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Looking for volunteers


Staff member
Mar 13, 2006
SS Competition Results
Since Speedsolving.com was created nearly 10 years ago, it has been a community project. The members who have spent time contributing information and helping other members, and the moderators who have kept things organized have made this community exist, and without the collective effort, it wouldn't be possible to run such a community.

As you probably know, a couple months ago we released a new homepage on Speedsolving.com, with the idea that there needs to be an outlet to share news, videos, stories, etc. other than just sharing forum threads, and to create a way to welcome new members to the community. As comfortable as we are in the community, to someone who hears about speedcubing, it can be daunting looking at the forum and unsure where to start. Hence the creation of the new homepage. So far, it has worked well.

The long term goal of the homepage is to open up posting to anyone in the community, but before doing so (which would require moderating posts and setting up some backend stuff), I want to get a small team of people interested in contributing to this project that can share ideas, contribute content, and improve the experience for everyone. At the moment just a couple of us are working on it, but we need more help.

The speedcubing community is 15 years old at least, and much of the history is buried in the older forums and older posts. There is a lot of interesting stories, articles, discussions, and other content that makeup the community that we have today. Over time, we want people to share these events because they are interesting, and we want people to have an outlet to share things - whether it be an article you write, a philosophical discussion about cubing, a guide, a news story like a new world record, or a story of the past. Things that represent our community and that are interesting is what we want.

We need your help. If you're interested in contributing to this homepage project, please send me a message with the subject "SS Home Volunteer". It won't be a big time-consuming job, it will simply be contributing to discussions amongst a team and adding content together to the homepage as your time permits.

Thanks for your interest.
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