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  1. J

    Guide to Transitioning to 3-Cycle BLD

    When I learned Old Pochmann corners, I memoed in pairs. Essentially, each set of two targets was a 3-cycle. If the two targets happen to be an easy commutator, I use a commutator instead. That is now "intuitive" for me. I think that the whole point of learning the full exhaustive list of comms...
  2. J

    One-Answer Blindsolving Question Thread

    With a visual memory method like tapping, wouldn't recall be faster and easier?
  3. J

    The corner cycles I use for BLD

    Do you use the same one for each case all the time? Or do you change it depending on which one you feel like using?
  4. J

    Practicing Old Pochmann/M2

    I do edges first. If there's parity, I do M2, shoot to UL, M2.
  5. J

    Ideas - How to 'practice' memorization?

    For corner permutation, we can have the cycle repeated over and over again (cycle) ie corner (135) would be C-E-G-C-E-G (or do-mi-so-do-mi-so) In my head, I'm hearing this really quickly over and over again, about two times per second. Not easy to forget.