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A collection of BLD algorithms lists


Jan 10, 2013
Dubai, UAE
Visit Channel

Graham Sigginse, w, x, t, cDF,UF, DFr,UFr, Ubl, Ul, UBL,UFrclickvk, ru, yd
Elliot Kobelanskye, c, Parity, 2-flip eUF, UB, UR, UL, DF, DB, FR, FL, DR, DL, UFR, UBR, UFL, UBL, RDF, RDB, 3BLD, allclick
Max Hilliarde, c, 2-twists c, 2-flip eUF, UB, UR, UL, DF, DB, FR, FL, DR, DL, UFR, UBR, UFL, UBL, RDF, RDB, all, allclickvk, yd
Tom Nelsonw, x, tUFr, Ubr, Ufclickvk, ru, yd
Daniel Line, w, x, t, cUF, UFr, Ufr, Uf, UFRclickvk, ru, yd
Ishaan Agrawale, cUF, DF, UBLclickvk, ru, yd
Sukant Koulc, e, x, w, tUBL, FU, DF, Ubl, DFr, FUr, Ubclickyd
Jack Caic, eURF, UFclickru
Roman Strakhove, w, x, t, cUF, UFl, Ubr, Uf, UBRclickvk, ru, yd
Stanley Chapel4BLD paritywclickyd
Roman Strakhovwall of: UFl, DFr, UBr, URfclickvk, ru, yd
Roman Strakhovxall of: Urb, Ubl, Ulf, Ufrclickvk, ru, yd
Mark Riverse, wDF, DFrclickyd
Linus Fresze, w, x, t, cDF, DFr, Ubl, Df, UBLclickvk, ru, yd
Oliver Froste, w, x, tDF, DFr, Ubl, Ubclickvk, ru, yd
Deni Mintsaeve, cUF, UFR,UBL-vk, ru, yd
Diego Meneghettie, x, cDF, Ubr, UBLclickvk, ru, yd
Daniel Whitee, cUF, UBLclickvk, ru, yd
Oleg Gritsenkoe, wUF, UFlclickvk, ru, yd
Sebastiano Trontoe, cUR, UBLclickvk, ru, yd
Oliver Fritzc, e, x, w, tUFR, UF, Ubr, UFr, Urclickyd
Grzegorz Pacewicze, cDF, UBLclickvk, ru, yd
Oleg GritsenkoxUbrclickvk, ru, yd
James Molloye, w, x, t, cDF, DFr, Ubl, Ub, UBLclickvk, ru, yd
Grzegorz JałochacUBRclickvk, ru, yd
Grzegorz JałochaeUFclickvk, ru, yd
Marcell Endreye, w, x, t, cDF, DFr, Ufl, Uf, DRFclickvk, ru, yd
Arrik Aragorn LemaneUFclickvk, ru, yd
Aron Puddy-MatheweDFclickvk, ru, yd
Noah ArthurscUBLclickvk, ru, yd
Jayden McNeillcUBLclickvk, ru, yd
Rob HolteDFclickvk, ru, yd
Oliver FrostwDFrclickvk, ru, yd
Daniel Beyer and Chris HardwickeURclickvk, ru, yd
Daniel Beyer and Chris HardwickcUBRclickvk, ru, yd
Lucas RolandoeUBclickvk, ru, yd
Lucas RolandocUBLclickvk, ru, yd
Xin ShicUFR-vk, ru, yd
Xin ShieUF-vk, ru, yd
Xin ShiwUBl-vk, ru, yd
Xin ShixUbl-vk, ru, yd
JackstercUBLclickvk, ru, yd
Hari AnirudhcUBL-vk, ru, yd
Kevin Matthewsc, e, xUBR,UFR, UF, UFrclickvk, ru, yd
Jack Caic, eURF, UF, UBclickvk, ru, yd
JayceecUBL-vk, ru, yd
Oleg Gritsenko5cycles eUFclickvk, ru, yd
Timo Norrkniiviläe, x, c, wFU, Ubr, UBL, FUrclickvk, ru, yd
Bernhard Brodowsky2-twists callclick
Heejun Kime, cUF, UFRclickvk, yd
Abhijeet Ghodgaonkar5cycles eUFclick
Adrian Dębskiw, xUFr, Ublclickru, yd
CarterKe, cDF, UBLclickvk, ru, yd
Last edited:

Rahul Tirkey

Dec 15, 2016
I always thought it'd be a good idea to store them all in one place. Below is the list of BLD algorithms tables created by different people. I organized them in a way that makes it easy to get an idea of what each table's content is, and I also added mirrors so that they can be recovered if the original file is deleted.
On the website version you can look for a specific element or a specific buffer, and there are also preview pictures:

Please let me know if I missed something, or if there are any misspelled names or broken links. Thanks to all the authors and BLDers who contributed in any way for making this possible.

