Week 2014-44

35 competed in an event so far



# Name Result Solves Comment
13.082.31, 3.26, 3.48, 5.05, 2.50fail
23.603.63, 4.24, 2.94, 4.89, 2.40
34.754.25, 3.46, 3.32, 6.54, 6.90
44.894.41, 4.29, 4.50, 5.75, 7.96
55.153.55, 5.05, 4.98, 5.55, 5.42
65.175.10, 7.43, 4.52, 5.33, 5.07fail
75.195.45, 4.67, 5.08, 5.77, 5.05
85.225.47, 5.66, 12.08, 3.72, 4.52More practice is needed
96.256.03, 6.36, 5.55, 6.37, 7.75
106.279.35, 3.80, 4.63, 4.83, DNFlol
116.584.58, 7.02, 7.60, 5.54, 7.17
127.218.75, 4.68, 6.76, 7.36, 7.51About my best Ao100
137.516.22, 6.25, 7.96, 8.56, 8.33
148.027.31, 5.08, 16.37, 7.81, 8.95
158.398.94, 6.28, 7.93, 8.98, 8.29
168.643.47, 11.05, 8.27, 8.57, 9.08
1710.3411.14, 9.30, 11.53, 10.57, 8.97
1810.798.03, 11.36, 7.60, DNF, 12.97


# Name Result Solves Comment
19.719.46, 9.67, 10.83, 8.11, 10.00bad
211.3913.33, 11.85, 9.21, 11.42, 10.90
311.6812.64, 12.05, 10.35, 9.33, 13.06Bad
412.6812.76, 12.19, 13.09, 12.13, 13.37
513.6810.11, 11.98, 15.78, 26.80, 13.29fail
613.8213.76, 14.18, 13.53, 13.14, 14.26
713.9417.29, 12.75, 13.74, 13.60, 14.47oops
815.8215.47, 16.94, 13.45, 16.97, 15.04
916.1317.38, 16.81, 15.47, 14.25, 16.11I lack consistency
1016.6814.52, 16.18, 17.05, 16.81, 19.03
1117.1217.02, 17.54, 16.83, 17.50, 15.30
1217.1918.83, 14.74, 18.21, 16.73, 16.62
1317.6917.06, 17.16, 17.18, 23.15, 18.72
1418.8117.49, 23.98, 19.05, 17.72, 19.67
1519.2718.56, 21.03, 18.21, 25.08, 17.43
1619.2916.34, 20.34, 18.90, 23.98, 18.63
1719.3524.00, 23.05, 17.29, 17.70, 12.38lost exact time for first solve. I know it was a 24 though
1819.57DNF, 15.16, 18.21, 25.34, 14.75Normally im 5 seconds better -.-
1919.7621.64, 20.52, 16.34, 19.96, 18.81
2019.9716.88, 22.19, 20.68, 19.00, 20.23
2121.3022.80, 20.78, 18.68, 20.32, 23.73
2221.4421.13, 22.46, 24.60, 20.72, 16.78
2321.5428.02, 19.55, 22.92, 15.15, 22.16
2424.4020.61, 24.14, 28.84, 21.86, 27.21
2524.7028.03, 23.16, 24.65, 25.20, 24.25Horrid
2625.6933.89, 21.91, 26.55, 22.97, 27.55
2734.7448.99, 39.15, 33.83, 31.25, 28.77


