# | Name | Result | Solves | Comment |
1 | Khairur Rachim (Khairur Rachim) | 1.53 | 1.62, 1.66, 1.42, 1.55, 1.36 | |
2 | leo lindqvist (leomannen) | 1.78 | 1.90, 3.52, 1.20, 1.76, 1.67 | 10 tps on 1 wich is kind of fast for me
10 plus on third too pretty good tps on the rest |
3 | Mattheo de Wit (MattheoDW) | 1.80 | 2.42, 1.94, 1.26, 1.81, 1.65 | |
4 | Advay Sant (asacuber) | 1.93 | 4.55, 2.34, 1.69, 1.73, 1.71 | counting crap but at least its decent |
5 | óskar pétursson (oskarinn) | 2.04 | 2.13, 1.72, 1.94, 2.06, 2.65 | |
6 | Sumanth Chandrupatla (ExultantCarn) | 2.05 | 2.39, 4.09, 1.55, 1.89, 1.88 | so close to sub 2 :( |
7 | Tommy Cherry (TommyC) | 2.09 | 1.98, 3.60, 2.11, 2.17, 1.47 | |
8 | Ilie Nagrineac (applezfall) | 2.11 | 2.10, 2.63, 1.63, 2.50, 1.73 | |
9 | Walker Welch (TheDubDubJr) | 2.15 | 2.15, 2.36, 1.83, 3.13, 1.95 | |
10 | Eli Jay (lejitcuber) | 2.47 | 2.85, 2.82, 1.81, 2.52, 2.07 | |
11 | Ishaan Lal (thecubingwizard) | 2.59 | 2.29, 2.71, 1.60, 3.35, 2.76 | |
12 | Tristan Steeves (cubeshepherd) | 2.59 | 3.29, 2.75, 1.91, 2.69, 2.34 | |
13 | Sean Hartman (Sean Hartman) | 2.68 | 3.06, 4.12, 1.49, 1.89, 3.09 | |
14 | Ethan Horspool (Ethan Horspool) | 2.69 | 2.78, 2.28, 3.14, 2.12, 3.01 | |
15 | Jacob Ambrose (jaysammey777) | 2.76 | 2.76, 4.41, 1.77, 1.92, 3.61 | |
16 | Noah Paredes (NoProblemCubing) | 2.85 | 2.87, 3.45, 2.06, 4.39, 2.22 | crazy average for me! |
17 | Nathanael Morgan (NathanaelCubes) | 2.87 | 2.63, 2.54, 2.84, 5.92, 3.15 | Lol scrambles. Super good average for me, I average like sub 5. |
18 | Bryan Eng (OriginalUsername) | 3.04 | 3.38, 3.08, 2.82, 2.84, 3.19 | |
19 | Marcus Siu (Marcus Siu) | 3.08 | 3.10, 3.71, 2.16, 3.14, 3.01 | YLM 2x2 is good |
20 | Theodor Nordstrand (TheodorNordstrand) | 3.09 | 2.89, 3.63, 3.10, 3.12, 3.04 | |
21 | Guido Dipietro (G2013) | 3.10 | 2.49, 3.00, DNF, 3.42, 2.89 | |
22 | Louis de Mendonça (tdm) | 3.11 | 3.49, 2.66, 1.64, 3.69, 3.19 | A couple of slow lockups, but other than that, fairly good |
23 | Lachlan Stephens (Lachlan Stephens) | 3.13 | 5.09, 3.08, 2.54, 2.57, 3.74 | wow nice |
24 | Tyler Buel (CubingTybu) ([email protected]) | 3.14 | 3.75, 3.90, 2.57, 2.87, 2.80 | Cll a day keeps the bad times away |
25 | Competition Cuber (Competition Cuber) | 3.14 | 3.57, 2.91, 2.74, 3.36, 3.16 | |
26 | Justin Park (CubicOreo) | 3.16 | 3.32, 3.96, 2.88, 3.29, 2.78 | |
27 | Andreas Lambropoulos (2017LAMB06) | 3.26 | 3.51, 3.29, 2.45, 2.98, 4.64 | |
28 | Mihnea Pantu (mihnea3000) | 3.34 | 2.98, 3.67, 3.38, 2.82, 4.53 | |
29 | Bill Hammill (SloMoCubing) | 3.35 | 4.25, 3.41, 2.29, 3.91, 2.72 | trash |
30 | Anders Olsen (whatshisbucket) | 3.36 | 2.97, 3.61, 5.28, 3.04, 3.42 | first two solves were oll skips |
31 | Jake Hanson (JMHCubed) | 3.43 | 3.59, 3.18, 2.27, 3.74, 3.53 | Rip weekly comp PB average |
32 | Allen Gustrowsky (TSTwist) | 3.44 | 2.75, 2.69, 3.69, DNF, 3.88 | |
33 | Konstantin Jaehne (sqAree) | 3.46 | 4.28, 3.06, 3.22, 3.62, 3.54 | |
34 | Alaik Bhatia (speedcuber71) | 3.49 | 3.20, 3.98, 4.81, 3.29, 3.13 | |
35 | Aidan McKenzie (AidanNoogie) | 3.51 | 3.44, 4.21, 2.28, 3.95, 3.15 | |
36 | Janos Bereczki (jancsi02) | 3.56 | 4.75, 3.94, 2.63, 3.02, 3.73 | |
37 | Yaani Shah (YaaniMani) | 3.57 | 4.19, 4.82, 3.31, 3.06, 3.20 | Pretty good |
38 | Malte Ihlefeld (Shadowjockey) | 3.66 | 2.60, 4.60, 1.91, 4.19, 4.20 | |
39 | leudcfa (leudcfa) | 3.70 | 4.06, 2.99, 3.87, 3.58, 3.66 | |
40 | Bogdan Damski (cubingchemist) | 3.82 | 3.68, 5.78, 2.26, 4.04, 3.75 | |
41 | Carter Bitz ([email protected]) | 3.90 | 4.07, 3.24, 4.46, 3.34, 4.28 | |
42 | Calvin Nielson (Sixstringcal) | 3.90 | 3.85, 4.00, 3.49, 4.19, 3.86 | |
43 | Hunter Dang (Elysian_Hunter) | 3.91 | 3.33, 3.05, 7.21, 4.09, 4.31 | |
44 | Braden Richards (BradenTheMagician) | 4.01 | 2.81, 5.14, 3.83, 3.78, 4.42 | |
45 | Suen Ming Chi (MartinN13) | 4.02 | 3.36, 4.14, 3.73, 4.19, 9.36 | |
46 | Katie Davies (Katiedavies3103) | 4.02 | 3.91, 4.58, 3.43, 5.67, 3.57 | |
47 | Robin Verstraten (RobinCube) | 4.03 | 4.26, 4.02, 3.45, 4.79, 3.81 | I should really re practice 2x2 |
48 | Daniel Goodman (DGCubes) | 4.10 | 3.55, 4.52, 2.30, 4.71, 4.22 | |
49 | Thomas Anderson (The Blockhead) | 4.12 | 4.91, 3.54, 2.86, 4.03, 4.79 | Comp PB ao5!!! |
50 | Kit Clement (Kit Clement) | 4.14 | 4.22, 4.07, 2.01, 4.14, 4.27 | |
51 | Ian Cawthon (Ianwubby) | 4.16 | 3.76, 4.53, 2.88, 5.27, 4.19 | |
52 | Leo Annett (Leo Annett) | 4.16 | 4.80, 4.05, 4.10, 4.32, 3.09 | |
53 | Alexander Botz (ichcubegerne) | 4.22 | 9.43, 3.69, 5.25, 3.71, 3.20 | |
54 | Jake Buckley (ARandomCuber) | 4.34 | 4.76, 4.34, 2.61, 4.49, 4.18 | |
55 | Kris Gonnella (Kris Gonnella) | 4.37 | 4.19, 4.50, 4.42, 3.75, 4.93 | almost pb average xP |
56 | Mitchell Hum (MCuber) | 4.38 | 4.69, 4.77, 2.59, 5.02, 3.67 | |
57 | Matt Prestwich (MattP98) | 4.43 | 4.21, 6.15, 3.52, 4.77, 4.30 | |
58 | Jami Viljanen (Jami Viljanen) | 4.49 | 5.34, 4.17, 2.71, 3.97, 5.48 | |
59 | Andrew Tyberg (hotufos) | 4.50 | 4.62, 3.47, 4.26, 4.62, 5.18 | kinda easy scrambles |
60 | Tolga Kaan Kantarcı (tolgakantarci) | 4.52 | 6.03, 2.89, 4.55, 4.75, 4.27 | |
61 | Parker Z ( Parker Z) | 4.52 | 4.29, 7.22, 4.49, 4.30, 4.78 | Horrible. |
62 | Clay Moore (buzzteam4) | 4.53 | 5.45, 3.81, 3.55, 5.57, 4.33 | |
63 | Rúnar Gauti Gunnarsson ([email protected]) | 4.57 | 5.59, 6.75, 2.53, 3.77, 4.36 | |
64 | Spencer Kenison (Aerospry) | 4.63 | 4.42, 4.79, 4.68, 6.31, 4.36 | |
65 | Jesper Schmidt (typeman5) | 4.68 | 7.41, 4.02, 2.38, 5.33, 4.69 | |
66 | Evan Wright (EdubCubez) | 4.68 | 4.54, 3.61, 4.71, 4.80, 8.78 | |
67 | Moreno van Rooijen (Moreno van Rooijen) | 4.70 | 4.35, 4.08, 5.35, 4.40, 5.59 | |
68 | Ahsanul Insan Hamid (ican97) | 4.71 | 5.37, 5.95, 3.83, 4.13, 4.64 | |
69 | Graham Siggins (sigalig) | 4.77 | 5.33, 6.89, 3.21, 4.97, 4.01 | |
70 | Zachary Miller (weatherman223) | 4.85 | 5.25, 5.13, 3.43, 5.27, 4.18 | meh |
71 | Tobi P. (PixelWizard) | 4.90 | 2.66, 7.66, DNF, 3.78, 3.26 | |
72 | Joshua Costello (Rubiksdude4144) | 4.90 | 10.23, 5.43, 3.45, 3.15, 5.81 | |
73 | Chad Batten (obelisk477) | 5.00 | 4.81, 4.56, 4.92, 5.27, 5.56 | |
74 | Abhijeet Gokar (abunickabhi) | 5.02 | 6.50, 4.67, 3.31, 5.03, 5.36 | |
75 | Aedan Bryant (TipsterTrickster ) | 5.14 | 5.99, 6.92, 3.37, 4.58, 4.85 | super bad |
76 | PotatoesAreUs (PotatoesAreUs) | 5.16 | 5.89, 5.61, 3.43, 4.29, 5.59 | |
77 | Mia Sponseller (miasponseller) | 5.18 | 3.15, 5.87, 2.32, 6.94, 6.51 | |
78 | Junwen Yao (swankfukinc) | 5.26 | 5.07, 7.14, 3.99, 5.63, 5.09 | |
79 | yghklvn (yghklvn) | 5.33 | 7.29, 7.11, 2.91, 4.38, 4.51 | |
80 | Frederik Rollmann (topppits) | 5.36 | 4.25, 6.91, 4.87, 4.30, 8.71 | 5. lockup on sune -.- else this would have been a good average |
81 | Ethan Davis (Cuberstache) | 5.37 | 4.64, DNF, 4.49, 6.83, 4.63 | What just happened... A DNF and two +2s. Only decent solve was the last one... |
82 | ethan pride (epride17) | 5.49 | 5.98, 4.78, 6.47, 4.89, 5.60 | |
83 | Bogdan Grigoruta (Bogdan) | 5.55 | 5.77, 4.91, 5.15, 7.46, 5.73 | |