[TH]Author[/TH][TH]Elements[/TH][TH]Buffers[/TH][TH]URL[/TH][TH]Mirrors[/TH][TR2][TD] Marcell Endrey [/TD][TD]e, w, x, t, c[/TD][TD]DF, DFr, Ufl, Uf, DRF[/TD][TD] click [/TD][TD] vk , ru , yd [/TD][/TR2][TR1][TD] Roman Strakhov [/TD][TD]e, w, x, t, c[/TD][TD]UF, UFl, Ubr, Uf, UBR[/TD][TD] click [/TD][TD] vk , ru , yd [/TD][/TR1][TR2][TD] Daniel Lin [/TD][TD]e, w, x, t, c[/TD][TD]UF, UFr, Ufr, Uf, UFR[/TD][TD] click [/TD][TD] vk , ru , yd [/TD][/TR2][TR1][TD] Linus Fresz [/TD][TD]e, w, x, t, c[/TD][TD]DF, DFr, Ubl, Df, UBL[/TD][TD] click [/TD][TD] vk , ru , yd [/TD][/TR1][TR2][TD] Oliver Frost [/TD][TD]e, w, x, t[/TD][TD]DF, DFr, Ubl, Ub[/TD][TD] click [/TD][TD] vk , ru , yd [/TD][/TR2][TR1][TD] Diego Meneghetti [/TD][TD]e, x, c[/TD][TD]DF, Ubr, UBL[/TD][TD] click [/TD][TD] vk , ru , yd [/TD][/TR1][TR2][TD] Tom Nelson [/TD][TD]w, x[/TD][TD]UFr, Ubr[/TD][TD] click [/TD][TD] vk , ru , yd [/TD][/TR2][TR1][TD] Daniel White [/TD][TD]e, c[/TD][TD]UF, UBL[/TD][TD] click [/TD][TD] vk , ru , yd [/TD][/TR1][TR2][TD] Oleg Gritsenko [/TD][TD]e, w[/TD][TD]UF, UFl[/TD][TD] click [/TD][TD] vk , ru , yd [/TD][/TR2][TR1][TD] Sebastiano Tronto [/TD][TD]e, c[/TD][TD]UR, UBL[/TD][TD] click [/TD][TD] vk , ru , yd [/TD][/TR1][TR2][TD] Grzegorz Pacewicz [/TD][TD]e, c[/TD][TD]DF, UBL[/TD][TD] click [/TD][TD] vk , ru , yd [/TD][/TR2][TR1][TD] Oleg Gritsenko [/TD][TD]x[/TD][TD]Ubr[/TD][TD] click [/TD][TD] vk , ru , yd [/TD][/TR1][TR2][TD]Xin Shi[/TD][TD]x[/TD][TD]Ubl[/TD][TD]-[/TD][TD] vk , ru , yd [/TD][/TR2][TR1][TD] Oliver Frost [/TD][TD]w[/TD][TD]DFr[/TD][TD] click [/TD][TD] vk , ru , yd [/TD][/TR1][TR2][TD]Xin Shi[/TD][TD]w[/TD][TD]UBl[/TD][TD]-[/TD][TD] vk , ru , yd [/TD][/TR2][TR1][TD] Grzegorz Jałocha [/TD][TD]e[/TD][TD]UF[/TD][TD] click [/TD][TD] vk , ru , yd [/TD][/TR1][TR2][TD] Arrik Aragorn Leman [/TD][TD]e[/TD][TD]UF[/TD][TD] click [/TD][TD] vk , ru , yd [/TD][/TR2][TR1][TD]带人过球[/TD][TD]e[/TD][TD]DF[/TD][TD] click [/TD][TD][/TD][/TR1][TR2][TD] Aron Puddy-Mathew [/TD][TD]e[/TD][TD]DF[/TD][TD] click [/TD][TD] vk , ru , yd [/TD][/TR2][TR1][TD] Rob Holt [/TD][TD]e[/TD][TD]DF[/TD][TD] click [/TD][TD] vk , ru , yd [/TD][/TR1][TR2][TD] Arvid Skarrie [/TD][TD]e[/TD][TD]UF[/TD][TD] click [/TD][TD] vk , ru , yd [/TD][/TR2][TR1][TD] Daniel Beyer and Chris Hardwick [/TD][TD]e[/TD][TD]UR[/TD][TD] click [/TD][TD] vk , ru , yd [/TD][/TR1][TR2][TD] Lucas Rolando [/TD][TD]e[/TD][TD]UB[/TD][TD] click [/TD][TD] vk , ru , yd [/TD][/TR2][TR1][TD]Xin Shi[/TD][TD]e[/TD][TD]UF[/TD][TD]-[/TD][TD] vk , ru , yd [/TD][/TR1][TR2][TD] Grzegorz Jałocha [/TD][TD]c[/TD][TD]UBR[/TD][TD] click [/TD][TD] vk , ru , yd [/TD][/TR2][TR1][TD] Noah Arthurs [/TD][TD]c[/TD][TD]UBL[/TD][TD] click [/TD][TD] vk , ru , yd [/TD][/TR1][TR2][TD] Jayden McNeill [/TD][TD]c[/TD][TD]UBL[/TD][TD] click [/TD][TD] vk , ru , yd [/TD][/TR2][TR1][TD] Daniel Lin [/TD][TD]c[/TD][TD]UBL[/TD][TD] click [/TD][TD] vk , ru , yd [/TD][/TR1][TR2][TD] Daniel Beyer and Chris Hardwick [/TD][TD]c[/TD][TD]UBR[/TD][TD] click [/TD][TD] vk , ru , yd [/TD][/TR2][TR1][TD] Lucas Rolando [/TD][TD]c[/TD][TD]UBL[/TD][TD] click [/TD][TD] vk , ru , yd [/TD][/TR1][TR2][TD]Xin Shi[/TD][TD]c[/TD][TD]UFR[/TD][TD]-[/TD][TD] vk , ru , yd [/TD][/TR2][TR1][TD] Jackster [/TD][TD]c[/TD][TD]UBL[/TD][TD] click [/TD][TD] vk , ru , yd [/TD][/TR1][TR2][TD] Hari Anirudh [/TD][TD]c[/TD][TD]UBL[/TD][TD]-[/TD][TD] vk , ru , yd [/TD][/TR2][TR1][TD] Kevin Matthews [/TD][TD]c[/TD][TD]UBR[/TD][TD] click [/TD][TD] vk , ru , yd [/TD][/TR1][TR2][TD] Jaycee [/TD][TD]c[/TD][TD]UBL[/TD][TD]-[/TD][TD] vk , ru , yd [/TD][/TR2][TR1][TD] Oleg Gritsenko [/TD][TD]5cycles[/TD][TD]-[/TD][TD] click [/TD][TD] vk , ru , yd [/TD][/TR1]
(4Lw U M' U2 M U 4Lw') Roman I found it from your commutators list, I do not understand how to execute that alg?


