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  1. J

    Merry Christmas!!!

    I have the longest break this year because it snowed a ton and I got a SNOW DAY!!!
  2. J

    World's worst scrambler

    this happened to me a lot at my school, i tell them go slow and make sure all the sides are match up so it doesn't pop, 5 seconds later im looking at them wondering why i handed it to them. now i only let one kid play with my cubes(he can solve it).
  3. J

    Alternative notation

    Really, never heard of prime? I though every one used it:eek:
  4. J

    Site to time your solves!

    its the first one listed on the wiki
  5. J

    how to learn fridrich

    i hope this helps
  6. J

    What color cube do you like most?

    I like black more because i had a hard time telling white and yellow apart on my white one.
  7. J

    [Help Thread] 4x4 Discussion and Help

    I use the algs from
  8. J

    The road to sub 20, or 20.00 if god hates you....

    nice job with your sub 20, i am still working on getting sub 30, so close
  9. J

    My 2x2 Method:

    lol "I can solve the 2x2 in 3 sec but i just do it i cant tell you how, o ya my camcorder is broken, i mean 5 seconds, really trust me, i have no proof but really my method is assume i can see the whole solve"
  10. J

    How to solve a 7x7

    I can't wait to get my v-cube, at least now i will be able to solve it
  11. J

    Worst School Day of my Life...

    What you got in trouble for getting punched in the face?:confused:?:confused:? Thats just messed up
  12. J

    Weekly competition 2008-49

    Jgig1991: 3x3: (45.39), 42.67, (32.42), 42.44, 37.16 = 40.76 2x2: (27.45), 26.19, 21.53, 20.98, (16.92) = 22.90 I got my first 2x2 yesterday, its fun to solve but i am really slow.
  13. J

    How to measure your cube's Angle of cutting corners

    nice way to calculate it, I got 24.4 degrees for my store cube
  14. J

    Weekly competition 2008-48

    Jgig1991 3x3 Times: 39.07, 45.00, 39.78, (48.96), (35.87) = 41.28
  15. J

    Is this 2x2 worth buying? I would get it at cube4you with some other stuff
  16. J

    Improvements for M2/R2

    Thank you for posting this Stefan. :)
  17. J

    Wanna-be cubers?

    I have a kid at my school how said that I was cheating my self because I didn't let him scramble it and there was more that 3 colors on one side. I love laughing at others incompetence.