84 | Adam Vetser (AdamRubiksCubed) | 5.59 | 6.61, 5.15, 5.03, 5.56, 6.05 | |
85 | Bernhard Brodowsky (Lykos) | 5.63 | 5.86, 11.18, 3.61, 7.43, 3.43 | |
86 | Corner Cutter (CornerCutter) | 5.67 | 5.50, 4.84, 6.66, 3.38, 6.79 | |
87 | Coleman Vaughn (InlandEmpireCuber) | 5.76 | 5.47, 6.63, 4.53, 8.26, 5.18 | |
88 | Alistair Miller (Ali161102) | 5.78 | 8.02, 6.37, 3.37, 5.70, 5.27 | |
89 | Zach Zwerling (ComputerGuy365) | 5.87 | 8.12, 6.30, 3.20, 6.37, 4.94 | |
90 | SpartanSailor (SpartanSailor) | 5.87 | 5.76, 8.80, 3.54, 5.83, 6.01 | |
91 | scylla (scylla) | 5.88 | 6.42, 9.24, 3.56, 5.61, 5.61 | |
92 | Glomnipotent (Glomnipotent) | 5.90 | 5.97, 6.71, 2.52, 6.53, 5.19 | |
93 | Max Murphy (tigermaxi) | 5.99 | 9.82, 4.09, 9.53, 4.25, 4.18 | tried to do cll on solve 3 |
94 | Kyle Polage (Kymapo) | 6.07 | 2.53, 9.42, 5.69, 3.11, DNF | |
95 | Ben Coppin (Bubbagrub) | 6.21 | 6.14, 7.44, 4.84, 6.36, 6.12 | |
96 | Lewis Patterson (Lewis) | 6.26 | 6.26, 7.13, 6.21, 5.19, 6.30 | |
97 | Mike Hughey (Mike Hughey) | 6.32 | 4.60, 5.81, 6.35, 8.19, 6.79 | Wow, way better than I usually do. |
98 | OJ Cubing (OJ Cubing) | 6.34 | 7.59, 5.25, 6.19, 11.86, 4.97 | Wow what a fail :P
99 | Aditya Mathpal (Super382946) | 6.55 | 5.83, 6.74, 5.29, 7.08, 7.81 | |
100 | Dhruva Shaw (Dhruva Shaw) | 6.62 | 2.95, 8.44, 7.70, 6.39, 5.76 | What !!!!!!! |
101 | Dhafin Rayhan (dhafin) | 6.64 | 4.15, 3.24, 11.31, 4.47, DNF | |
102 | kumato (kumato) | 6.69 | 6.72, 6.80, 5.20, 8.95, 6.54 | pretty ok |
103 | vorherrscher (vorherrscher) | 6.78 | 5.26, 10.62, 7.04, 6.92, 6.37 | |
104 | Patrick Moehlen (dschieses) | 6.93 | 7.64, 7.22, 5.89, 7.26, 6.30 | |
105 | joshsailscga (Forum) (joshsailscga) | 6.96 | 5.30, 5.86, DNF, 6.13, 8.90 | |
106 | Tim Lawrance (theos) | 7.52 | 7.50, 9.52, 6.76, 6.08, 8.30 | |
107 | thunderbell cuber (thunderbell cuber) | 7.58 | 5.66, 10.82, 6.35, 9.53, 6.85 | |
108 | Hannah Minas (redoxxy) | 7.66 | 9.29, 8.55, 7.26, 7.17, 7.16 | |
109 | Nathan Carlson (Cuber/Drummer) | 7.85 | 9.26, 6.86, 4.67, 12.99, 7.42 | |
110 | Riley Christopherson (RifleCat) | 8.20 | 9.00, 8.93, 3.08, 10.29, 6.66 | Max Park's 3x3 average of 10,000 is faster than this. |
111 | Calvin Lam (CyanSparkleMan2) | 8.37 | 9.76, 5.15, 10.81, 8.50, 6.85 | oof |
112 | Sam Wheelock (Ecuasamurai) | 8.72 | 8.09, 9.96, 6.38, 10.13, 8.11 | |
113 | William Marshall (WillyTheWizard ) | 8.73 | 7.96, 10.90, 4.62, 10.87, 7.37 | |
114 | Deri Nata Wijaya (Deri Nata Wijaya) | 8.78 | 9.93, 12.68, 7.65, 8.77, 7.43 | |
115 | Reprobate (Forum) (Reprobate) | 9.36 | 10.32, 8.92, 6.85, 8.85, 25.10 | |
116 | Tiago Jun Suda (TigaJun) | 9.62 | 4.54, 10.09, 11.83, 6.94, 13.05 | |
117 | Petri Krzywacki (Petri Krzywacki) | 9.82 | 11.86, 10.45, 8.93, 8.58, 10.09 | |
118 | Christopher Baird (One Wheel) | 10.04 | 6.67, 11.39, 14.32, 11.09, 7.64 | |
119 | Grant Tregay (GTregay) | 10.31 | 9.63, 9.23, 10.78, 12.23, 10.53 | |
120 | 胡 涛 (can) | 11.94 | 11.86, 12.48, 8.73, 12.11, 11.85 | |
121 | Theo Leinad (Theo Leinad) | 12.54 | 9.08, 14.07, 7.42, 14.47, 17.47 | Ok, I need to start practicing real this 2 by 2... |
122 | Hanns Hub (Jacck) | 12.66 | 15.53, 13.61, 8.25, 14.46, 9.92 | |
123 | Vyacheslav Kochergin (V.Kochergin) | 12.69 | 9.30, 16.49, 13.00, 15.78, 7.86 | |
124 | Dan Nguyen (dnguyen2204) | 13.34 | 12.42, 14.79, 7.95, 27.49, 12.80 | |
125 | Lumej (Forum) (Lumej) | 13.59 | 8.38, 19.23, DNF, 12.06, 9.49 | |
126 | Grady Warren (Gx Cuber) | 17.26 | 18.58, 41.12, 14.90, 11.93, 18.30 | the second one was horrible but pretty decent overall |
127 | Aufan Ahmad Mumtaza (Xauxage) | DNF | DNF, DNF, 8.32, 4.87, 4.64 | |
128 | Mats Bergsten (MatsBergsten) | DNF | 24.39, DNF, 17.73, DNF, 16.38 |
# | Name | Result | Solves | Comment |
1 | Eli Jay (lejitcuber) | 7.16 | 8.17, 6.69, 7.89, 6.91, 6.38 | |
2 | Khairur Rachim (Khairur Rachim) | 7.93 | 9.16, 7.99, 7.98, 6.59, 7.81 | |
3 | Ethan Horspool (Ethan Horspool) | 8.36 | 8.00, 9.19, 8.86, 8.22, 7.58 | Dayum |
4 | Sean Hartman (Sean Hartman) | 8.93 | 9.40, 8.12, 9.50, 8.47, 8.91 | |
5 | Tommy Cherry (TommyC) | 9.11 | 11.49, 8.92, 9.84, 8.57, 8.47 | |
6 | Bryan Eng (OriginalUsername) | 9.31 | 9.61, 8.76, 9.56, 8.32, 9.60 | |
7 | Alaik Bhatia (speedcuber71) | 9.37 | 9.71, 9.71, 8.05, 9.25, 9.16 | |
8 | Mattheo de Wit (MattheoDW) | 9.47 | 7.16, 9.20, 10.34, 9.38, 9.82 | |
9 | Ishaan Lal (thecubingwizard) | 9.57 | 12.09, 9.36, 9.36, 9.74, 9.61 | |
10 | Sumanth Chandrupatla (ExultantCarn) | 9.73 | 11.72, 10.26, 10.63, 7.07, 8.31 | |
11 | Tobi P. (PixelWizard) | 9.93 | 9.09, 10.04, 9.88, 12.88, 9.88 | |
12 | Janos Bereczki (jancsi02) | 9.97 | 12.24, 9.92, 10.14, 9.82, 9.85 | |
13 | Ilie Nagrineac (applezfall) | 10.01 | 10.06, 10.69, 9.78, 9.73, 10.19 | |
14 | Tristan Steeves (cubeshepherd) | 10.20 | 12.41, 10.19, 10.30, 9.00, 10.11 | |
15 | Walker Welch (TheDubDubJr) | 10.24 | 9.97, 9.98, 10.46, 10.28, 11.38 | |
16 | Alexander Botz (ichcubegerne) | 10.27 | 11.29, 8.42, 9.63, 10.58, 10.59 | |
17 | Aidan McKenzie (AidanNoogie) | 10.31 | 10.16, 10.79, 9.98, 9.34, 13.29 | |
18 | Jacob Ambrose (jaysammey777) | 10.35 | 9.25, 11.38, 8.99, 11.42, 10.43 | |
19 | Mihnea Pantu (mihnea3000) | 10.74 | 11.35, 12.45, 9.91, 10.97, 9.83 | |
20 | Mackenzie Dy (Mackenzie Dy) | 10.79 | 11.83, 11.14, 9.93, 10.93, 10.29 | YEET |
21 | Competition Cuber (Competition Cuber) | 10.90 | 11.09, 12.62, 10.66, 9.85, 10.96 | |
22 | Louis de Mendonça (tdm) | 10.95 | 9.24, 10.29, 11.77, 14.09, 10.80 | Lots of mistakes in the last four solves |
23 | Marcus Siu (Marcus Siu) | 11.03 | 12.41, 11.49, 10.42, 11.19, 8.75 | yay sub 9 single |
24 | Katie Davies (Katiedavies3103) | 11.07 | 11.85, 14.12, 11.48, 9.89, 9.86 | |
25 | Carter Bitz ([email protected]) | 11.11 | 11.75, 11.35, 10.23, 9.77, 11.74 | |
26 | Ethan Davis (Cuberstache) | 11.14 | 10.28, 11.28, 11.40, 10.75, 12.35 | Messed up COLL on the last solve :( Still a great average! |
27 | Jesper Schmidt (typeman5) | 11.28 | 11.71, 11.03, 11.21, 11.61, 10.15 | |
28 | Daniel Goodman (DGCubes) | 11.29 | 11.31, 12.39, 13.17, 10.16, 10.01 | |
29 | Advay Sant (asacuber) | 11.32 | 12.64, 10.95, 14.69, 8.74, 10.37 | oops |
30 | Leo Annett (Leo Annett) | 11.47 | 11.63, 8.80, 11.92, 10.87, 13.28 | |
31 | Guido Dipietro (G2013) | 11.54 | 12.27, 11.74, 13.76, 10.60, 10.07 | |
32 | Abhijeet Gokar (abunickabhi) | 11.56 | 12.00, 12.26, 10.87, 11.80, 10.08 | Done on YML cube.
last solve was full step |
33 | Bill Hammill (SloMoCubing) | 11.62 | 11.42, 11.85, 10.42, 15.31, 11.60 | nb |
34 | Kevin Matthews (Keroma12) | 11.65 | 11.01, 12.60, 11.35, 10.12, 13.16 | |
35 | Braden Richards (BradenTheMagician) | 11.70 | 12.34, 11.83, 14.25, 10.92, 9.94 | |
36 | Konstantin Jaehne (sqAree) | 11.79 | 11.35, 11.99, 13.24, 10.81, 12.03 | |
37 | Andreas Lambropoulos (2017LAMB06) | 11.81 | 13.64, 11.85, 11.78, 11.80, 9.68 | I like the new update |
38 | Mia Sponseller (miasponseller) | 11.86 | 10.60, 12.38, 13.03, 11.22, 11.98 | |
39 | E-Cuber (E-Cuber) | 11.89 | 16.82, 11.33, 12.08, 10.58, 12.26 | yes!