Jan 9, 2014
Visit Channel
Last edited:


Jan 10, 2013
Dubai, UAE
Visit Channel
Hello all,
FYI @CyanSandwich @sigalig @Ollie @Mollerz @T1_M0 @porkynator and also Jack Cai and Daniel Lin (can't find them on this forum), there are some typos in your algs tables that you might want to fix ;)


Analyzing  Tomms comms, piece type: "wings", buffer sticker: "FUr"
url: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1v5rXOH7MUxtuTEzxX6MJYe1XJMhJpZttwGpeg3nuIZo/edit#gid=1096305416

U' R' U [l2, U' R U]    does not affect the expected buffer <FUr>
U [r', L U L' U]    does not perform a comm of this type
z' [U' l' U, R]    does not affect the expected buffer <FUr>
U [r, D' r, U']    does not perform a comm of this type
[U r' D r]    typo
[U', r' d2, r]    does not perform a comm of this type
x' [U' r U, l']    does not affect the expected buffer <FUr>
3Lw' D [U l U', r]    does not affect the expected buffer <FUr>
U2 [U2 lwl U2 lw U2, r']    typo
[D2, U r U' r,]    does not perform a comm of this type
[U' L' U, r2]    does not affect the expected buffer <FUr>
Rw' U [U' L' U, r]    does not affect the expected buffer <FUr>
F' [L'. U r2 U']    typo
r [r D2 r'. U]    typo
[r2, U' L2 U]    does not affect the expected buffer <FUr>
x' [U' r U, l]    does not affect the expected buffer <FUr>
z y' [U' R' U, l']    does not affect the expected buffer <FUr>
3Lw U [U R U', r2]    does not affect the expected buffer <FUr>
r' U' [r2, U' l2 U]    does not affect the expected buffer <FUr>
x' R' [U' R2 U, R2]    does not perform a comm of this type
x' R' [U' R2 U, R]    does not perform a comm of this type
x' R' [U' R2 U, R']    does not perform a comm of this type