# Name Result Solves Comment
137.2739.01, 34.45, 43.68, 38.35, 32.95
247.7047.92, 47.00, 50.31, 46.39, 48.19
351.2757.13, 49.49, 52.44, 49.29, 51.89
453.8455.51, 54.49, 49.83, 51.52, DNF
51:00.991:12.58, 51.94, 57.78, 1:01.85, 1:03.34meh. terrible first solve lol
61:01.221:06.84, 1:02.09, 1:05.33, 55.78, 56.25More inconsistency
71:08.821:05.77, 1:12.67, 1:11.87, 1:08.81, 58.11
81:09.091:00.98, 1:22.87, 55.74, 1:25.28, 1:03.43
91:13.061:20.03, 1:09.38, 1:23.63, 1:02.30, 1:09.77
101:14.761:05.99, 1:12.63, 1:19.87, 1:11.77, 1:24.08
111:17.671:17.72, 1:17.56, 1:17.73, 1:23.89, 1:01.41lol first three solves
gj last solve
121:22.151:26.66, 1:18.17, 1:26.50, 1:18.79, 1:21.15
131:31.521:29.72, 1:24.44, 1:24.61, 1:40.22, 3:28.97
141:34.871:16.89, 1:34.90, 1:41.38, 1:31.45, 1:38.26
151:37.791:38.61, 1:45.68, 1:30.12, 1:39.71, 1:35.04
161:38.271:50.00, 1:37.03, 1:38.78, 1:31.16, 1:38.99Oll parity 4 times in a row
172:02.212:05.49, 2:40.13, 1:55.30, 2:05.84, 1:36.04
182:13.452:10.22, 2:07.92, 2:06.13, 2:22.21, DNF
192:35.422:31.04, 2:26.71, 3:10.65, 2:40.52, 2:34.71


# Name Result Solves Comment
11:43.211:55.83, 1:42.36, 1:36.23, 1:45.55, 1:41.73
21:53.581:58.17, 1:36.94, 1:49.45, 1:53.13, 2:16.26massive pops
32:12.372:56.52, 2:15.68, 2:09.73, 2:05.80, 2:11.70
42:22.612:24.32, 2:42.54, 2:20.40, 2:23.10, 2:09.18
52:29.282:19.44, 2:27.80, 2:24.59, 2:35.45, 2:45.88
62:36.372:44.87, 2:34.69, 2:26.84, 2:51.05, 2:29.56
72:46.212:39.16, 2:58.95, 3:30.23, 2:35.77, 2:40.51
83:10.703:25.43, 2:47.22, 3:22.13, 3:15.19, 2:54.78
94:00.764:58.26, 3:55.42, 3:51.33, 4:15.54, 3:36.16
105:08.945:17.58, 4:05.99, 5:33.77, 5:10.98, 4:58.25
11DNF2:11.19, DNS, DNS, DNS, DNS
12DNF5:05.32, DNS, DNS, DNS, DNS


# Name Result Solves Comment
13:03.932:57.83, 2:59.65, 2:50.96, 3:16.08, 3:14.31
23:53.843:54.68, 3:44.96, 4:11.00, 3:51.73, 3:55.12
34:29.334:22.53, 4:30.94, 5:20.16, 4:34.52, 4:20.39
45:08.044:49.47, 4:34.64, 5:34.32, 6:10.24, 5:00.331st solve was pb single
2nd solve beat pb single again with sub-2 centers
55:18.975:14.31, 5:24.93, 5:38.39, 5:17.68, 5:05.72
65:37.386:04.78, 5:27.97, 5:31.86, 5:52.32, 4:50.16
79:00.559:06.80, 7:49.13, 10:37.87, 9:46.93, 8:07.91I don't practice 6x6
8DNF3:15.98, 4:20.48, DNS, DNS, DNS


# Name Result Solves Comment
14:16.144:26.82, 4:05.79, 4:15.81, 4:34.11, 4:05.08
27:18.827:00.24, 6:15.85, 7:10.25, 8:26.55, 7:45.986:15.85 is my pb single.
37:19.367:15.52, 7:26.70, 7:28.28, 7:15.87, 7:05.18

2x2x2 blindfolded

# Name Result Solves Comment
114.1017.40, DNF, 14.10
221.2422.86, 21.24, 22.04consistent
324.1424.14, 30.11, 25.02
426.2632.67, 26.26, DNF
531.0547.09, 31.05, 57.72
636.40DNF, 36.40, 36.90Horrible scrambles. I didn't re-orient though.
71:11.67DNF, 1:11.67, DNF
81:35.671:35.67, DNF, DNF
92:13.112:13.11, DNS, DNS