40 | yghklvn (yghklvn) | 11.93 | 19.82, 11.71, 11.87, 10.96, 12.20 | |
41 | Tyler Buel (CubingTybu) ([email protected]) | 11.96 | 11.26, 11.90, 12.57, 13.06, 11.40 | Expectations : sub 13
Reality : sub 12 |
42 | Nathaniel Gee (GenTheThief) | 12.04 | 11.15, 11.59, 11.20, 13.34, 15.03 | aww, it was going to be pure 11 and then I got bad ZBLLs. |
43 | Malte Ihlefeld (Shadowjockey) | 12.10 | 12.71, 11.63, 12.61, 10.35, 12.05 | ouch
44 | Daniel Evans (cuber3141592) | 12.32 | 12.65, 12.19, 13.61, 12.11, 11.29 | |
45 | Rúnar Gauti Gunnarsson ([email protected]) | 12.44 | 13.07, 12.60, 11.66, 13.16, 11.35 | |
46 | Glomnipotent (Glomnipotent) | 12.47 | 11.15, 11.50, 12.19, 13.72, 16.67 | |
47 | Kyle Polage (Kymapo) | 12.48 | 12.84, 13.86, 12.28, 12.31, 11.82 | |
48 | Jake Buckley (ARandomCuber) | 12.51 | 12.57, 13.34, 13.67, 11.62, 11.39 | |
49 | Hunter Dang (Elysian_Hunter) | 12.88 | 12.99, 12.50, 13.06, 14.18, 12.58 | Really nice average! |
50 | Justin Park (CubicOreo) | 12.97 | 12.37, 13.34, 13.41, 10.93, 13.20 | |
51 | Mitchell Hum (MCuber) | 13.03 | 14.82, 11.96, 13.31, 12.74, 13.05 | awful wtf |
52 | leo lindqvist (leomannen) | 13.08 | 12.59, 17.37, 13.73, 12.91, 11.29 | |
53 | Ian Cawthon (Ianwubby) | 13.10 | 13.52, 12.22, 21.43, 11.99, 13.56 | |
54 | OJ Cubing (OJ Cubing) | 13.22 | 13.14, 12.02, 12.70, 15.27, 13.81 | |
55 | Parker Z ( Parker Z) | 13.22 | 13.22, 13.66, 12.48, 14.42, 12.78 | |
56 | Noah Paredes (NoProblemCubing) | 13.27 | 11.31, 15.44, 12.12, 17.40, 12.24 | Nice average!
57 | Kit Clement (Kit Clement) | 13.44 | 13.42, 13.72, 14.18, 13.19, 12.72 | |
58 | Chad Batten (obelisk477) | 13.46 | 15.10, 12.90, 12.37, 15.49, 12.00 | |
59 | Max Murphy (tigermaxi) | 13.57 | 14.18, 16.20, 14.31, 11.84, 12.22 | |
60 | Matt Prestwich (MattP98) | 13.57 | 12.41, 12.35, 13.85, 16.76, 14.44 | 2) PLL skip. |
61 | Corner Cutter (CornerCutter) | 13.60 | 15.75, 11.74, 15.35, 13.32, 12.14 | |
62 | Ahsanul Insan Hamid (ican97) | 13.66 | 14.53, 14.58, 14.87, 11.88, 11.47 | |
63 | joshsailscga (Forum) (joshsailscga) | 13.69 | 14.36, 13.51, 14.64, 10.34, 13.20 | |
64 | Graham Siggins (sigalig) | 13.71 | 13.91, 15.83, 14.62, 12.59, 10.69 | |
65 | Bogdan Damski (cubingchemist) | 13.74 | 18.66, 12.85, 14.74, 13.63, 11.47 | |
66 | Joshua Eom (Josh5271) | 13.86 | 12.43, 19.71, 13.50, 14.27, 13.80 | |
67 | Tolga Kaan Kantarcı (tolgakantarci) | 13.93 | 14.85, 13.36, 23.56, 11.95, 13.59 | |
68 | Dhafin Rayhan (dhafin) | 13.95 | 17.73, 14.97, 13.17, 13.72, 12.51 | |
69 | Calvin Nielson (Sixstringcal) | 14.07 | 16.33, 13.02, 16.00, 13.20, 12.54 | |
70 | Theodor Nordstrand (TheodorNordstrand) | 14.20 | 16.20, 15.20, 13.32, 12.91, 14.08 | |
71 | Lachlan Stephens (Lachlan Stephens) | 14.23 | 21.39, 12.28, 17.32, 11.09, 13.08 | 1st: Absolutely terrible cross (5 second maybe)
2nd: Okay solve, 8 second F2L which was nice :) 3rd: Pretty bad, choked on LL 4th: Choked on LL again but it wasn't that bad this time 5th: Okay solve again, pretty bad PLL recognition though |
72 | xyzzy (xyzzy) | 14.33 | 14.50, 11.87, 18.80, 13.55, 14.95 | Nice scrambles, okay time. |
73 | Robin Verstraten (RobinCube) | 14.50 | 16.41, 13.65, 16.81, 13.44, 11.97 | :/ daim those 16's |
74 | Aedan Bryant (TipsterTrickster ) | 14.50 | 17.34, 14.79, 12.97, 14.32, 14.38 | pretty good |
75 | Zachary Miller (weatherman223) | 14.58 | 15.11, 15.94, 13.99, 13.66, 14.65 | Nice. |
76 | Joshua Costello (Rubiksdude4144) | 14.82 | 13.39, 15.77, 15.30, 11.82, 20.00 | |
77 | Mohit Lulla (mohitlulla___) | 14.91 | 15.76, 15.09, 16.95, 13.82, 13.89 | |
78 | Spencer Kenison (Aerospry) | 14.93 | 11.71, 16.84, 15.05, 13.98, 15.76 | |
79 | Nathanael Morgan (NathanaelCubes) | 14.97 | 14.66, 16.57, 15.46, 12.26, 14.80 | Yes, sub-15! #2 was a corner twist, otherwise this would have been a little better. |
80 | Emir Yusuf Çiçekdemir (Emir Yusuf) | 14.99 | 20.39, 14.72, 14.99, 14.93, 15.04 | |
81 | Clay Moore (buzzteam4) | 15.26 | 15.09, 14.52, 14.10, 16.80, 16.16 | |
82 | óskar pétursson (oskarinn) | 15.36 | 15.05, 16.43, 17.90, 13.29, 14.59 | |
83 | Frederik Rollmann (topppits) | 15.38 | 16.06, 15.07, 15.45, 15.62, 14.71 | ao50 before this session was horrible (17.87) and then this :D |
84 | Zach Zwerling (ComputerGuy365) | 15.73 | 17.18, 17.95, 15.19, 14.81, 12.15 | |
85 | leudcfa (leudcfa) | 15.76 | 18.74, 14.55, 15.26, 12.53, 17.47 | |
86 | PotatoesAreUs (PotatoesAreUs) | 15.77 | 12.60, 17.84, 14.13, 16.78, 16.40 | eh |
87 | James Markey Jr. (mrjames113083) | 15.78 | DNF, 15.08, 17.53, 14.74, 14.54 | |
88 | Valentin Herrera (kji269) | 16.04 | 15.82, 13.70, 16.46, 16.82, 15.84 | |
89 | Riley Christopherson (RifleCat) | 16.16 | 18.86, 15.20, 16.54, 13.96, 16.74 | |
90 | David Alejos (muchacho) | 16.46 | 16.23, 17.75, 13.97, 15.40, 19.26 | |
91 | Jami Viljanen (Jami Viljanen) | 16.57 | 15.60, 17.37, 18.74, 13.69, 16.75 | |
92 | Suen Ming Chi (MartinN13) | 16.57 | 22.89, 14.72, 16.34, 16.80, 16.58 | |
93 | BJTheUnknown (BJTheUnknown) | 16.79 | 17.28, 15.51, 16.14, 17.30, 16.95 | yeet yeet yeet yeet yeet yeet yeet. easy PB |
94 | Bogdan Grigoruta (Bogdan) | 16.83 | 16.32, 15.99, 16.48, 18.60, 17.68 | |
95 | Jake Hanson (JMHCubed) | 17.20 | 18.88, 18.55, 17.36, 14.59, 15.69 | Yessssssssss |
96 | bugybunny (bugybunny) | 17.30 | 21.65, 14.21, 18.22, 17.28, 16.40 | |
97 | Junwen Yao (swankfukinc) | 17.37 | 17.48, 21.34, 15.58, 16.00, 18.64 | |
98 | Nico Koller (speedcube.insta) | 17.44 | 17.84, 19.31, 15.16, 14.47, 19.71 | |
99 | Emile Compion (elimescube) | 17.45 | 18.39, 17.03, 16.66, 17.04, 18.28 | |
100 | Thomas Anderson (The Blockhead) | 17.61 | 18.34, 17.36, 17.14, 18.73, 14.60 | |
101 | Bernhard Brodowsky (Lykos) | 17.96 | 17.76, 18.44, 20.56, 17.68, 16.24 | |
102 | Anders Olsen (whatshisbucket) | 18.02 | 17.84, 17.91, 18.30, 18.88, 13.82 | ouch |
103 | Adam Vetser (AdamRubiksCubed) | 18.08 | 18.42, 23.52, 17.06, 15.10, 18.76 | |
104 | vorherrscher (vorherrscher) | 18.16 | 18.41, 22.51, 19.22, 16.86, 14.04 | meh |
105 | Yaani Shah (YaaniMani) | 18.41 | 17.90, 45.46, 16.36, 19.53, 17.79 | |
106 | Deri Nata Wijaya (Deri Nata Wijaya) | 18.43 | 16.79, 17.59, 19.86, 19.57, 18.13 | |
107 | scylla (scylla) | 19.49 | 18.07, 20.50, 19.89, 14.81, 20.82 | |
108 | Evan Wright (EdubCubez) | 19.50 | 22.04, 17.64, 16.27, 22.03, 18.83 | |
109 | Ben Coppin (Bubbagrub) | 19.74 | 19.88, 20.32, 17.92, 19.03, 21.53 | |
110 | Kris Gonnella (Kris Gonnella) | 20.33 | 19.12, 33.43, 19.80, 21.93, 19.26 | pb single |
111 | Alistair Miller (Ali161102) | 20.43 | 18.13, 20.60, 22.56, 14.68, 23.20 | |
112 | Coleman Vaughn (InlandEmpireCuber) | 20.72 | 29.35, 22.53, 18.85, 18.23, 20.77 | |
113 | Justin Tarnoff (audiophile121) | 21.00 | 20.64, 21.09, 20.33, DNF, 21.27 | |
114 | Moreno van Rooijen (Moreno van Rooijen) | 21.27 | 24.32, 20.38, 21.19, 22.25, 19.87 | |