Analyzing  Tomms comms, piece type: "t-centers", buffer sticker: "Uf"
url: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1v5rXOH7MUxtuTEzxX6MJYe1XJMhJpZttwGpeg3nuIZo/edit#gid=1096305416

3Lw' [r2, U M' U']    does not affect the expected buffer <Uf>
U 3Rw' [U' M' U, r']    does not affect the expected buffer <Uf>
U' [M u M' U']    typo
x y [U l U', M]    does not affect the expected buffer <Uf>
3Rw [l2, U' M' U    typo
[l E2 l'. U2]    typo
3Rw' [r', U' M' U]    does not affect the expected buffer <Uf>
F [M', U' l U]    does not affect the expected buffer <Uf>
[r U' r, E]    does not perform a comm of this type
Rw [r E' r' U']    typo
U' 3Rw [M' U' r' U]    typo
[M', U' l U]    does not affect the expected buffer <Uf>
Uw' x [U r' U' M']    typo
U' M' [u, M' U M]    does not affect the expected buffer <Uf>
Uw' [M' U' M. u']    typo
Analyzing  Tomms comms, piece type: "x-centers", buffer sticker: "Urb"
url: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1v5rXOH7MUxtuTEzxX6MJYe1XJMhJpZttwGpeg3nuIZo/edit#gid=1096305416

[l u2 l', U2]    does not affect the expected buffer <Urb>
U Rw' [L2 U' r U]    typo
U [l u' l, U2]    does not perform a comm of this type
[u'. l' U' l]    typo
[r, U l2 U']    does not affect the expected buffer <Urb>
D' [r, U l2 U']    does not affect the expected buffer <Urb>
D2 [r, U l2 U']    does not affect the expected buffer <Urb>
D [r, U l2 U']    does not affect the expected buffer <Urb>
4Uw' [U' r2 U, l]    does not affect the expected buffer <Urb>
y [r2, U' l U]    does not affect the expected buffer <Urb>
Lw2 [U2, r' U r]    does not perform a comm of this type
3Lw [r U r', u]    does not affect the expected buffer <Urb>
Rw Uw Rw' [r', U l' U']    does not affect the expected buffer <Urb>
3Lw [r U2 r', u]    does not affect the expected buffer <Urb>
Analyzing Daniels UF/UFR comms, piece type: "corners", expected buffer: "UFR"
url: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1yHyLJDvVbuEsoHONefUq7jAAFta9qM9wydwfSrJOZWQ/edit#gid=733006078

[x' D: [F2, D' R D R']]    does not affect the expected buffer <UFR>
[D': [L2, D R2 D']]    does not affect the expected buffer <UFR>
Analyzing  Daniels UF/UFR comms, piece type: "wings", buffer sticker: "FUr"
url: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1yHyLJDvVbuEsoHONefUq7jAAFta9qM9wydwfSrJOZWQ/edit#gid=801314185

[z': [U2', L d' L']]    does not affect the expected buffer <FUr>
[M': [U', L u L']]    does not affect the expected buffer <FUr>
[3Lw'r: [U' L U, r']]    typo
[M: [U' r U, L']]    does not affect the expected buffer <FUr>
[3Lw U: [r2, U R' U']]    does not affect the expected buffer <FUr>
[U': [R d R,' U2]]    typo
[U': [U' r' U, R]]    does not affect the expected buffer <FUr>
[3Lw' U: [R' F' R, f']]    does not affect the expected buffer <FUr>
[U' x': [R U R', d']]    does not affect the expected buffer <FUr>
[U': [R', U' r' U]]    does not affect the expected buffer <FUr>
[3Lw' U: [R u R', U2]]    does not affect the expected buffer <FUr>
[r U: [R d R', U2]]    does not affect the expected buffer <FUr>
[3Lw' U: [R' F' R, f']]    does not affect the expected buffer <FUr>
[3Lw' U: [R' d R, U]]    does not affect the expected buffer <FUr>
[f2' 3Lw': [[U, R' d R]]    typo
[3Lw': [U, R' d R]]    does not affect the expected buffer <FUr>
[Rw: [r D' R', U']]    does not perform a comm of this type
[3Lw: [U' r U, L]]    does not affect the expected buffer <FUr>
[3Lw' U: [R d R, U2]]    does not perform a comm of this type
Analyzing  Daniels UF/UFR comms, piece type: "x-centers", buffer sticker: "Ufr"
url: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1yHyLJDvVbuEsoHONefUq7jAAFta9qM9wydwfSrJOZWQ/edit#gid=801314185