3x3x3 blindfolded

# Name Result Solves Comment
140.93DNF, DNF, 40.93
249.26DNF, 50.22, 49.26that 1st scramble was awful
350.5956.59, 50.59, DNF
41:03.28DNF, 1:03.28, DNFHaha the first scramble was so nasty
51:09.561:26.19, 1:09.56, DNF
63:36.48DNF, DNF, 3:36.48
74:15.844:15.84, DNF, DNF
86:49.446:49.44, DNS, DNS

4x4x4 blindfolded

# Name Result Solves Comment
14:07.60DNF, DNF, 4:07.601) 3:40.63 first attempt today, off by U2, some corners, and two wings
2) did last corner target wrong
3) not bad
26:05.28DNF, 6:05.28, DNS

5x5x5 blindfolded

# Name Result Solves Comment
1DNFDNF, DNF, DNF1) a total mess
2) 10:12.20 [3:25] off by 2+
felt really fast, not even sub-pb
1DNFDNF, DNF, DNF1) 13:34 2X
2) 15:09 3+
3) bad

6x6x6 blindfolded

# Name Result Solves Comment
1DNFDNF30:19.91 [10:45]
terrible time
off by 2 centers, corners are off by a U2, and lots of wings are unsolved

7x7x7 blindfolded

# Name Result Solves Comment

3x3x3 multiple blindfolded

# Name Result Solves Comment
11719/21 45:10Awesome time.
2 flips, 2 twists
21011/12 55:55Oh so close! Good memo and solved all but one without problems. Could not recall corner memory on one and saved that for last. Sat with that for a couple of minutes and then got it. Happy I solved it so fast I forgot I had parity on that cube. So one missing parity, that's the closest I been to 12!
3DNF1/7 59:17

3x3x3 one-handed

# Name Result Solves Comment
121.4420.86, 18.80, 22.03, 26.33, 21.43
227.6730.37, 29.94, 23.79, 29.27, 21.99
329.7423.55, 32.40, 38.19, 27.87, 28.94
429.9727.97, 29.78, 27.16, 35.40, 32.15not bad for me
530.2635.87, 27.77, 32.79, 30.21, 25.37Messed up on 3rd and 4th solves :/
631.5428.81, 39.38, 33.07, 32.73, 21.82
736.8627.51, 41.23, 37.85, 37.84, 34.90
844.0755.84, 43.36, 37.92, 38.99, 49.86
944.5737.73, 46.64, 41.68, DNF, 45.38
1050.0841.09, 44.19, 1:07.94, 54.78, 51.27
1156.431:05.06, 1:14.15, 1:00.07, 44.15, 35.83Last 2 both had PLL skips o_o
1258.7355.85, 51.33, 1:05.06, 1:03.66, 56.68ccw U, ccw U, T, T, V
131:12.0656.93, 1:18.78, 1:16.72, 1:01.21, 1:18.24
141:31.161:57.43, 1:22.20, 1:09.68, 1:15.08, 1:56.21Firs ao5 in OH ever.

3x3x3 With feet

# Name Result Solves Comment
11:12.261:17.19, 1:10.15, 1:09.43, 1:17.81, 1:01.84
21:45.761:50.45, 1:51.83, 1:15.26, 1:42.37, 1:44.47wow really nice single
32:37.742:41.27, 2:48.18, 2:42.06, 2:29.90, 2:07.91
43:20.90DNF, 2:45.57, 3:17.89, 3:59.25, 2:11.01last solve is pb

3x3x3 Match the scramble

# Name Result Solves Comment
148.791:08.97, 44.45, 49.13, 52.52, 44.72cool I can do match the scramble without DNFing again
248.9951.03, 51.92, 47.81, 47.45, 48.14gj
33:52.44DNF, 4:31.59, 3:45.14, 2:28.54, 3:20.58

