Week 2016-08

45 competed in an event so far


Kinch Score (WCA events only)
# Name WCA Events Kinch Score


# Name Result Solves Comment
12.001.97, 2.15, 1.34, 3.14, 1.87
22.381.93, 3.80, 1.94, 2.93, 2.26
32.641.70, 2.77, 2.38, 3.49, 2.78
42.823.72, 2.52, 2.30, 2.53, 3.40
52.922.65, 5.30, 2.99, 2.55, 3.12
63.162.32, 4.20, 2.47, 4.25, 2.81
73.723.13, 2.55, 6.14, 3.89, 4.153rd: was a +2 :((((

worst a05 in the whole year. This avg sucks.
83.782.50, 4.56, 3.76, 4.64, 3.02
93.864.88, 3.68, 3.99, 3.80, 3.78
104.304.53, 4.47, 3.99, 3.97, 4.45
114.593.96, 3.52, 5.86, 3.94, 7.62hhhhhhhhhhh
124.765.15, 4.81, 4.31, 5.56, 3.93
135.108.46, 5.28, 4.93, 5.08, 3.69
145.334.13, 6.69, 7.57, 5.17, 3.36
155.565.21, 5.51, 5.65, 6.00, 5.53
165.786.16, 5.95, 4.80, 8.07, 5.24
175.887.31, 6.00, 5.70, 5.69, 5.93
186.105.16, 6.61, 5.46, 7.94, 6.22
196.1912.19, 3.51, 6.94, 5.75, 5.88
206.645.33, 7.29, 6.00, 8.28, 6.62
216.835.26, 7.76, 6.85, 11.17, 5.87
227.348.63, 7.55, 7.72, 6.76, 6.73
238.646.57, 9.36, 9.06, 7.49, 10.29
2410.209.71, 8.75, 9.18, 11.72, 19.73
2510.369.68, 10.80, 12.67, 10.60, 9.24I just started 2x2 a couple weeks ago, this is pretty good for me now.
2610.7210.47, 7.69, 11.60, 10.83, 10.87I tried a new method
2711.506.95, 12.56, 11.16, 12.41, 10.94
2811.696.97, 15.31, 18.39, 9.75, 10.02
2917.3822.67, 14.18, 19.35, 18.60, 13.59


# Name Result Solves Comment
18.016.95, 7.12, 8.59, 8.31, 10.90;-;
28.428.18, 7.79, 9.30, 9.98, 7.30
39.9810.10, 9.85, 9.98, 9.79, 15.31
49.9912.45, 9.76, 10.34, 9.69, 9.88
510.219.67, 11.63, 11.05, 9.87, 9.71why......
610.329.78, 11.96, 9.85, 8.89, 11.34
710.4912.42, 9.35, 10.71, 10.65, 10.12
811.7512.62, 11.66, 11.78, 11.80, 11.09
912.0512.41, 11.59, 13.08, 11.42, 12.15
1012.4516.67, 11.38, 11.64, 13.64, 12.06
1112.5312.07, 13.93, 11.64, 13.01, 12.512nd: missed the spacebar
4th: fingerlock D:

meh avg
1213.0012.45, 12.11, DNF, 13.51, 13.03meh
1313.5913.55, 11.83, 15.38, 15.72, 11.84
1413.9013.75, 13.33, 14.91, 13.78, 14.18
1514.1513.82, 11.02, 17.74, 16.45, 12.18
1614.2414.68, 15.02, 13.83, 14.21, 13.49
1714.86DNF, 16.00, 13.96, 12.60, 14.63
1815.0013.35, 14.65, 17.51, 14.06, 16.30
1915.3017.57, 13.21, 13.49, 15.32, 17.08Pretty good average for me.
2015.3714.27, 16.66, 15.96, 14.25, 15.88
2115.5715.12, 15.54, 14.35, 16.05, 18.64
2216.8317.83, 15.39, 16.61, 16.04, 20.59
2317.6617.76, 16.08, 18.75, 21.30, 16.46
2417.9918.48, 18.42, 14.92, 22.37, 17.06
2518.2816.29, 19.41, 18.02, 17.41, 19.79
2618.4820.27, 17.81, 23.25, 17.35, 15.74
2718.5817.27, 16.76, 21.33, 21.38, 17.14
2818.7016.63, 20.32, 18.99, 20.56, 16.80
2918.9818.83, 12.73, 20.25, 17.86, 21.46
3022.9019.78, 18.13, 34.01, 26.35, 22.58on #3 I messed up the cross twice
3123.4823.27, 17.93, 23.43, 23.79, 23.73
3223.5122.14, 23.15, 28.75, 24.21, 23.17
3324.1436.95, 25.20, 24.03, 22.05, 23.20
3427.5926.86, 26.13, 29.94, 23.92, 29.78
3532.8238.61, 30.83, 31.21, 32.05, 35.20
3637.9736.90, 39.75, 37.26, 44.15, 33.39Not bad... a medium AO5
3741.3745.45, 39.70, 32.14, 41.40, 43.00
3843.4546.61, 41.06, 42.69, 56.48, 33.96