[z' x: [U', r u' r']]    does not affect the expected buffer <Ufr>
[U D r: [d, R U' R']]    does not affect the expected buffer <Ufr>
Analyzing  Daniels UF/UFR comms, piece type: "t-centers", buffer sticker: "Uf"
url: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1yHyLJDvVbuEsoHONefUq7jAAFta9qM9wydwfSrJOZWQ/edit#gid=801314185

[z: [L E' L', U']]    does not affect the expected buffer <Uf>
[M' u' M, U]]    typo
[M' u' M, U']]    typo
[x' z': [U l' U', M2]]    does not affect the expected buffer <Uf>
[z': [r' E' r, U']]    does not affect the expected buffer <Uf>
[Uw': [r2, u' M' u]]    does not perform a comm of this type
Analyzing Graham's Full 3Style Comm Series, piece type: "corners", expected buffer: "UFR"
url: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1-AnKGJMHN3SAOcZxem3XJ5tBm7Dk1dTRcZ7KcXYbGP4/edit#gid=1637124741

[R U' D' R : [R U' R', D]]    does not affect the expected buffer <UFR>
U r2 D' R D r2 U' R'    does not perform a comm of this type
R U r2 D' R' D r2 U'    does not perform a comm of this type
U r2 U' R' U r2 D' R D U'    does not perform a comm of this type
U D' R' D r2 U' R U r2 U'    does not perform a comm of this type
U' R' U r2 D' R D r2    does not perform a comm of this type
R' F' r U R U' r' F    does not perform a comm of this type
r2 D' R' D r2 U' R U    does not perform a comm of this type
[U D : [R' U' R, D2]]    does not affect the expected buffer <UFR>
F' r U R' U' r' F R    does not perform a comm of this type
Analyzing  Graham's Full 3Style Comm Series, piece type: "wings", buffer sticker: "FUr"
url: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1-AnKGJMHN3SAOcZxem3XJ5tBm7Dk1dTRcZ7KcXYbGP4/edit#gid=1637124741

[Rw : [R2, U r U']]    does not affect the expected buffer <FUr>
[r : [U' R' U, r]]    does not affect the expected buffer <FUr>
[Rw : [U R' U, r]]    does not perform a comm of this type
[r : [r, U' R' U]]    does not affect the expected buffer <FUr>
[Rw : [r, U R' U]]    does not perform a comm of this type
[Rw : [U r U', R2]]    does not affect the expected buffer <FUr>
Analyzing  Graham's Full 3Style Comm Series, piece type: "midges", buffer sticker: "UF"
url: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1-AnKGJMHN3SAOcZxem3XJ5tBm7Dk1dTRcZ7KcXYbGP4/edit#gid=1637124741

[z : [L', U M2 U']]    does not affect the expected buffer <UF>
[z : [U M2 U', L']]    does not affect the expected buffer <UF>
[L, D M2 D']    does not affect the expected buffer <UF>
[[M' : [U' L2 U, M2]]    typo
[D M2 D', L]    does not affect the expected buffer <UF>
Analyzing  Graham's Full 3Style Comm Series, piece type: "x-centers", buffer sticker: "Ubl"
url: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1-AnKGJMHN3SAOcZxem3XJ5tBm7Dk1dTRcZ7KcXYbGP4/edit#gid=1637124741

[R y' : [U' l' U, r2]]    does not affect the expected buffer <Ubl>
[y' : [U' l' U, r2]]    does not affect the expected buffer <Ubl>
[Rw' : [r' U' r, u]]    does not affect the expected buffer <Ubl>
[4Uw' : [U' r U, l2]]    does not affect the expected buffer <Ubl>
[R' y : [l', U' r' U]]    does not affect the expected buffer <Ubl>
[z Lw : [U', l u' l']]    does not affect the expected buffer <Ubl>
[R y' : [r2, U' l' U]]    does not affect the expected buffer <Ubl>
[y' : [r2, U' l' U]]    does not affect the expected buffer <Ubl>
[R' y : [U' r' U, l']]    does not affect the expected buffer <Ubl>
[z U' : [Uw r Uw', r]]    does not perform a comm of this type
[Rw' : [u, r' U' r]]    does not affect the expected buffer <Ubl>
[4Uw' : [l2, U' r U]]    does not affect the expected buffer <Ubl>
[4Rw' : [U r U', l]]    does not affect the expected buffer <Ubl>
[z Lw : [l u' l', U']]    does not affect the expected buffer <Ubl>
Analyzing  Graham's Full 3Style Comm Series, piece type: "t-centers", expected buffer: "Ul"
url: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1-AnKGJMHN3SAOcZxem3XJ5tBm7Dk1dTRcZ7KcXYbGP4/edit#gid=1637124741

