.)
Come on everybody, do it for Mike!!


2x2: 7.38 6.58 6.90 (7.54) 6.42 = 6.95
comment: SUB-7 FTW!

4x4: 1:30.64 (OP) 1:26.10 (O) 1:37.36 (1:21.18 (P)) (1:59.72 (OP) = 1:31.37
comment: so close to sub-90...

5x5: 2:26.36 (2:15.64) (2:28.18) 2:22.54 2:21.46 = 2:23.45
comment: YES! PB average (H)
P.S. Arnaud, would you just get a V5 now, PLEASE? STOP WITH THE RUBIK'S!
I am not going to take those 6x6BLD and 7x7BLD serious ;). Mike's children deserve a father!

And I have several V5's, but I just preferred my Rubiks (PB-Single = 1:48, PB-Average = 2:06). I will have to get used to V5 from now on :(

But I really did the scrambles! I got the corners right, and a few center pieces (A)

Getting the corners right means you should do 2x2x2_blind. And I would have been very impressend if you wouldn't have gotten at least a few center pieces right.


Premium Member
Sep 23, 2008
2x2- (10.71), 21.27, 21.16, 15.04, 12.93 = 16.38
3x3- 27.98, 25.59, 28.85, (22.14), (29.73) = 27.47
3x3 OH- (1.30.56), 1.50.45, (1.50.91), 1.40.49, 1.41.80 = 1.44.25
5x5- 6:13.03, (6:33.52). (4:42.53), 5:36.97, 4:53.97 = 5:34.66

i've finally started getting 3x3 sub 30 averages now, i've been stuck at that hurdle for months! :D
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Mike Hughey

Staff member
Jun 7, 2007
SS Competition Results
Visit Channel
Looks like beginning next week, I will be doing "worst 3 of 4" averages on megaminx, 6x6x6, and 7x7x7 every week. Unless I can convince 8 other people to try 6x6x6 and 7x7x7 BLD this week. :)
Come on everybody, do it for Mike!!

I am not going to take those 6x6BLD and 7x7BLD serious ;). Mike's children deserve a father!

But I really did the scrambles! I got the corners right, and a few center pieces (A)

I just wanted to say, thanks very much for the gesture. Even if it is true that the newer, stricter Arnaud is rendering it an empty gesture due to his extreme rules strictness.

In honor of your extremely kind gesture, I promise to bring you a cookie to any competition that we both attend. :) (Admittedly, that might be a while, but I will honor my promise if it ever happens that we both attend the same competition.)

Mike Hughey

Staff member
Jun 7, 2007
SS Competition Results
Visit Channel
Mike Hughey:
3x3x3 Fewest Moves: 34 moves
scramble: L F2 L' U2 L2 U2 F2 R2 B2 F2 D R' B2 L' B D' L2 F' R' D' F2
solution: R' B2 F' R F R2 U2 B' U R U' R' U R' U2 R U F U' B' U F2 U' B F2 R' F' R B' U' R' U R B

2x cross: R' B2 F' R F R2 U2 B'
3rd pair: U R U' R' U R' U2 R
4th pair: U F' U' . F2 R' F' R
OLL: B' U' R' U R B
insert at .: U F2 U' B' U F2 U' B
F' U' U F2 become F before insertion.

Comment: Mid-30's again. At least it's becoming more common for me to be there instead of 40's. This one was frustrating because it had such a promising start, but I just couldn't finish the F2L very quickly. Immediately I found the 7-move 2x cross: R' B2 F' R F R2 B'. But this was the best continuation I found. I had this solution in just 20 minutes.


Premium Member
Jul 11, 2008
Bergshamra, Sweden
First try

Ah, fun! Where can one see the results or statistics after the competition is closed?
Or do I have to scan all posts?


3x3: 65.10, 75.17, 65.20, 61.03, 66.19 = avg 65.70
(someone has to be slowest:eek:)

3x3BLD: 4:17, DNF, DNF = 4:17
(second one was so easy I got confused and dnf:ed)

4x4BLD: 17:03 = 17:03
(new PB, I'll save the others for sat/sun)

5x5BLD: 42:32 (24:24) = 42:32

I've loaded the 5bld for tomorrow morning, and how well that went!!!

As to 6x6 bld I will try when I get one, but I do not own a 6x6 cube yet.
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