# Name Result Solves Comment
135.7337.00, 33.29, 36.89, 32.69, 38.57
242.8239.16, 43.82, 44.85, 42.11, 42.53with 3 solves DP
343.3548.88, 44.32, 43.52, 42.20, 37.10
445.4545.46, 39.56, 45.76, 56.88, 45.13
550.9954.52, 51.85, 46.60, 54.52, 45.65
653.1554.53, 52.96, 53.34, 51.55, 53.15
754.7751.40, 46.55, 56.02, 56.88, 56.951st and 2nd: same COLL from the same angle ftw

horrible avg :( this week is going on badly
81:02.171:05.65, 1:01.52, 1:04.32, 1:00.67, 56.36
91:02.461:05.70, 1:10.10, 1:01.95, 57.10, 59.74
101:03.1859.07, 1:07.85, 56.31, 1:02.61, 1:10.46
111:07.271:03.69, 1:15.40, 1:01.66, 1:13.31, 1:04.81
121:13.511:10.73, 1:13.65, 1:13.52, 1:13.35, 1:15.02
131:19.191:23.68, 1:22.70, 1:38.10, 1:09.40, 1:11.20
141:32.641:15.19, 1:31.95, 1:37.96, 1:28.00, 1:47.54I've only been doing 4x4 for about 3 days so this is a good average for me.
151:50.211:55.94, 2:01.17, 1:47.96, 1:46.72, 1:43.40
161:52.111:56.64, 1:50.19, 1:48.10, 1:49.49, DNFon #5 I forgot the parity error... (1:54.042)
171:54.722:01.14, 1:47.52, 2:30.82, 1:54.44, 1:48.57
182:00.491:45.69, 1:53.21, 2:18.29, 1:58.59, 2:09.67
192:16.762:05.61, 1:51.15, 2:07.70, 2:36.98, 2:37.96
202:23.252:22.73, 2:26.79, 2:00.02, 2:20.22, 2:30.27
213:23.353:38.34, 3:05.88, 3:04.84, 3:30.08, 3:34.09


# Name Result Solves Comment
11:34.381:37.41, 1:38.95, 1:35.37, 1:29.50, 1:30.35
21:37.841:39.11, 1:38.44, 1:38.41, 1:36.66, 1:29.33
31:38.211:35.30, 1:33.89, 1:43.88, 1:35.44, 1:51.60
41:41.191:34.08, 1:36.60, 1:45.47, 1:41.50, 1:49.00THE YUXIN IS A PIECE OF TRASH
51:41.681:36.41, 1:41.79, 1:46.85, 1:47.05, 1:35.80
61:45.961:45.83, 1:51.33, 1:40.56, 1:45.60, 1:46.46
72:39.612:42.95, 2:35.51, 2:47.71, 2:40.37, 2:29.37
83:45.854:05.90, 3:30.91, 3:20.84, 5:02.66, 3:40.75
94:30.824:42.69, 3:58.65, 4:31.25, 4:18.51, 5:43.21
105:47.606:10.28, 5:58.97, 5:01.11, 5:28.30, 5:55.54


# Name Result Solves Comment
13:01.472:57.63, 3:01.38, 3:02.99, 3:00.05, 3:10.33
23:03.653:07.13, 2:50.73, 3:13.09, 2:43.83, 3:29.23
33:39.213:34.16, 3:45.58, 3:24.53, 4:23.90, 3:37.89I love have every solve had OLL parity and 3+ pops each :) I hate big cubes so much
4DNF8:45.73, DNS, DNS, DNS, DNS


# Name Result Solves Comment
14:28.524:34.08, 4:43.20, 4:17.60, 4:33.87, 4:15.95
24:31.634:34.09, 4:29.81, 4:30.99, 4:25.44, 4:44.54
37:45.638:05.62, 7:37.37, 7:34.70, 8:04.81, 7:32.45first solves at 7x7
48:54.439:31.59, 8:41.87, 8:34.29, 8:14.26, 9:27.14

