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    (DNF) 0.54 Yiheng Wang 2×2 single

    He did complete a full turn unfortunately, which is clear given the slowed down clips people have made. Accidental turns under 45 degrees are not a move, so you can readjust. However, anything close to that barrier, especially if intentional, can lead to penalties depending on the evidence, so...

    2x2 Solution Finder (

    A video with a quick explanation and demo:

    2x2 Solution Finder (

    Moves in parentheses in the solutions list means they are cancelled. So those moves are not included when scoring the algorithm

    2x2 Solution Finder (

    Hi everyone, I wanted to share my new site today, You can give it any 2x2 scramble and it will find solutions that humans would do, showing you the solutions it thinks will be fastest. You can specify which methods you want to use, from CLL all they way up to LS. Other settings...

    [Help Thread] How do I one look multiple solutions on 2x2

    Its ok to have to re-do the earlier solutions you one-looked. So you can one-look solution A, then solution B. At that point, you should have an idea of how good solution A was. If it was better than B, you can go back and confirm the solution, this time, one-looking should take less time since...

    Easy / Lucky / Funny / Hard / Weird scrambles thread

    4-move Triple x cross on green Generated By csTimer on 2023-04-26 single: 4.04 Time List: 1. 4.04 U' F' B D L' U L2 D R2 U2 F2 B2 L2 U2 F' U2 B' U2

    Optimal TCLL face

    TCLL actually has lower move count on average than CLL because there are more ways to construct a valid TCLL layer than a CLL layer (Any corner can be twisted, and in either direction)

    [WR] Guanbo Wang 0.47 WR 2x2 Single

    solves have been given plus-2s after the competition many times before actually. Haven't watched the video though, just fyi

    One-Answer 2x2x2 Question Thread

    Mostly the same as any other EG-1, whatever prediction scheme you use should still work. If AUF is a U’, and you do an x2 or z2, the AUF is still U’.
  10. WACWCA

    I talked with him once on instagram because of our name coincidence

    I talked with him once on instagram because of our name coincidence
  11. WACWCA

    Nevan J's Road to Square-1 NR

    One looking should essentially be something you learn over time. So right now, anytime you see a face or layer that can be solved easily, like R U R’, you should force yourself to one look it. You can do that as soon as you learn cll. So during your practice you can now practice one-looking, and...
  12. WACWCA

    Yes i am the cuber and the singer is a non-cuber with the same name

    Yes i am the cuber and the singer is a non-cuber with the same name
  13. WACWCA

    I am American Will Callan, the singer is from the UK!

    I am American Will Callan, the singer is from the UK!
  14. WACWCA

    Nevan J's Road to Square-1 NR

    You wont be able to one look everything right away, but id bet within a week or two you can make some good process, maybe everything 4 moves or less. Depends on how much time you spend practicing.
  15. WACWCA

    Nevan J's Road to Square-1 NR

    Dont do this! You shouls start one looking some as soon as you learn cll. Once you know CLL and EG-1 you should really practice one looking a lot. EG-2 wont help much until youve done that already
  16. WACWCA

    [Help Thread] 2x2 Discussion and Help

    Even when you learn new methods, you actually still use ortega if an OLL skip comes up, so PBL is still used
  17. WACWCA

    Need responses for school project

    Hi everyone, I would really appreciate it if you could fill out this very quick cubing survey for my statistics class. Some of these questions assume you've been to a competition, but anyone is welcome to fill it out...
  18. WACWCA

    Accomplishment Thread

    No the scrambles are in the youtube description