[U 3Lw : [U' M U, r]]    does not affect the expected buffer <Ul>
[U 3Lw : [r, U' M U]]    does not affect the expected buffer <Ul>
[3Rw : [U, M' u M]]    does not affect the expected buffer <Ul>
[F : [U' l U, M']]    does not affect the expected buffer <Ul>
[R2 u : [M' U M', u2]]    does not perform a comm of this type
[R u : [M U M', u2]]    does not affect the expected buffer <Ul>
[3Rw : [M' u M, U]]    does not affect the expected buffer <Ul>
[R2 u' : [M' U M', u2]]    does not perform a comm of this type
[R u' : [M U M', u2]]    does not affect the expected buffer <Ul>
[F : [M', U' l U]]    does not affect the expected buffer <Ul>
Analyzing  Graham's Full 3Style Comm Series, piece type: "wings", expected buffer: "DFr"
url: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1-AnKGJMHN3SAOcZxem3XJ5tBm7Dk1dTRcZ7KcXYbGP4/edit#gid=1637124741

[R : [U r U', r]]    does not perform a comm of this type
[z' U' r : [U R U', r2]]    does not affect the expected buffer <DFr>
[z U' : [r, U' R U]]    does not affect the expected buffer <DFr>
[R : [r, U r U']]    does not perform a comm of this type
[z' U' r' : [U R U', r2]]    does not affect the expected buffer <DFr>
[u2, R D R']]    typo
[z U' : [U' R U, r]]    does not affect the expected buffer <DFr>
[R D R', u2]]    typo
Analyzing Oliver Frost's Full Commutator List 20-12-2015, piece type: "wings", expected buffer: "DFr"
url: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/15e0ts12QHKHb9Or6BvO6hlXfns2hJgZoXCGpsIR0YGc/edit#gid=1099805155

3Lw2 U2 r U2 3Lw U2 3Lw' U2 r' U2 3Lw Uw 3Lw    does not perform a comm of this type
[Lw2: [D2: r U r']]    typo
[2uw': [R', U' r2 U]]    typo
z2 3Lw' U2 r U2 3Lw U2 3Lw' U2 r' U2 3Lw U2 z2    typo
[y x' Rw' U: [r, U L U']]    does not affect the expected buffer <DFr>
[L2, U r2 U']]    typo
[x: [U L U', M']]    does not affect the expected buffer <DFr>
[2Bw2: [r U r', D]]    typo
[z: [U' L'  U, r']]    does not affect the expected buffer <DFr>
[Uw' x': [U' r' U, r2]]    does not perform a comm of this type
[x': [U r2 U', L2]]    does not affect the expected buffer <DFr>
[2lw2 U: [R2, U r U']]    typo
[2lw2 U: [R, U r U']]    typo
[2lw2: [r U2 r', D']]    typo
[2lw: [D2, r U2 r']]    typo
[R2, U r U']]    typo
[x: [U' R' U, M']]    does not affect the expected buffer <DFr>
[R' z:[U' L' U, l]]    typo
[R: [r U2 r, D']]    does not perform a comm of this type
[B2: [U R' U, r2]]    does not perform a comm of this type
Analyzing Oliver Frost's Full Commutator List 20-12-2015, piece type: "t-centers", expected buffer: "Ub"
url: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/15e0ts12QHKHb9Or6BvO6hlXfns2hJgZoXCGpsIR0YGc/edit#gid=1099805155

[y: [d' M d M', U2]]    does not affect the expected buffer <Ub>
[x': [M U2 M', d2]]    does not affect the expected buffer <Ub>
[Uw: [M' U M, u2]]    does not affect the expected buffer <Ub>
[u': [M', U' r2 U]]    does not affect the expected buffer <Ub>
[z: [E, r U' r']]    does not affect the expected buffer <Ub>
[z r': [r' E r, U']]    does not affect the expected buffer <Ub>
[z: [E, r U2 r']]    does not affect the expected buffer <Ub>
[z r': [r' E r, U2]]    does not affect the expected buffer <Ub>
[z: [E, r U r']]    does not affect the expected buffer <Ub>
[z r': [r' E r, U]]    does not affect the expected buffer <Ub>
[z Lw2: [r U2 r', E]]    does not affect the expected buffer <Ub>
[U2 z': [r U' r', E']]    does not affect the expected buffer <Ub>
[x': [d2, U M' U' M]]    does not affect the expected buffer <Ub>
[y R2: [d', M' U' M]]    does not affect the expected buffer <Ub>
[y F: [d', M' U' M]]    does not affect the expected buffer <Ub>
Analyzing Oliver Frost's Full Commutator List 20-12-2015, piece type: "x-centers", expected buffer: "Ubl"
url: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/15e0ts12QHKHb9Or6BvO6hlXfns2hJgZoXCGpsIR0YGc/edit#gid=1099805155