2x2x2 blindfolded

# Name Result Solves Comment
14.864.86, 12.00, 13.29
25.025.02, 5.87, DNFsome nice scrambles
310.6720.37, 10.67, DNF
423.6824.08, DNF, 23.68
524.5924.59, 33.41, 41.04
625.7525.75, DNF, DNFI doubted if I could even get something other than a DNF. 1. PB one-looked Ortega, Wow 2. Messed up the case on a one-look 3. Messed up and an alg and my memo :/.
726.8726.87, 41.55, 36.65
832.80DNF, 46.45, 32.80
951.741:49.70, 51.74, 1:35.97pb
101:02.761:02.76, 1:35.12, 1:23.17
112:09.763:22.31, 2:09.76, 3:47.26
12DNFDNF, DNF, DNF1st: 30.03
2nd: 13.66, mis-one-looked ;S
3rd: 15.48

greeeeeeat DNF avg! :D

3x3x3 blindfolded

# Name Result Solves Comment
127.7127.71, 40.00, 47.24
21:17.911:43.11, 1:18.42, 1:17.91memo 40, 30, 29
31:18.781:33.72, DNF, 1:18.78memo 1)32.97 2)30.34 3)24.54
41:22.641:33.93, DNF, 1:22.64
51:37.93DNF, DNF, 1:37.931) and 2) off by 3cycle on corners
61:53.311:53.31, 2:03.68, 2:19.471st: missed the spacebar, would have been a 1:50 but who cares XD
2nd: nothing to say really. fine solve
3rd: missed the spacebar multiple times, would have been a 2:15 or so.

I'm so happy with the mean of 3! I never got a mo3 in this site, and I seldom get one outside it XD

Also, the 3 solves had corner parity... not good but who cares lol.

Mi felicxas pri la resulto.
72:13.402:13.40, DNF, DNS
82:48.154:07.62, 2:48.15, 2:55.48
94:58.49DNF, 4:58.49, 5:02.35
105:47.908:11.73, 7:26.50, 5:47.90

4x4x4 blindfolded

# Name Result Solves Comment
13:33.64DNF, 3:33.64, DNS1. 2:29 3 wings
2. really stupid scramble, paused so much lol
27:01.62DNF, 7:01.62, DNF3) missed the parity alg
37:58.67DNF, 7:58.67, DNS2) Pop, had to fix with blindfold on, I had to remove an internal, but luckily I managed to get it together and it was a success...
48:33.228:33.22, DNF, DNS

5x5x5 blindfolded

# Name Result Solves Comment
15:32.005:36.72, 5:32.00, DNF1) 2:13 memo
2) 2:24 memo, good execution I guess
3) 5 centers
2DNFDNF, DNF, DNF1) 15:43 not close
2) 17:51 6E
3) 14:41 missed a (re)setup move
2DNFDNF, DNF, DNF1) 16:50.42 pb time think im easy sub 20 now

6x6x6 blindfolded

# Name Result Solves Comment
1DNFDNFslow (37+) and bad
1DNFDNF42:23 (29:30) i forgot to undo a U and was off by some wings and like :/

7x7x7 blindfolded

# Name Result Solves Comment

3x3x3 multiple blindfolded

# Name Result Solves Comment
199/9 51:40pb!!
289/10 59:44
306/12 54:03awful
4DNF0/3 30:00

3x3x3 one-handed

# Name Result Solves Comment
115.8719.52, 15.53, 16.80, 15.27, 13.66
216.8715.57, 18.45, 14.19, 19.58, 16.59bleh
320.9220.41, 19.77, 20.08, 22.96, 22.28
421.9121.93, 23.10, 27.71, 19.47, 20.71
522.1524.12, 24.12, 20.95, 21.38, 18.29
622.9425.78, 23.83, 21.46, 19.41, 23.53
723.8919.21, 27.58, 22.29, 23.95, 25.44
826.8526.43, 26.44, 27.27, 28.81, 26.84
930.7730.56, 30.18, 33.09, 31.57, 29.13
1031.8036.71, 29.26, 26.82, 29.44, 38.50
1132.7039.99, 30.82, 28.81, 31.91, 35.38PB average and PB single :)
1232.9036.96, 38.95, 33.74, 28.01, 26.84
1338.5543.15, 36.68, 51.58, 31.06, 35.82
1441.5840.81, 33.66, 49.29, 42.00, 41.92
1544.0053.03, 31.67, 37.33, 41.63, DNF
1655.1550.31, 49.02, 58.52, 1:19.59, 56.62
1758.301:02.87, 2:26.66, 45.72, 56.30, 55.74
181:08.951:05.02, 50.50, 56.00, DNF, 1:25.83
191:14.5250.97, 1:19.75, 1:34.55, 1:14.27, 1:09.55