3x3x3 Fewest moves

# Name Result Solves Comment

Scramble 1. D2 L2 D2 R B2 L' D2 U2 L U2 L' B' F' D R' B2 R2 F' U F R2
# Name Moves Solution Explanation
127D' F2 D2 R' L U' F2 L2 F' L' F2 L' U L F L' F' U' R2 B R B' R D2 L' F2 L'---
Here is my 30 min backup solution. (31 moves)

Pre-scramble: D2 L' F L'

2x2x3 block: D' F2 D2 R' L2 U'
Orient edges: D F' D'

Pre-scramble: D F D' U L2 R D2 F2 D

2x2x3 block: L F' L D2
More square: L' F L F'
Finish F2L: L2 F2 L F' L' F2
LL: L' D2 R U' F2 U R' D' L2 D'
Correction: D F D' U L2 R D2 F2 D

In the remaining time, I found the following solution.

Pre-scramble: D2 L' F L'

2x2x3 block: D' F2 D2 R' L U'
Finish F2L: F2 L2 F' L' F2 L'
All but 2c2e: U L F L' F' U'
J-perm: R2 B R B' R D2 L' F L D2
Correction: D2 L' F L'
228 D R' D' U' B2 R2 F R2 F2 U' F L' U' B' U R' B L B' R B U' R U R B2 D F- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
INV: F' D' B2 (3)
SOL: D R' D' U' B2 R2 F R2 F2 U' F (11/14)
L' U' B' U B L U' R U R (10/24)

D R' D' U' B2 R2 F R2 F2 U' F L' U' B' U B * L U' R U R B2 D F
* = B' R' B L B' R B L'
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
334R D' L D2 R B2 D F L' F2 L B' L' B2 D2 B' D' L' R' U R D R' U' R F' D U2 F D2 F' U2 F D22x2x2: R D' L D2 R B2
2x2x3: D F L' F2
switch to inverse
3x cross: F' D' F D' L D B D2 B'
all but 4 corners: B' L B L'
Putting it together gives: R D' L D2 R B2 D F L' F2 L B' L' B2 D2 B' D' L' . D F' D F
Solve a corner: F' U2 F D2 F' U2 F D2
insert at .: R' U R D R' U' R D'

Comment: Ugh, 34. I'm quite consistent in my mediocrity.
439R' D' L2 U R' U' D L2 B2 D L' D' L2 B' L' B' L2 B2 L' B L2 U' B' F' D F Uw' U F' D' F Uw U2 L F' L' B L F26 moves to 3c + 3e
IF got 34 moves with my skeleton
548R' U' F2 L D F2 D' B L B2 U L' R B R2 z U' F' U F D R' U2 R U R B' R' B Fw R U R' U' R U R' U' Fw' U2 y' x R' U R' D2 R U' R' D2 R2Sigh.
Got stuck and ran out of time for insertions.
652x2 y U F' D' R2 Rw B' R U R2 U2 R2 U Rw R U R' U' Rw U Rw' U' R U' L' U R' U' L M2 U M' U' M U' M' U2 M U' M2 U M' U2 M' U2Roux
753R D R B2 U' R2 U F2 D' F' D R' D' R D' L2 D2 L D' L' B' D' B F' D' F D' F' D2 F D2 F' D' F' L' D' L D' L' D2 L x2 y' R2 Uw R' U R' U' R Uw' R2 F' U F
8DNFDNFMany nice starts and a promising EO-start. BUt ran out of time for a sub-30 solve

2-3-4 Relay

# Name Result Solves Comment
41:24.401:24.40failed with my 4x4 edges
91:49.801:49.80Everything about that was horrible
102:04.132:04.13Fastest 2-4 relay i've done (I've done 5)

2-3-4-5 Relay

# Name Result Solves Comment
54:56.284:56.28tps was bad, first solves today


# Name Result Solves Comment
16.907.60, 7.37, 6.63, 6.63, 6.71finally something good
27.107.81, DNF, 8.83, 6.11, 7.38
315.2414.95, 15.69, 15.09, 14.14, 18.61
419.1529.14, 16.56, 20.83, 19.77, 16.84first clock solves in months