[u': [U r U' l]]    typo
[z: [u, r' D r']]    does not perform a comm of this type
[x U: [d2, r' U' r']]    does not perform a comm of this type
[u: [U r U' l]]    typo
Analyzing Oliver Frost's Full Commutator List 20-12-2015, piece type: "midges", expected buffer: "DF"
url: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/15e0ts12QHKHb9Or6BvO6hlXfns2hJgZoXCGpsIR0YGc/edit#gid=1099805155

[U R U, M2]    does not perform a comm of this type
[M U2 M', U]    does not perform a comm of this type
[R2, U' R2 U]    does not affect the expected buffer <DF>
[U', M U2 M']    does not perform a comm of this type
R2 U' M' U2 M U R2    does not perform a comm of this type
[3Uw': [U' R U, r]]    does not perform a comm of this type
[x: [U L U, M']]    does not perform a comm of this type
[3w L': [U' M' U, L']]    typo
z2 M U M' U2 M U M' z2    typo
[x: [U L' U, M']]    does not perform a comm of this type
[x: [U L2 U, M']]    does not perform a comm of this type
[R2, U M' U']]    typo
z2 F2 U' M' U2 M U' F2 z2    typo
[D2, M U2 M']]    typo
Analyzing Mollerz BLD Compendium v0.3, piece type: "x-centers", expected buffer: "Ubl"
url: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1JsrKCRw5V7gE6Np6iRog804lrKEiUzfv_Eaaulq-PWc/edit#gid=1724885985

[r u r', U']    does not affect the expected buffer <Ubl>
[z: [r' U r, u']]    does not affect the expected buffer <Ubl>
[4Uw': [l2, U' r U]]    does not affect the expected buffer <Ubl>
[r' d r, U]    does not affect the expected buffer <Ubl>
[l, 4Uw r' 4Uw']    does not perform a comm of this type
[z' R': [u, l' U' l]]    does not affect the expected buffer <Ubl>
[F2: [r U2 r', u]]    does not affect the expected buffer <Ubl>
[d2, r' U r]]    typo
[F2: [u, r U2 r']]    does not affect the expected buffer <Ubl>
[r: [u, r U2 r']]    does not affect the expected buffer <Ubl>
[z: [u', r' U r]]    does not affect the expected buffer <Ubl>
[4Uw r' 4Uw', l]    does not perform a comm of this type
[r: [r U2 r', u]]    does not affect the expected buffer <Ubl>
[4Uw': [U' r U, l2]]    does not affect the expected buffer <Ubl>
Analyzing Mollerz BLD Compendium v0.3, piece type: "t-centers", expected buffer: "Uf"
url: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1JsrKCRw5V7gE6Np6iRog804lrKEiUzfv_Eaaulq-PWc/edit#gid=1724885985

[R 4Uw: [l', U' M U]]    does not affect the expected buffer <Uf>
[4Uw: [l', U' M U]]    does not affect the expected buffer <Uf>
[U 4Rw': [M u' M', U]]    does not affect the expected buffer <Uf>
[U 4Rw: [u', M' U M]]    does not affect the expected buffer <Uf>
[L' U': [u': M' U' M]]    typo
[L 4Uw: [l', U' M U]]    does not affect the expected buffer <Uf>
[Uw M': [M' d' M, U']]    does not affect the expected buffer <Uf>
[L': [E': l U l']]    typo
[4Uw: [d', M U M']]    does not affect the expected buffer <Uf>
[U M: [d', M U' M']]    does not affect the expected buffer <Uf>
[4Uw: [l2, U M U']]    does not affect the expected buffer <Uf>
[Uw 4Rw: [U', l E l']]    does not affect the expected buffer <Uf>
[U 4Rw': [U, l E l']]    does not affect the expected buffer <Uf>
[U 4Rw': [U', l E l']]    does not affect the expected buffer <Uf>
[U 4Rw: [U r' U', M']]    does not affect the expected buffer <Uf>
[4Uw: [M' U' M, d']]    does not affect the expected buffer <Uf>
[U 4Rw': [U', l E' l']]    does not affect the expected buffer <Uf>
[U' 4Lw: [U, r' E' r]]    does not affect the expected buffer <Uf>
[Rw': [U, M u' M']]    does not affect the expected buffer <Uf>
[4Uw U: [M2, U r U']]    does not affect the expected buffer <Uf>
[M, 4Uw' r' 4Uw]    does not perform a comm of this type
[M2, 4Uw' r' 4Uw]    does not perform a comm of this type
Analyzing Timo's BLD sheet, piece type: "wings", expected buffer: "FUr"
url: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1xR2RKxXqxpYKyqbG1Y63EpIOPlNKn1yT2QI5IWMgdYE/edit#gid=2119199520