3x3x3 With feet

# Name Result Solves Comment
13:17.483:51.87, 3:11.02, 3:18.16, 3:23.27, 2:30.22

3x3x3 Match the scramble

# Name Result Solves Comment
11:26.261:34.18, 1:36.43, 1:23.22, 1:21.38, 1:06.78
21:51.742:31.60, 1:44.58, 1:54.55, 1:25.60, 1:56.08
34:55.789:03.16, 7:57.99, 3:03.32, 3:46.03, 2:44.42

3x3x3 Fewest moves

# Name Result Solves Comment

Scramble 1. L2 B L2 D2 F' L2 B2 U2 L2 B2 L' R' D' R2 U F D' R' B' U'
# Name Moves Solution Explanation
127B R' U' B D2 B' U2 B D2 B' L U' F' L2 U F' L2 F' D2 F D' B2 D F' B' D2 U2 ---------------------------
eo: B R' U & L (4)
2x2x3: U' F' L2 U F' L2 F' (11)
5-corners: D @ B2 D B'D2 U2 (17)
3-corners: at @ insert: D F D' B2 D F' D' B2 (20)
at & insert U2 B D2 B' U2 B D2 B' (27)
229B' R' U L U B' D' B U' B D2 U' F U B' U' F' U B' D2 B2 R2 B D F' U' L2 F2 U2--
Here is 20 min backup solution (31 moves).

Pre-scramble: L F' R U' (EO)

2x2x1 block: L2 F U2
2x2x2 block: F2 R2 B2
2x2x3 block: F' U F' U L2
F2L minus 1 slot: U' F'
More c/e pairs: F' U F'
All but 3 corners: U' F U2 F' U'
Correction: L F' R U'

Insert at the beginning: F' L' B2 L F L' B2 L

In the remaining time, I found the following solution.

Pre-scramble: L' U' R B (EO)

2x2x1 block: U2 F2 L2
2x2x2 block: U F
2x2x3 block: D' B' R2
All but 4 corners: B2 D2 B2 * D2 B2 D B
All but 3 corners: B' D' B U B' D B U'
Correction: L' U' R B

Insert at *: B' U' F U B U' F' U
438B R' U B U2 D' F' D F D2 R B D' B R2 B' D' B D' B' D' F D F' B D' B' D2 L' D' L R F D F' D' R' D
539U' B R U' D2 F2 D B U2 B' D B U2 F R' D2 R D' B D' B2 D B D2 L B D' B' D2 B D B' L2 D2 L D2 L' D L=================
Cross + pair: U' B R U' D2 F2 D2 (*) F B (9/9)
Pair: R' D2 R (3/12)
Pair: D' B D' B2 D B (6/18)
Pair: (L' D' L D2 L' D2 L) (7/25)
All but 3 corners: ([L] B D' B' D2 B D B' L' D2) (9/34)

Swap F and B immediately after (*).
Solve corners at (*): D' B U2 B' D B U2 B' (cancel 3)

Backup skeleton. Found other promising starts but couldn't finish any of them off.
749D2 L' D2 B U' F B2 D B L B L' D' B' D' U2 F R' B R' B' R F' U2 L' B L D' B' R B D B' D' R' D L B' L' B' D B D' B2 R B2 R B' D'----------
D2 L' D2 // 1X2X2
B U' F // 2X2X2 + PAIR
(D B R' B2) // 2X2X2 + 1X2X2
(R') // 2X2X3
B2 D // PAIR
B L B L' D' B' D' // pseudo 3X-CROSS
(B2 D B' D') // 3X-CROSS + PAIR
(B L B L') // F2L
(D' R D B D' B' R' B D) // OLL
(L' B' L U2 F R' B R B' R F' U2) // PLL