115 | Jon Persson (Forum) (Jon Persson) | 21.42 | 25.31, 21.14, 22.22, 17.27, 20.89 | |
116 | kumato (kumato) | 21.46 | 24.43, 21.48, 21.62, 16.25, 21.28 | pretty bad
117 | Andrew Tyberg (hotufos) | 21.58 | 24.26, 22.34, 20.27, 21.18, 21.23 | terrible |
118 | SpartanSailor (SpartanSailor) | 21.90 | 21.17, 25.15, 22.02, 21.97, 21.70 | |
119 | Mike Hughey (Mike Hughey) | 22.26 | 22.96, 22.29, 22.87, 21.62, 20.02 | |
120 | Jaydon Loar (Jaydon145) | 22.59 | 17.29, 27.85, 24.50, 23.14, 20.12 | |
121 | Petri Krzywacki (Petri Krzywacki) | 22.83 | 23.64, 21.01, 23.85, 24.05, 15.55 | |
122 | Dhruva Shaw (Dhruva Shaw) | 23.09 | 25.59, 28.09, 19.46, 21.50, 22.18 | |
123 | Tim Lawrance (theos) | 23.67 | 23.41, 25.26, 21.24, 22.34, 30.04 | 2. Messed up OLL, had to redo an F2L pair
3. OLL skip 5. Messed up OLL again and had to redo 2 F2L pairs |
124 | Hannah Minas (redoxxy) | 23.83 | 22.85, 23.55, 25.34, 23.49, 24.45 | |
125 | Nathan Carlson (Cuber/Drummer) | 23.93 | 17.88, 24.69, 23.75, 26.99, 23.34 | |
126 | Tiago Jun Suda (TigaJun) | 23.93 | 26.04, 22.56, 23.19, 26.24, 20.67 | Good |
127 | thunderbell cuber (thunderbell cuber) | 23.95 | 25.53, 24.86, 22.06, 23.53, 23.47 | |
128 | Grant Tregay (GTregay) | 24.23 | 27.71, 23.91, 24.50, 20.95, 24.28 | |
129 | Thomas Brandhuber (Thom S.) | 24.27 | 21.50, 30.94, 26.78, 23.47, 22.57 | |
130 | Aditya Mathpal (Super382946) | 24.29 | 25.66, 36.40, 24.35, 22.85, 18.72 | |
131 | Sam Wheelock (Ecuasamurai) | 24.79 | 25.18, 24.18, 26.25, 25.01, 22.01 | |
132 | Aufan Ahmad Mumtaza (Xauxage) | 25.16 | 29.22, 22.14, DNF, 24.12, 16.73 | |
133 | Lewis Patterson (Lewis) | 25.35 | 31.57, 25.27, 20.09, 28.03, 22.76 | |
134 | Dan Nguyen (dnguyen2204) | 25.46 | 28.43, 31.92, 25.52, 19.24, 22.43 | bad average. that's what i get for not warming up I suppose |
135 | Theo Leinad (Theo Leinad) | 25.53 | 21.39, 25.85, 29.80, 26.61, 24.13 | PB SS by 0.1 :D!!
136 | Lumej (Forum) (Lumej) | 25.57 | DNF, 25.86, 24.96, 25.90, 21.92 | |
137 | Vyacheslav Kochergin (V.Kochergin) | 26.79 | 27.14, 31.86, 29.36, 23.86, 19.75 | pb |
138 | Reprobate (Forum) (Reprobate) | 27.19 | DNF, 23.84, 26.21, 31.15, 24.20 | |
139 | Christopher Baird (One Wheel) | 27.92 | 24.04, 23.98, 35.75, 21.27, DNF | |
140 | bhavesh chouhan (bhavesh chouhan) | 28.09 | 28.31, 28.47, 29.99, 23.62, 27.48 | |
141 | Patrick Moehlen (dschieses) | 29.19 | 34.32, 32.20, 27.33, 25.99, 28.04 | Dang, missed avg pb by 0.07 seconds |
142 | Kazuaki Matsuda (RyuKagamine) | 29.21 | 29.76, 27.78, 35.03, 27.58, 30.09 | |
143 | Calvin Lam (CyanSparkleMan2) | 31.01 | 29.95, 23.67, 32.32, 30.77, 32.60 | oof |
144 | SpcyQbr (SpcyQbr) | 31.18 | 32.99, 28.21, 34.02, 32.33, 25.90 | Last solve was pretty good |
145 | 胡 涛 (can) | 32.08 | 35.49, 30.16, 35.78, 26.18, 30.59 | |
146 | Aaron Cooley (Aaron C) | 33.49 | 36.78, 23.14, 35.49, 31.91, 33.08 | Good FB plan for scramble 2, everything else was about normal. |
147 | Mats Bergsten (MatsBergsten) | 33.75 | 50.69, 33.18, 32.21, 35.87, 30.45 | |
148 | Hanns Hub (Jacck) | 36.44 | 33.17, 41.94, 44.98, 30.26, 34.22 | |
149 | Grady Warren (Gx Cuber) | 42.84 | 45.00, 40.79, 42.74, 39.41, 47.80 | not horrible but not amazing |
150 | koustubh srivastava (Koustubh2006) | 46.83 | 45.96, 49.24, 47.33, 41.54, 47.20 | i don't have lubricant , and my thunderclap v-1', which corner-twists a lot, has dried out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
151 | Pnkn Head (PnknHead) | 1:02.02 | 1:10.28, 1:06.25, 1:05.18, 50.04, 54.64 |
# | Name | Result | Solves | Comment |
1 | Ethan Horspool (Ethan Horspool) | 30.52 | 29.66, 31.91, 34.12, 30.00, 28.71 | decent
2 | Eli Jay (lejitcuber) | 31.65 | 36.14, 31.56, 32.63, 30.75, 30.11 | |
3 | Khairur Rachim (Khairur Rachim) | 32.35 | 30.01, 33.93, 32.56, 36.04, 30.55 | |
4 | Ishaan Lal (thecubingwizard) | 34.14 | 39.38, 36.88, 31.77, 33.10, 32.44 | |
5 | Sean Hartman (Sean Hartman) | 35.59 | 32.28, 37.88, 37.12, 34.05, 35.59 | NP, PP, DP, OP, PP= 5/10 parities. Pretty good average(I avg 37-38). |
6 | Janos Bereczki (jancsi02) | 36.32 | 42.91, 35.05, 36.98, 36.92, 32.67 | |
7 | Alexander Botz (ichcubegerne) | 37.56 | 42.43, 32.63, 39.44, 36.99, 36.26 | |
8 | Bryan Eng (OriginalUsername) | 39.51 | 43.59, 40.14, 35.04, 38.48, 39.90 | |
9 | Guido Dipietro (G2013) | 39.53 | 39.54, 40.93, 39.92, 37.77, 39.13 | |
10 | Tommy Cherry (TommyC) | 39.85 | 41.04, 37.60, 38.64, 39.86, 42.97 | |
11 | Malte Ihlefeld (Shadowjockey) | 41.24 | 45.74, 39.50, 40.40, 41.28, 42.04 | |
12 | Alaik Bhatia (speedcuber71) | 41.89 | 39.79, 42.75, 40.70, 42.23, 50.78 | |
13 | Competition Cuber (Competition Cuber) | 43.31 | 49.67, 44.93, 41.69, 40.10, 43.30 | |
14 | Carter Bitz ([email protected]) | 43.66 | 48.74, 46.52, 43.99, 40.13, 40.47 | |
15 | Tristan Steeves (cubeshepherd) | 44.55 | 45.52, 43.93, 46.62, 44.20, 41.63 | |
16 | Louis de Mendonça (tdm) | 44.67 | 52.04, 34.11, 48.31, 41.67, 44.03 | slightly out of practice, as the range of my times suggests |
17 | Justin Park (CubicOreo) | 45.84 | 47.02, 43.07, 38.58, 47.99, 47.43 | |
18 | Mitchell Hum (MCuber) | 46.15 | 43.04, 43.31, 46.89, 50.50, 48.26 | |
19 | Aidan McKenzie (AidanNoogie) | 46.45 | 41.89, 45.51, 44.79, 49.04, 52.64 | |
20 | Ethan Davis (Cuberstache) | 46.45 | 55.85, 45.23, 47.97, 46.16, 43.79 | Nice! |
21 | Allen Gustrowsky (TSTwist) | 46.96 | 48.45, 48.84, 42.85, 55.15, 43.59 | Second solve had a center cap pop - that cost a few seconds. |
22 | Keenan Johnson (Keenan Johnson) | 47.33 | 51.10, 51.22, 38.56, 39.68, 51.49 | such a weird average. |
23 | joshsailscga (Forum) (joshsailscga) | 47.43 | 43.24, 44.54, 47.24, 52.83, 50.50 | |
24 | Daniel Goodman (DGCubes) | 47.80 | 46.20, DNF, 47.90, 48.36, 47.14 | |
25 | Bill Hammill (SloMoCubing) | 48.45 | 59.22, 46.51, 51.12, 45.71, 47.71 | nice, sub comp Pb for once :) |
26 | Marcus Siu (Marcus Siu) | 48.54 | 48.81, 46.22, 50.09, 49.65, 47.16 | eh |
27 | Ahsanul Insan Hamid (ican97) | 49.17 | 44.88, 45.21, 49.55, 1:04.92, 52.75 | |
28 | Rúnar Gauti Gunnarsson ([email protected]) | 50.41 | 51.98, 52.19, 50.24, 49.01, 44.90 | |
29 | Konstantin Jaehne (sqAree) | 50.42 | 47.76, 52.23, 1:01.07, 49.65, 49.38 | |
30 | Abhijeet Gokar (abunickabhi) | 50.42 | 49.45, 52.62, 49.81, 51.84, 49.62 | |
31 | Braden Richards (BradenTheMagician) | 50.78 | 52.62, 47.99, 51.74, 55.09, 45.30 | |
32 | Ian Cawthon (Ianwubby) | 51.10 | 56.87, 49.57, 53.83, 49.89, 47.81 | Godawful |
33 | Leo Annett (Leo Annett) | 52.09 | 46.41, 1:00.11, 1:10.00, 48.56, 47.59 | fail |
34 | xyzzy (xyzzy) | 52.43 | 55.10, 53.68, 1:05.00, 46.56, 48.50 | op/op/op/pp/dp | oops forgot how to look ahead in the first three solves |
35 | Andreas Lambropoulos (2017LAMB06) | 52.65 | 48.71, 1:01.40, 55.46, 50.00, 52.49 | Compressed spring mod on wuque is op |