[l', U' L' U]    does not affect the expected buffer <FUr>
[Rw [U, Rw u2 Rw']]    does not perform a comm of this type
[U2, Rw U2 l' U2 Rw']]    typo
[r2, R U' R' U]]    typo
[r2, U' R' U]]    typo
[r', U R' U']    does not affect the expected buffer <FUr>
[x'[U2[R2, U' r2 U]]    seriously?
[r2, D Rw2 U']    does not perform a comm of this type
[D' [r2, U R' U']]    does not affect the expected buffer <FUr>
[U2 [r', U R U']]    does not affect the expected buffer <FUr>

Analyzing Jacks  comms, piece type: "corners", expected buffer: "UFR"
url: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1yl5Xwn2aDpXyHA0Rx1OUrDzec8nbg18wxis3I4uDoIw/edit#gid=1730709962

R2U D    typo
[R D' R, U]    does not perform a comm of this type
[l' : [R' D' R', U2]]    does not perform a comm of this type
[R' U : [R' D' R. U]]    typo
[x' D' U' : [R D' R, U2]]    does not perform a comm of this type
Analyzing Jacks comms, piece type: "edges", expected buffer: "UF"
url: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1yl5Xwn2aDpXyHA0Rx1OUrDzec8nbg18wxis3I4uDoIw/edit#gid=1839734749

[U' M U' : [M' U2]]    typo
r U r E r2 E r U r'    does not perform a comm of this type
[z : [L E' L' U']]    typo
[R' F' : R U R', E]]    typo
S U' : S R2 S' R2    typo
[r' U : [M' U2]]    typo
U E l' E' l2 E' l' E'U'    typo
u' : R' E R , U'    typo
[M : [U, R E' R']]    does not affect the expected buffer <UF>
[U, L E2 L']]    typo
[U' L U' : [M' U2]]    typo
[U : [S, L B' L']]    does not affect the expected buffer <UF>

Analyzing Porky's comms, piece type: "corners", expected buffer: "UBL"
url: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/17sL1RuiYijTMiQkBn_d5xthdgAoxGE8oaH-Po-PZ58s/edit#gid=1971450133

[L : [U2, L D L]]    does not perform a comm of this type
[r U2 r' : [B']]    typo
[R' : [D, R' U' R]]    does not affect the expected buffer <UBL>
[D' R' : [R, R' U R]]    does not perform a comm of this type
[U R2 : [U', R D' R']]    does not affect the expected buffer <UBL>
[lU' : [R U R', D']]    typo
[L U' L' U' : [L D' L' U2]]    typo
[D' L : [U2, L D' ‘]]    typo
[D : [U R' U, L2]]    does not perform a comm of this type


Swag Overlord
May 17, 2011
Surrey, England
Visit Channel
Hello all,
FYI @CyanSandwich @sigalig @Ollie @Mollerz @T1_M0 @porkynator and also Jack Cai and Daniel Lin (can't find them on this forum), there are some typos in your algs tables that you might want to fix ;)

Most of mine are centre commutators which have not been reviewed. Some are correct too so you need to consider that in your script or something. Anyway the ones highlighted yellow are not confirmed to work since I generated them using only my brain and no cube.


Feb 13, 2017
Visit Channel
Hello all,
FYI @CyanSandwich @sigalig @Ollie @Mollerz @T1_M0 @porkynator and also Jack Cai and Daniel Lin (can't find them on this forum), there are some typos in your algs tables that you might want to fix ;)

Analyzing Timo's BLD sheet, piece type: "wings", expected buffer: "FUr"
url: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1xR2RKxXqxpYKyqbG1Y63EpIOPlNKn1yT2QI5IWMgdYE/edit#gid=2119199520

[Rw [U, Rw u2 Rw']]    does not perform a comm of this type

Fixed the others but this should be correct


Sep 6, 2010
New Zealand
Visit Channel
Was Max Hilliard's sheet ever added to this.

It has full floating for 3BLD. Or is there a reason it wasn't added?


Jan 9, 2014
Visit Channel
Was Max Hilliard's sheet ever added to this.

It has full floating for 3BLD. Or is there a reason it wasn't added?

Yes, Max's algsheet has fully floating for edges, not sure if all corners are covered though.