# Name Result Solves Comment
11:29.791:28.77, 1:27.65, 1:41.07, 1:29.09, 1:31.52
21:36.981:35.59, 1:43.18, 1:32.16, 1:30.63, 1:56.38UGG!!
31:59.802:14.12, 1:49.16, 2:06.86, 1:47.16, 2:03.38
42:08.402:17.84, 1:56.48, 2:10.67, 2:12.72, 2:01.81pb single and average
52:42.892:51.38, 2:32.88, 2:44.42, 2:12.86, 2:54.80vgj 4th solve
63:23.933:38.83, 3:22.24, 3:10.73, 3:10.38, 3:47.75
7DNF1:37.70, 2:32.87, 1:57.07, DNS, DNS


# Name Result Solves Comment
14.593.31, 5.18, 5.28, 3.30, 9.24epic fail
24.954.29, 4.21, 5.43, 5.12, 5.70
35.975.93, 6.94, 6.28, 5.69, 5.14meh
46.414.29, 7.89, 7.04, 9.10, 3.80gj
56.486.61, 5.65, 8.00, 6.67, 6.17
66.544.75, 8.55, 7.46, 7.40, 4.56
77.846.25, 9.06, 9.43, 7.58, 6.88
88.5311.28, 7.51, 11.00, 7.09, 4.52
98.8210.88, 8.85, 8.80, 8.80, 7.61about my best Ao12
1010.336.81, 13.15, 10.09, 8.83, 12.08Could have been sub-10 but fingers failed me in the last solve
1111.1010.92, 11.09, 12.17, 9.32, 11.29
1212.3912.66, 14.49, 9.24, 10.43, 14.09
1313.1316.33, 13.09, 17.94, 9.97, 8.69
1415.4710.59, 17.36, 12.16, 25.52, 16.88QJ :/
1515.7817.15, 12.40, 18.27, 13.62, 16.56
1620.7417.35, 15.76, 34.17, 13.96, 29.11
1720.8212.70, 21.97, 24.61, 21.17, 19.32
1827.5220.74, 17.74, 28.65, 33.16, DNF


# Name Result Solves Comment
122.9729.67, 15.43, 24.41, 19.95, 24.56lol bj
238.2345.79, 28.80, 41.79, 37.99, 34.91not terrible
338.5931.20, 1:06.05, 41.12, 34.38, 40.27
441.1434.78, 36.50, 44.10, 42.83, DNF
543.7246.03, 46.72, 38.42, 31.27, 58.40
61:16.041:22.77, 39.21, 1:33.34, 1:12.50, 1:12.86The 2bd solve was too easy. i might have miss scrambled it.


# Name Result Solves Comment
16.096.14, 6.49, 5.63, 10.18, 5.34didn't warm up, absolutely horrible
what's with the recurring U' U scrambles?
26.936.20, 7.70, 5.10, 6.88, 8.12shit scrambles lol
37.607.21, 6.03, 9.39, 7.66, 7.93
47.757.95, 7.50, 6.78, 7.79, 8.60:(
59.746.24, 13.57, 7.11, 10.71, 11.39
610.0410.69, 6.25, 10.40, 9.59, 10.14
710.846.39, 8.85, 10.21, 13.45, 13.59horrible...
811.268.54, 12.16, 11.29, 10.34, 12.44
911.3311.17, 10.01, 12.82, 14.67, 8.09
1012.5812.15, 10.71, 13.19, 19.44, 12.41
1113.7111.84, 14.67, 21.13, 14.62, 9.93
1214.1910.52, 19.22, 11.45, 11.91, 35.912nd scramble in the middle U'U? :D
1319.2814.43, 20.41, 25.33, 18.83, 18.61


# Name Result Solves Comment
11.962.01, 2.63, 1.96, 1.92, 1.84
23.703.72, 3.66, 3.16, 3.76, 3.72only did magics so I did every event I could this week

Master Magic

# Name Result Solves Comment
16.426.72, 6.94, 7.06, 5.01, 5.59