36 | Chad Batten (obelisk477) | 53.38 | 53.63, 55.63, 55.49, 47.50, 51.01 | |
37 | Zach Zwerling (ComputerGuy365) | 54.14 | 52.32, 50.63, 50.04, 1:07.94, 59.46 | |
38 | Graham Siggins (sigalig) | 55.39 | 49.15, 55.06, 55.92, 56.06, 55.20 | |
39 | Jake Buckley (ARandomCuber) | 55.73 | 53.83, 54.00, 52.20, 59.36, 1:02.23 | |
40 | Kyle Polage (Kymapo) | 56.28 | 55.27, 49.29, 1:04.27, 1:06.95, 45.08 | |
41 | Corner Cutter (CornerCutter) | 56.94 | 1:00.93, 55.55, 59.60, 55.67, 50.50 | |
42 | Calvin Nielson (Sixstringcal) | 56.97 | 54.46, 43.72, 59.19, 57.25, 1:34.72 | |
43 | Glomnipotent (Glomnipotent) | 56.99 | 1:01.14, 55.62, 59.93, 51.78, 55.42 | OP/PP/DP/NP/DP |
44 | Kit Clement (Kit Clement) | 57.25 | 51.89, 1:04.61, 1:01.70, 48.95, 58.15 | |
45 | Joshua Costello (Rubiksdude4144) | 57.26 | 1:00.84, 54.30, 53.47, 57.47, 1:00.00 | |
46 | Thomas Anderson (The Blockhead) | 57.79 | 56.15, 56.12, 1:00.21, 57.00, 1:06.21 | Comp PB ao5!!! |
47 | leudcfa (leudcfa) | 58.21 | 57.56, 55.17, 56.13, 1:35.76, 1:00.93 | |
48 | Tolga Kaan Kantarcı (tolgakantarci) | 58.25 | 58.23, 1:04.14, 59.89, 56.64, 44.63 | |
49 | Katie Davies (Katiedavies3103) | 58.38 | 57.85, 50.94, 58.87, 59.12, 58.43 | |
50 | Clay Moore (buzzteam4) | 58.85 | 1:01.48, 51.70, 1:02.73, 1:06.69, 52.34 | |
51 | Hunter Dang (Elysian_Hunter) | 58.95 | 1:03.68, 54.71, 1:02.51, 59.63, 44.00 | Lol last solve |
52 | OJ Cubing (OJ Cubing) | 1:00.06 | 53.57, 1:16.33, 1:00.79, 1:05.83, 42.48 | Pretty bad pop on the second solve
Bad average overall and then ended with a PB single lol |
53 | Matt Prestwich (MattP98) | 1:00.41 | 1:04.89, 59.29, 1:25.09, 57.05, 50.43 | Completely messed up edges on the third, and was a +2 to boot. |
54 | Jesper Schmidt (typeman5) | 1:01.14 | 1:01.81, 56.48, 1:06.14, 58.47, 1:03.13 | |
55 | PotatoesAreUs (PotatoesAreUs) | 1:01.90 | 57.02, 1:03.47, 55.71, 1:05.21, 1:06.33 | |
56 | Junwen Yao (swankfukinc) | 1:01.99 | 56.84, 1:12.55, 1:06.43, 1:00.07, 59.46 | |
57 | Parker Z ( Parker Z) | 1:02.32 | 53.77, 56.69, 1:13.84, 1:02.90, 1:07.36 | |
58 | Jami Viljanen (Jami Viljanen) | 1:02.57 | 1:03.17, 1:06.98, 1:03.34, 57.07, 1:01.19 | |
59 | Aedan Bryant (TipsterTrickster ) | 1:06.59 | 1:02.96, 57.68, 1:14.55, 1:12.58, 1:04.22 | very inconsistant |
60 | ethan pride (epride17) | 1:06.76 | 1:09.08, 1:18.49, 1:02.51, 1:08.69, 1:00.41 | |
61 | Theodor Nordstrand (TheodorNordstrand) | 1:06.82 | 1:05.61, 1:01.95, 1:09.65, 1:06.04, 1:08.82 | |
62 | Frederik Rollmann (topppits) | 1:06.86 | 1:10.09, 1:12.07, 1:00.23, 1:08.19, 1:02.29 | new weekly comp pb and single was close |
63 | Valentin Herrera (kji269) | 1:07.18 | 1:03.60, 1:08.18, 51.54, 1:09.77, 1:11.00 | |
64 | Emile Compion (elimescube) | 1:07.68 | 1:12.22, 1:06.29, 1:09.87, 1:06.87, 1:05.03 | |
65 | Robin Verstraten (RobinCube) | 1:10.02 | 1:10.90, 1:21.55, 1:07.54, 1:11.62, 1:04.74 | that was 10/10 parity RIP |
66 | Zachary Miller (weatherman223) | 1:11.82 | 1:11.56, 1:08.58, 1:28.21, 1:03.91, 1:15.33 | Not great. Need to work on my first 3 edges. |
67 | Spencer Kenison (Aerospry) | 1:12.71 | 1:25.38, 1:15.24, 1:10.76, 1:12.12, 58.42 | |
68 | Max Murphy (tigermaxi) | 1:14.36 | 1:15.34, 1:12.70, 1:15.03, 1:27.12, 1:08.62 | |
69 | Bogdan Grigoruta (Bogdan) | 1:16.93 | 1:13.48, 1:20.39, 1:20.53, 1:15.93, 1:14.46 | |
70 | Nathanael Morgan (NathanaelCubes) | 1:16.97 | 1:14.66, 1:26.62, 1:22.80, 1:13.44, 1:07.94 | Decent. |
71 | yghklvn (yghklvn) | 1:18.65 | 1:14.79, 1:21.53, 2:28.84, 1:19.62, 1:08.26 | |
72 | Riley Christopherson (RifleCat) | 1:19.27 | 1:17.94, 1:20.52, 1:13.29, 1:28.02, 1:19.36 | |
73 | Justin Tarnoff (audiophile121) | 1:20.14 | 1:12.47, 1:26.50, 1:16.84, 1:20.08, 1:23.51 | |
74 | Reprobate (Forum) (Reprobate) | 1:20.79 | 1:14.64, 1:20.78, 1:26.95, 1:34.50, 1:10.92 | |
75 | Mike Hughey (Mike Hughey) | 1:22.10 | 1:18.21, 1:27.22, 1:11.32, 1:20.88, 1:34.53 | |
76 | Coleman Vaughn (InlandEmpireCuber) | 1:23.39 | 1:24.98, 1:32.01, 1:32.37, 1:04.89, 1:13.18 | |
77 | SpartanSailor (SpartanSailor) | 1:24.70 | 1:23.87, 1:30.82, 1:22.31, 1:27.91, 1:13.34 | |
78 | kumato (kumato) | 1:25.09 | 1:12.84, 1:20.73, 1:31.58, 1:24.51, 1:30.04 | |
79 | Bernhard Brodowsky (Lykos) | 1:26.12 | 1:20.56, 1:29.71, 1:35.38, 1:28.08, 1:06.18 | |
80 | Ben Coppin (Bubbagrub) | 1:28.69 | 1:34.72, 1:21.74, 1:32.97, 1:31.35, 1:19.56 | |
81 | Christopher Baird (One Wheel) | 1:28.87 | 1:12.82, 1:29.73, 1:49.98, 1:23.58, 1:33.31 | |
82 | Andrew Tyberg (hotufos) | 1:32.47 | 1:26.07, 1:20.03, 1:30.87, DNF, 1:40.46 | 4. PLL parity I didn't see
This average was garbage. |
83 | Dan Nguyen (dnguyen2204) | 1:34.45 | 1:27.07, 1:16.84, DNF, 1:31.61, 1:44.68 | 3. Pop |
84 | Petri Krzywacki (Petri Krzywacki) | 1:36.56 | 1:43.14, 1:26.52, 1:23.52, 1:47.32, 1:40.01 | |
85 | Jake Hanson (JMHCubed) | 1:41.37 | 1:36.94, 1:38.97, 1:41.33, 1:50.82, 1:43.82 | Finally got an Aosu GTSm, I really really messed up the last 2 solved or else this could have been sub 1:40 |
86 | Lewis Patterson (Lewis) | 1:43.19 | 1:36.46, 1:43.05, 1:53.50, 1:50.07, 1:34.49 | |
87 | Tim Lawrance (theos) | 1:43.37 | 2:20.30, 1:43.25, 1:28.12, 1:41.34, 1:45.52 | Slow overall, but (1) was particularly bad. No major mistakes, just slow. |
88 | Moreno van Rooijen (Moreno van Rooijen) | 1:44.36 | 1:42.64, 1:14.09, 1:46.77, 1:52.82, 1:43.68 | |
89 | Grant Tregay (GTregay) | 1:50.38 | 2:05.51, 2:02.30, 1:44.81, 1:34.32, 1:44.04 | |
90 | vorherrscher (vorherrscher) | 1:52.11 | 1:51.98, 2:00.11, 2:00.22, 1:36.20, 1:44.23 | missed the spacebar on the 2nd solve :,(
overall pb on solve 4 missed the spacebar again o solve 5 almost overall pb ao5 (by 0.09) if i did not miss the spacebar twice |
91 | scylla (scylla) | 1:57.76 | 2:34.96, 1:40.06, 2:24.75, 1:48.13, 1:40.39 | |
92 | Lumej (Forum) (Lumej) | 2:00.24 | 2:05.75, 2:15.60, 1:57.95, 1:55.70, 1:57.01 | |
93 | Mats Bergsten (MatsBergsten) | 2:00.78 | 1:58.64, 1:41.80, 2:09.73, 2:03.54, 2:00.17 | |
94 | Adam Vetser (AdamRubiksCubed) | 2:02.12 | 2:23.73, 1:40.92, 2:33.74, 2:01.70, 1:31.26 | |
95 | Hanns Hub (Jacck) | 2:02.65 | 1:41.99, 1:56.86, 2:16.97, 1:54.67, 2:16.43 | |
96 | Aditya Mathpal (Super382946) | 2:03.81 | 2:05.90, 1:59.91, 1:41.90, 2:19.87, 2:05.63 | |
97 | Yaani Shah (YaaniMani) | 2:08.52 | 2:13.98, 1:53.19, 2:02.16, 2:09.41, 2:19.61 | |
98 | 胡 涛 (can) | 2:10.97 | 2:23.96, 2:13.21, 2:07.95, 2:10.90, 2:08.79 | |
99 | Sam Wheelock (Ecuasamurai) | 2:13.49 | 2:31.58, 1:59.74, 2:10.06, 2:30.68, 1:53.69 | |
100 | Theo Leinad (Theo Leinad) | 2:24.57 | 2:19.00, 2:46.00, 2:42.50, 1:54.83, 2:12.22 | PB Single, just got my 4x4 Aosu GTS M... so basically started 2-3 days ago... |
101 | Kris Gonnella (Kris Gonnella) | 2:34.93 | 2:29.20, 2:07.55, 2:46.38, 2:29.22, 3:02.49 | first time doing 4x4 :P |