2-3-4 Relay

# Name Result Solves Comment
102:19.492:19.49Pretty bad for me.

2-3-4-5 Relay

# Name Result Solves Comment
22:39.472:39.47Messed up on the 5x5 :/


# Name Result Solves Comment
114.8616.16, 15.96, 15.80, 12.81, 11.61
216.1316.63, 15.31, 16.44, 14.22, 17.44
321.0227.32, 19.96, 22.86, 17.61, 20.24


# Name Result Solves Comment
11:11.831:01.25, 1:14.57, 1:14.86, 1:22.48, 1:06.07
21:12.551:13.03, 1:12.52, 1:19.10, 1:12.09, 1:11.19
31:17.861:25.44, 1:19.49, 1:08.68, 1:15.35, 1:18.73
41:28.031:26.67, 1:30.41, 1:30.40, 1:27.03, 1:21.62
52:07.972:13.80, 2:12.15, 2:05.33, 2:02.44, 2:06.44
62:09.342:10.15, 2:14.87, 2:02.47, 2:12.91, 2:04.96
72:59.322:47.70, 3:06.51, 3:08.53, 3:03.76, 2:36.72
84:45.454:51.56, 4:45.89, 4:34.05, 4:56.89, 4:38.89


# Name Result Solves Comment
13.874.37, 2.44, 3.73, 3.61, 4.26
24.993.58, 3.20, 6.73, 5.25, 6.13
35.164.66, 4.29, 7.90, 4.63, 6.20Pretty good for me.
45.614.24, 3.05, 6.31, 9.44, 6.27
55.625.61, 5.53, 6.37, 5.66, 5.58
66.076.40, 5.88, 6.83, 5.92, 5.88
76.454.85, 6.27, 6.69, 6.40, 7.36
87.076.27, 4.40, 9.63, 6.28, 8.67ugh pyraminx
98.8812.16, 4.43, 6.60, 8.80, 11.24
108.9911.31, 8.87, 8.64, 7.04, 9.46
119.169.86, 6.94, 8.33, 9.94, 9.30
129.7511.24, 8.21, 9.79, 8.02, 11.94
1312.4810.93, 13.28, 11.50, 19.29, 12.67
1418.4123.19, 17.76, 14.29, 13.28, 23.62
1544.3441.50, 32.43, 1:35.18, 31.74, 59.10
1645.4621.31, 1:01.53, 57.53, 29.43, 49.42


# Name Result Solves Comment
111.8813.28, 11.23, 9.02, 12.90, 11.50
216.0114.12, 16.80, 13.97, 17.10, 21.63
316.9214.85, 14.05, 20.36, 16.07, 19.85
417.6018.10, 19.58, 12.63, 15.11, 20.42
519.8821.99, 22.11, 19.22, 18.43, 18.31good
621.5221.14, 22.97, 27.82, 20.46, 20.45
728.3430.04, 38.22, 28.33, 19.68, 26.66
829.9428.06, 32.00, 30.05, 22.46, 31.72
942.3643.36, 37.88, 45.83, 33.77, 52.43
1046.1040.39, 36.35, 1:01.57, 25.09, 1:34.75
111:19.661:01.83, 1:23.12, 56.63, 1:39.96, 1:34.04
123:24.843:55.81, 2:43.46, 1:28.17, 3:35.24, 10:26.33


# Name Result Solves Comment
13.623.42, 3.83, 3.54, 5.65, 3.49
23.974.41, 3.40, 4.04, 3.54, 4.34
34.223.88, 3.07, 4.55, 5.73, 4.23
46.197.39, 8.01, 2.84, 5.59, 5.60Decent.
56.324.73, 4.37, 7.28, 6.96, 10.73
66.926.16, 6.77, 9.61, 6.10, 7.83
77.066.59, 7.77, 7.85, 6.81, 6.25
88.598.95, 8.02, 8.79, 7.58, 9.61
910.8612.09, 14.20, 8.67, 10.41, 10.08
1011.3410.25, 9.53, 10.10, 15.40, 13.67
1111.979.45, 15.60, 9.64, 10.68, DNF
1213.7012.44, 13.45, 13.00, 14.65, 15.84
1314.029.79, 12.03, 16.62, 13.42, DNF
1425.9414.58, 18.81, 24.58, 34.44, 48.40
1530.0131.46, 24.03, 41.38, 27.74, 30.82
1648.6658.83, 51.43, 48.59, 45.96, 20.42


# Name Result Solves Comment
11.841.87, 1.81, 1.92, 1.85, 1.79
27.206.76, 8.54, 6.33, 6.97, 7.86

Master Magic

# Name Result Solves Comment