102 | Patrick Moehlen (dschieses) | 2:52.23 | 2:32.19, 2:47.31, 2:50.88, 3:12.01, 2:58.49 | Haha, 2:32.21 was my single pb before |
103 | William Marshall (WillyTheWizard ) | 2:59.91 | 3:04.54, 2:33.20, 2:48.32, 3:06.87, 3:42.03 |
# | Name | Result | Solves | Comment |
1 | Eli Jay (lejitcuber) | 56.32 | 52.54, 1:04.81, 57.48, 56.94, 54.55 | |
2 | Sean Hartman (Sean Hartman) | 1:03.40 | 1:00.65, 1:06.99, 1:06.88, 58.94, 1:02.67 | Could've been a really nice avg if I didn't mess up edges so much on 1 of the 1:06s( my edges on the 2 1:06s were 15 seconds(the 1:00 had 20 centers, the 58 had 18 centers and the 1:02 had 17 centers)) Still not a bad avg at all though. |
3 | Khairur Rachim (Khairur Rachim) | 1:07.21 | 1:07.71, 1:09.40, 1:08.02, 1:05.35, 1:05.89 | |
4 | Ishaan Lal (thecubingwizard) | 1:08.41 | 1:13.42, 1:08.93, 1:04.82, 1:10.99, 1:05.30 | |
5 | Alexander Botz (ichcubegerne) | 1:12.70 | 1:15.32, 1:09.74, 1:10.93, 1:15.16, 1:12.00 | |
6 | Malte Ihlefeld (Shadowjockey) | 1:17.35 | 1:18.31, 1:13.56, 1:11.76, 1:24.41, 1:20.17 | |
7 | Competition Cuber (Competition Cuber) | 1:18.92 | 1:15.57, 1:18.74, 1:15.83, 1:22.20, 1:23.34 | |
8 | Guido Dipietro (G2013) | 1:24.19 | 1:31.48, 1:24.84, 1:25.57, 1:16.08, 1:22.16 | |
9 | Bryan Eng (OriginalUsername) | 1:25.81 | 1:28.00, 1:28.98, 1:24.49, 1:22.89, 1:24.94 | |
10 | Janos Bereczki (jancsi02) | 1:26.26 | 1:31.62, 1:26.03, 1:27.46, 1:25.30, 1:21.77 | |
11 | Aidan McKenzie (AidanNoogie) | 1:27.04 | 1:26.13, 1:26.01, 1:27.38, 1:27.62, 1:36.40 | |
12 | Graham Siggins (sigalig) | 1:28.28 | 1:22.47, 1:29.08, 1:27.57, 1:28.20, 1:41.46 | |
13 | Daniel Goodman (DGCubes) | 1:28.98 | 1:19.47, 1:23.89, 1:33.41, 1:36.33, 1:29.64 | |
14 | Marcus Siu (Marcus Siu) | 1:30.16 | 1:32.70, 1:31.82, 1:26.38, 1:27.83, 1:30.83 | not even sub 1:30 |
15 | Leo Annett (Leo Annett) | 1:32.29 | 1:28.83, 1:36.00, 1:30.92, 1:34.21, 1:31.75 | |
16 | Ian Cawthon (Ianwubby) | 1:32.50 | 1:40.14, 1:33.00, 1:32.40, 1:23.71, 1:32.10 | |
17 | Rúnar Gauti Gunnarsson ([email protected]) | 1:32.94 | 1:35.85, 1:24.97, 1:33.62, 1:38.17, 1:29.35 | |
18 | Abhijeet Gokar (abunickabhi) | 1:35.02 | 1:34.71, 1:38.82, 1:37.11, 1:27.02, 1:33.24 | |
19 | Justin Park (CubicOreo) | 1:36.45 | 1:43.88, 1:36.16, 1:36.27, 1:25.59, 1:36.92 | |
20 | Ethan Davis (Cuberstache) | 1:36.67 | 1:35.31, 1:38.54, 1:36.17, 1:45.98, 1:34.76 | I guess this is what I get for not practicing 5x5. |
21 | joshsailscga (Forum) (joshsailscga) | 1:37.14 | 1:29.18, 1:39.51, 1:43.93, 1:38.85, 1:33.07 | |
22 | Carter Bitz ([email protected]) | 1:38.00 | 1:41.73, 1:29.70, 1:42.58, 1:49.46, 1:25.80 | |
23 | PotatoesAreUs (PotatoesAreUs) | 1:39.52 | 1:32.00, 1:39.87, 1:42.60, 1:36.09, 1:45.40 | nice |
24 | Daniel Evans (cuber3141592) | 1:39.98 | 1:24.78, 1:47.99, 1:33.24, 1:44.00, 1:42.69 | |
25 | Keenan Johnson (Keenan Johnson) | 1:40.39 | 1:37.27, 1:43.35, 1:32.32, 1:40.55, 1:43.71 | |
26 | Mitchell Hum (MCuber) | 1:40.77 | 1:48.49, 1:38.47, 1:44.31, 1:39.54, 1:32.90 | |
27 | Kit Clement (Kit Clement) | 1:42.98 | 1:36.73, 1:39.21, 1:42.80, 1:46.93, 1:51.31 | |
28 | Katie Davies (Katiedavies3103) | 1:43.55 | 1:36.54, 1:34.93, 1:50.10, 1:44.02, 1:52.40 | |
29 | OJ Cubing (OJ Cubing) | 1:43.94 | 1:45.34, 1:40.06, 1:41.76, 1:56.56, 1:44.73 | |
30 | Louis de Mendonça (tdm) | 1:45.92 | 1:49.87, 1:43.87, 1:59.47, 1:44.01, 1:42.85 | |
31 | Thomas Anderson (The Blockhead) | 1:47.80 | 1:58.05, 1:36.54, 1:50.85, 1:40.11, 1:52.45 | Overall PB single and ao5!! |
32 | Aedan Bryant (TipsterTrickster ) | 1:47.88 | 1:43.08, 1:37.45, 1:55.24, 1:56.74, 1:45.32 | |
33 | Timo Norrkniivilä (T1_M0) | 1:48.27 | 1:46.44, 1:46.16, 1:48.13, 1:57.61, 1:50.23 | |
34 | Glomnipotent (Glomnipotent) | 1:48.45 | 1:49.01, 1:50.49, 1:39.41, 1:47.86, 1:48.48 | |
35 | Chad Batten (obelisk477) | 1:48.62 | 1:41.07, 1:49.91, 1:53.30, 1:45.95, 1:49.99 | |
36 | Bill Hammill (SloMoCubing) | 1:50.47 | 2:03.14, 1:43.25, 1:51.57, 1:54.80, 1:45.05 | shit |
37 | Parker Z ( Parker Z) | 1:51.95 | 1:51.24, 1:35.19, 2:00.58, 1:50.73, 1:53.89 | |
38 | Jake Buckley (ARandomCuber) | 1:55.10 | 2:21.77, 1:48.54, 1:43.79, 1:58.82, 1:57.94 | |
39 | Emile Compion (elimescube) | 1:55.26 | 2:22.36, 1:48.29, 1:49.53, 2:07.96, 1:46.22 | Messed up parity on 1 like a scrub. No excuse for 4. |
40 | Clay Moore (buzzteam4) | 2:00.06 | 2:02.06, 1:58.59, 1:56.73, 2:02.67, 1:59.54 | |
41 | Ahsanul Insan Hamid (ican97) | 2:00.17 | 1:54.71, 2:02.64, 1:59.71, 1:58.17, 2:09.79 | |
42 | Matt Prestwich (MattP98) | 2:05.11 | 2:09.80, 1:54.77, 2:08.88, 2:01.72, 2:04.73 | |
43 | Tristan Steeves (cubeshepherd) | 2:07.78 | 2:03.51, 2:15.62, 2:09.42, 2:10.41, 1:58.95 | Road to sub 2:10 officially. |
44 | Bogdan Grigoruta (Bogdan) | 2:08.24 | 2:10.69, 2:06.76, 2:07.26, 2:11.05, 2:02.45 | |
45 | Junwen Yao (swankfukinc) | 2:11.73 | 2:16.66, 2:06.67, 1:57.89, 2:11.85, 2:33.32 | |
46 | Spencer Kenison (Aerospry) | 2:13.11 | 2:38.46, 2:09.74, 2:18.92, 2:09.88, 2:10.52 | |
47 | Mia Sponseller (miasponseller) | 2:14.57 | 2:32.58, 1:59.79, 2:14.19, 1:59.36, 2:29.73 | |
48 | Corner Cutter (CornerCutter) | 2:17.67 | 2:09.37, 2:17.50, 2:21.96, 2:19.68, 2:15.83 | |
49 | Theodor Nordstrand (TheodorNordstrand) | 2:27.79 | 2:16.73, 2:25.44, 2:36.24, 2:36.24, 2:21.68 | |
50 | Joshua Costello (Rubiksdude4144) | 2:28.87 | 2:52.45, 2:21.39, 2:15.32, 2:16.89, 2:48.33 | |
51 | Reprobate (Forum) (Reprobate) | 2:28.92 | 2:28.23, 2:25.65, 2:42.79, 2:32.88, 2:11.78 | |
52 | Lewis Patterson (Lewis) | 2:30.65 | 2:38.60, 2:11.35, 2:46.12, 2:23.44, 2:29.92 | |
53 | Jami Viljanen (Jami Viljanen) | 2:34.66 | 2:39.86, 2:39.05, 3:24.87, 2:25.06, 2:15.84 | |
54 | Frederik Rollmann (topppits) | 2:35.98 | 2:32.65, 2:40.61, 2:19.98, 2:59.10, 2:34.68 | |
55 | Nathanael Morgan (NathanaelCubes) | 2:37.06 | 2:44.70, 2:28.00, 2:43.25, 2:14.20, 2:39.93 | Horrible average, nice single
56 | Christopher Baird (One Wheel) | 2:42.66 | 2:45.83, 2:39.63, 2:46.11, 2:41.71, 2:40.44 | |
57 | Tim Lawrance (theos) | 2:43.12 | 2:54.01, 2:30.35, 2:45.65, 2:52.54, 2:31.17 | |
58 | Hanns Hub (Jacck) | 2:52.96 | 2:55.83, 2:52.86, 2:48.95, 3:05.64, 2:50.18 | 3 with +2 |
59 | Alistair Miller (Ali161102) | 2:55.66 | 3:09.20, 2:43.31, 2:29.38, 2:57.52, 3:06.15 | first ever sub-2:30! |
60 | Grant Tregay (GTregay) | 2:56.81 | 2:43.03, 2:55.69, 2:59.97, 2:56.03, 2:58.72 | |
61 | Coleman Vaughn (InlandEmpireCuber) | 3:07.32 | 3:18.07, 3:24.52, 2:31.31, 3:06.34, 2:57.54 | |
62 | yghklvn (yghklvn) | 3:10.67 | 3:53.80, 2:46.82, 3:15.90, 3:08.07, 3:08.05 | |
63 | Evan Wright (EdubCubez) | 3:14.39 | 3:12.91, 2:55.87, 3:31.31, 3:10.30, 3:19.96 | |
64 | Mike Hughey (Mike Hughey) | 3:29.33 | 3:41.19, 4:14.68, 3:27.69, 3:19.11, 2:53.18 | Using these to learn to do freeslice edges like most people do, with better fingertricks. Very slow, but improving nicely. |
65 | SpartanSailor (SpartanSailor) | 3:37.93 | 4:12.05, 3:19.43, 3:22.30, 3:13.45, 4:13.69 | |
66 | Mats Bergsten (MatsBergsten) | 3:46.48 | 4:11.96, 3:25.48, 3:17.84, 4:48.23, 3:41.99 | first was just slow overall, fourth a major messup |
67 | Aditya Mathpal (Super382946) | 3:47.49 | 5:03.02, 3:37.30, 3:44.17, 3:35.99, 4:00.99 | [mod: changed solve 5 from 4.00 to 4:00.99; assumed typo] |
68 | Max Murphy (tigermaxi) | 4:04.32 | 3:52.85, 4:09.70, 4:10.41, 4:23.96, 3:10.32 | love the single |
69 | Petri Krzywacki (Petri Krzywacki) | 4:43.69 | 5:12.43, 4:45.00, 4:27.95, 4:58.13, 4:11.46 | |
70 | Calvin Nielson (Sixstringcal) | DNF | 1:33.13, 1:33.39, DNS, DNS, DNS |
# | Name | Result | Solves | Comment |
1 | Sean Hartman (Sean Hartman) | 2:05.76 | 2:06.94, 2:09.42, 2:15.79, 1:52.54, 2:00.92 | 1. OP
2. PP 3. DP 4. OP 45(second fastest) centers and 48 or so edges 5. OP 55 centers and 48 or so edges |
2 | Ishaan Lal (thecubingwizard) | 2:15.34 | 2:13.45, 2:15.49, 2:17.30, 2:15.19, 2:15.33 | |
3 | Malte Ihlefeld (Shadowjockey) | 2:17.43 | 2:28.41, 2:12.35, 2:11.53, 2:11.01, 2:29.63 | cmon, why does it have to be 2 horribly bad solves ;_; |
4 | Tobi P. (PixelWizard) | 2:24.66 | 2:23.85, 2:06.05, 2:28.00, 2:22.14, 2:32.23 | |
5 | Aidan McKenzie (AidanNoogie) | 2:46.16 | 2:47.79, 2:45.60, 2:45.10, 2:21.75, 3:04.94 | |
6 | Bryan Eng (OriginalUsername) | 2:49.06 | 2:48.30, 2:55.93, 2:50.88, 2:48.00, 2:42.20 | |
7 | Ian Cawthon (Ianwubby) | 2:50.90 | 2:50.00, 2:49.51, 2:42.19, 2:55.09, 2:53.20 | Double parity on the 2:42 :( |
8 | Abhijeet Gokar (abunickabhi) | 2:58.72 | 2:47.34, 2:47.25, 3:10.74, 3:13.36, 2:58.08 | |
9 | Rúnar Gauti Gunnarsson ([email protected]) | 3:02.99 | 2:58.16, 3:18.07, 3:04.95, 3:05.85, 2:49.12 | |
10 | Ethan Davis (Cuberstache) | 3:05.02 | 3:05.70, 3:04.56, 2:56.55, 3:20.74, 3:04.79 | dp, dp, op, pp, dp
Garbage average, 8/10 parities |
11 | Graham Siggins (sigalig) | 3:06.11 | 2:44.16, 3:11.02, 3:06.69, 3:16.85, 3:00.63 | |
12 | Parker Z ( Parker Z) | 3:10.53 | 3:09.96, 3:04.77, 3:13.08, 3:09.11, 3:12.52 | |
13 | Marcus Siu (Marcus Siu) | 3:13.99 | 3:14.34, 3:08.34, 3:20.39, 3:14.11, 3:13.52 | grr so many double parity solves |
14 | xyzzy (xyzzy) | 3:20.65 | 3:14.77, 3:24.43, 3:20.38, 3:17.15, 3:28.55 | |
15 | Daniel Evans (cuber3141592) | 3:24.02 | 3:24.81, 3:22.79, 3:31.47, 3:13.96, 3:24.47 | |
16 | Carter Bitz ([email protected]) | 3:26.10 | 3:36.49, 3:30.11, 2:55.64, 3:13.27, 3:34.91 | |
17 | Aedan Bryant (TipsterTrickster ) | 3:31.72 | 3:37.33, 3:28.78, 3:29.05, 3:42.36, 3:24.97 | |
18 | Kit Clement (Kit Clement) | 3:35.67 | 3:13.07, 3:48.29, 3:22.74, 3:51.18, 3:35.99 | |
19 | Tristan Steeves (cubeshepherd) | 3:41.81 | 3:45.51, 3:30.52, 3:31.51, 3:48.41, 3:50.41 | Road to officially sub 3:30 and below |
20 | Glomnipotent (Glomnipotent) | 4:01.99 | 4:10.17, 3:56.18, 3:59.62, 4:13.49, 3:33.66 | |
21 | Emile Compion (elimescube) | 4:05.58 | 4:04.15, 4:08.46, 3:31.58, 4:25.10, 4:04.13 | |
22 | Junwen Yao (swankfukinc) | 4:18.24 | 4:28.06, 4:15.01, 4:25.73, 4:12.53, 4:13.97 | |
23 | Reprobate (Forum) (Reprobate) | 4:20.16 | 4:37.40, 4:16.21, 4:07.06, 4:17.64, 4:26.62 | |
24 | Bernhard Brodowsky (Lykos) | 4:55.24 | 5:26.18, 4:46.61, 5:43.06, 4:32.92, 4:14.88 | |
25 | Hanns Hub (Jacck) | 5:05.37 | 5:11.44, 5:04.95, 5:53.11, 4:59.73, 4:46.87 | Ao5-pb |
26 | Kazuaki Matsuda (RyuKagamine) | 5:18.32 | 4:54.24, 5:40.01, DNF, 4:54.57, 5:20.38 | |
27 | Spencer Kenison (Aerospry) | 5:19.06 | 5:28.34, 4:29.71, 5:38.90, 5:07.74, 5:21.10 | |
28 | Mike Hughey (Mike Hughey) | 5:26.99 | 5:22.35, 5:20.01, 5:23.90, 5:34.73, 5:53.55 | |
29 | Grant Tregay (GTregay) | 5:40.59 | 5:23.08, 5:59.02, 6:18.18, 5:39.68, 5:09.16 | |
30 | yghklvn (yghklvn) | 6:00.97 | 7:45.91, 5:54.51, 5:42.78, 6:19.29, 5:49.10 | |
31 | Jami Viljanen (Jami Viljanen) | 6:05.44 | 6:01.67, 6:13.43, 5:53.21, 6:23.11, 6:01.22 | |
32 | Mats Bergsten (MatsBergsten) | 7:04.54 | 6:58.93, 7:19.49, 6:51.65, 6:55.19, 7:25.15 | |
33 | Frederik Rollmann (topppits) | 7:17.96 | 7:18.02, 9:18.82, 7:12.30, 7:23.57, 6:07.02 | 2. parity execution fail |
34 | SpartanSailor (SpartanSailor) | 9:29.77 | DNF, 11:36.98, 8:26.96, 8:25.38, 6:49.93 | New cube.. wow. What a difference. |
# | Name | Result | Solves | Comment |
1 | Sean Hartman (Sean Hartman) | 3:05.37 | 3:15.26, 2:57.43, 3:05.23, 2:45.99, 3:13.46 | The 2:45.99 is overall pb by quite a bit and first sub 2:50! It had my fastest ever centers of 1:25 in them and ~1:04 edges. Also first sub 3 mo3 in solves 2-4! |
2 | Ishaan Lal (thecubingwizard) | 3:26.13 | 3:22.01, 3:28.59, 3:26.66, 3:27.88, 3:23.84 | |
3 | Malte Ihlefeld (Shadowjockey) | 3:27.75 | 3:28.97, 3:33.01, 3:21.27, 3:15.59, 3:39.85 | |
4 | Aidan McKenzie (AidanNoogie) | 3:59.68 | 3:57.94, 3:59.81, 4:01.28, 4:18.20, 3:56.97 | Sub 4!!! |
5 | Bryan Eng (OriginalUsername) | 4:39.54 | 4:59.03, 4:26.51, 4:38.33, 4:47.88, 4:32.42 | |
6 | Glomnipotent (Glomnipotent) | 5:52.01 | 5:44.90, 5:45.46, 5:47.51, 6:03.06, 6:45.02 | |
7 | Tristan Steeves (cubeshepherd) | 6:03.91 | 6:12.51, 5:47.84, 6:08.60, 6:30.43, 5:50.63 | Road to sub 6 "Officially " |
8 | Reprobate (Forum) (Reprobate) | 6:07.98 | DNF, 5:39.85, 6:02.87, 6:08.25, 6:12.81 | |
9 | Junwen Yao (swankfukinc) | 6:53.65 | 7:20.56, 7:08.68, 6:44.65, 6:47.61, 6:23.16 | |
10 | Christopher Baird (One Wheel) | 7:08.63 | 7:09.46, 6:44.13, 7:41.21, 6:57.58, 7:18.85 | |
11 | Spencer Kenison (Aerospry) | 7:47.56 | 7:40.21, 8:28.20, 8:18.98, 7:18.47, 7:23.50 | |
12 | Grant Tregay (GTregay) | 8:03.11 | 7:21.45, 7:35.47, 8:49.41, 8:37.73, 7:56.14 | |
13 | Mike Hughey (Mike Hughey) | 8:04.05 | 9:03.38, 7:24.50, 8:19.60, 7:31.86, 8:20.68 | |
14 | yghklvn (yghklvn) | 8:34.75 | 8:23.16, 9:00.01, 8:52.01, 8:29.08, 8:15.29 | |
15 | Frederik Rollmann (topppits) | 11:06.28 | 11:41.36, 10:36.93, 13:08.67, 10:48.01, 10:49.47 | |
16 | Parker Z ( Parker Z) | DNF | 5:50.69, 5:51.86, DNS, DNS, DNS | |
17 | Robin Verstraten (RobinCube) | DNF | 7:10.10, DNS, DNS, DNS, DNS | |
18 | Hanns Hub (Jacck) | DNF | 7:46.17, 7:46.71, DNF, DNS, DNS | 3 DNF center-piece broken! |
19 | Mats Bergsten (MatsBergsten) | DNF | 12:58.96, DNS, DNS, DNS, DNS |
# | Name | Result | Solves | Comment |
1 | Khairur Rachim (Khairur Rachim) | 4.48 | 4.48, 6.92, DNF | |
2 | Sean Hartman (Sean Hartman) | 4.71 | DNF, 4.71, DNF | 7.98 dnf by 2 corners
nice scramble+1-look auf=fast time 8.29 dnf by quite a bit |
3 | leo lindqvist (leomannen) | 5.48 | 7.37, 5.48, 5.72 | |
4 | Tommy Cherry (TommyC) | 6.26 | 6.26, 6.71, DNF | |
5 | Ilie Nagrineac (applezfall) | 6.41 | 7.29, 6.41, 9.07 | |
6 | Advay Sant (asacuber) | 7.02 | 7.34, 7.02, DNF | oh well |
7 | Walker Welch (TheDubDubJr) | 7.16 | 18.68, 7.16, 7.90 | |
8 | Jacob Ambrose (jaysammey777) | 8.02 | DNF, 8.02, 16.46 | |
9 | Eli Jay (lejitcuber) | 8.12 | 18.50, 14.62, 8.12 | |
10 | Ishaan Lal (thecubingwizard) | 8.43 | 9.76, 12.49, 8.43 | 1. 9.76[4.89]
2. 12.49[9.65] 3. 8.43[4.58] All one-looked. |
11 | Sumanth Chandrupatla (ExultantCarn) | 10.48 | 12.68, 10.48, 15.62 | |
12 | Graham Siggins (sigalig) | 11.57 | 13.28, 11.66, 11.57 | 1. 6.11 memo (lol) 2 comms + floating 2twist
2. 4.71 memo, 2 comms + parity, pretty good :) 3. 4.68 memo, 2 comms + parity again, wow thats actually a super good mean for me lol |
13 | Tristan Steeves (cubeshepherd) | 12.65 | 12.65, 21.94, DNF | |
14 | Guido Dipietro (G2013) | 13.11 | 18.09, 13.11, DNF | |
15 | Yaani Shah (YaaniMani) | 14.11 | 34.78, 14.11, DNF | |
16 | Abhijeet Gokar (abunickabhi) | 16.75 | DNF, 22.53, 16.75 | 1. 18.56[5.44] cube drop
2. 22.53[8.71] 3. 14.75[5.57] |
17 | Dhafin Rayhan (dhafin) | 17.01 | DNF, 17.01, 18.09 | |
18 | OJ Cubing (OJ Cubing) | 18.00 | 28.20, 18.00, 28.74 | Bad |
19 | Aufan Ahmad Mumtaza (Xauxage) | 18.44 | 33.07, 18.44, 24.89 | |
20 | Mats Bergsten (MatsBergsten) | 19.46 | 19.46, DNF, 36.91 | 1. 19.46[7.29]
2. 24.64[9.92] 3. 36.91[16.04] |
21 | Ethan Davis (Cuberstache) | 19.93 | 52.76, 1:02.13, 19.93 | Went safe on the first two. Last one was easy. Yay for PB single and first ever mean. |
22 | Mike Hughey (Mike Hughey) | 24.10 | 32.72, 24.22, 24.10 | 1. 32.72[10.85]
2. 24.22[8.74] 3. 24.10[8.45] |
23 | Kit Clement (Kit Clement) | 24.86 | 30.46, 37.83, 24.86 | |
24 | Bryan Eng (OriginalUsername) | 25.19 | DNF, 1:06.28, 25.19 | |
25 | joshsailscga (Forum) (joshsailscga) | 28.68 | 49.22, 28.68, DNF | |
26 | Glomnipotent (Glomnipotent) | 29.73 | DNF, DNF, 29.73 | 1. 58.48[40.31]
2. 36.40[12.43] 3. 29.73[17.42] |
27 | Keenan Johnson (Keenan Johnson) | 29.89 | DNF, 47.29, 29.89 | |
28 | Andreas Lambropoulos (2017LAMB06) | 32.20 | DNF, 32.20, DNF | |
29 | Tripp Peters (trippptrs) | 32.48 | DNF, 32.48, 34.26 | |
30 | Malte Ihlefeld (Shadowjockey) | 34.84 | 39.93, 34.84, DNF | |
31 | Bill Hammill (SloMoCubing) | 35.55 | 35.55, 57.56, 59.94 | nb |
32 | Max Murphy (tigermaxi) | 36.78 | 56.06, 46.45, 36.78 | |
33 | Matt Prestwich (MattP98) | 38.10 | 38.10, 39.92, DNF | |
34 | Deri Nata Wijaya (Deri Nata Wijaya) | 38.67 | 38.67, 43.30, 43.50 | |
35 | Anders Olsen (whatshisbucket) | 39.00 | 46.55, DNF, 39.00 | 1. 46.55[20.37]
2. 41.41[20.44] 3. 39.00[17.04] |
36 | Aedan Bryant (TipsterTrickster ) | 42.11 | DNF, 42.11, DNF | Horrible |
37 | Mitchell Hum (MCuber) | 45.98 | 1:19.18, 1:41.98, 45.98 | 1. 1:19.18[51.18]
2. 1:41.98[1:24.44] 3. 45.98[26.87] |
38 | scylla (scylla) | 46.23 | DNF, DNF, 46.23 | |
39 | Ben Coppin (Bubbagrub) | 46.29 | 59.16, 46.29, DNF | |
40 | Clay Moore (buzzteam4) | 48.48 | DNF, DNF, 48.48 | |
41 | Coleman Vaughn (InlandEmpireCuber) | 48.57 | 1:16.95, 48.57, DNF | |
42 | SpartanSailor (SpartanSailor) | 57.64 | 57.64, 1:18.86, 1:15.80 | |
43 | Dan Nguyen (dnguyen2204) | 57.69 | 1:15.54, 57.69, DNF | 1. 1:15.54[44.82]
2. 57.69[30.59] 3. 56.49[27.76] Memo too rushed, JQ UF PV or something |
44 | Joshua Costello (Rubiksdude4144) | 57.83 | 2:51.62, 1:12.87, 57.83 | |
45 | PotatoesAreUs (PotatoesAreUs) | 59.38 | 1:20.16, 1:07.55, 59.38 | kek |
46 | Jami Viljanen (Jami Viljanen) | 1:00.13 | 1:26.70, 1:00.13, 1:16.59 | |
47 | Bogdan Grigoruta (Bogdan) | 1:02.42 | 1:02.42, DNF, DNF | |
48 | Hanns Hub (Jacck) | 1:03.88 | 1:36.72, 1:03.88, 1:04.67 | 1. 1:36.72[1:03.34]
2. 1:03.88[27.74] 3. 1:02.67[31.97] |
49 | Frederik Rollmann (topppits) | 1:04.92 | DNF, 1:04.92, DNF | 1. 1:09.65[40.88]
2. 1:04.92[35.59] 3. 2:41.67[1:29.92] |
50 | Noah Paredes (NoProblemCubing) | 1:10.81 | DNF, 1:39.99, 1:10.81 | lmao
51 | Moreno van Rooijen (Moreno van Rooijen) | 1:15.24 | 1:30.00, 1:15.24, DNF | |
52 | Corner Cutter (CornerCutter) | 1:20.44 | 1:41.54, DNF, 1:20.44 | |
53 | Tim Lawrance (theos) | 1:41.14 | 2:45.95, 1:41.14, 2:36.05 | After 3 DNFs last week, I was worried that my brain was broken :/ Not fast 2BLD but at least I can still do it.
(2) Easy scramble, but memoed wrong and was able to figure out what it should have been. Should have been an easy PB. |
54 | Alexander Botz (ichcubegerne) | 1:50.79 | DNF, 1:50.79, DNF | |
55 | Alistair Miller (Ali161102) | 2:03.73 | DNF, 2:03.73, 2:34.66 | |
56 | yghklvn (yghklvn) | 3:04.96 | DNF, 3:04.96, DNF | 1 : Realized I messed up memo during the solve
2 : MU DQ OX T 3 : WP UC X. Off by 2 corners twited (did not memo them) First attempt at something blind in like a year. |
57 | Jake Hanson (JMHCubed) | DNF | DNF, DNF, DNF | 1st: off by 2 corners
2nd: off by a lot 3rd: of by 2 corners |
57 | Nathanael Morgan (NathanaelCubes) | DNF | DNF, DNF, DNF | Darn, I was close on the last one. |
# | Name | Result | Solves | Comment |
1 | daniel lin (daniel lin) | 15.68 | 22.96, DNF, 15.68 | |
2 | Gregory Alekseev (Gregory Alekseev) | 19.40 | 23.78, 25.31, 19.40 | |
3 | Guido Dipietro (G2013) | 22.16 | 26.85, 22.49, 22.16 | lol, nice mo3! (except for the crappy 1st solve) |
4 | Graham Siggins (sigalig) | 24.01 | 32.50, 28.42, 24.01 | 1. 10.11 memo, big pause :/
2. 10.28 memo, decent 3. 9.83 memo, definitely should have been faster memo but exec was nice :) nice scramble also this is weekly comp pb mo3 and i did it with UF yay |
5 | Ahsanul Insan Hamid (ican97) | 30.36 | 35.32, 30.36, DNF | 23.93 DNF by 3 edges on the last solve :( RIP sub 30 mean |
6 | Abhijeet Gokar (abunickabhi) | 32.83 | 50.94, 32.83, DNF | 3. 25.05[9.94] off by 2 twisted corners |
7 | Timothy Goh (pinser) | 34.09 | DNF, 34.09, DNS | |
8 | Dhafin Rayhan (dhafin) | 37.23 | 37.23, 54.27, DNF | |
9 | Deni Mintsaev (denthebro) | 38.04 | DNF, 38.04, DNS | |
10 | Kit Clement (Kit Clement) | 51.77 | DNF, DNF, 51.77 | what a juicy 10/6** to finish that one off |
11 | Sean Hartman (Sean Hartman) | 59.51 | DNF, 2:14.00, 59.51 | 1. 1:26.40 off by 5 edges I think the exec was really slow too. I'm pretty sure my memo was in the 30s.
2. really really slow success 3. First sub 1 oh my gosh! and 28 exec! edge memo was really easy and I started to check to make sure I memoed everything but once I saw all the edge that were solved I just started exec hoping I memoed everything and got a sub 1! 6 corners with two twisted corners/8 edges for me! |
12 | Khairur Rachim (Khairur Rachim) | 59.60 | 1:23.10, 1:12.35, 59.60 | |
13 | OJ Cubing (OJ Cubing) | 1:02.41 | DNF, 1:02.41, DNF | |
14 | Keenan Johnson (Keenan Johnson) | 1:05.60 | DNF, 1:05.60, DNF | |
15 | Deri Nata Wijaya (Deri Nata Wijaya) | 1:09.75 | 1:09.75, DNF, DNF | |
16 | Malte Ihlefeld (Shadowjockey) | 1:11.40 | 4:03.21, 1:23.63, 1:11.40 | dat first solve though xD |
17 | joshsailscga (Forum) (joshsailscga) | 1:13.33 | DNF, 1:33.48, 1:13.33 | |
18 | Tommy Cherry (TommyC) | 1:14.18 | 1:14.18, DNF, DNF | |
19 | Ishaan Lal (thecubingwizard) | 1:31.87 | 1:31.87, DNF, DNS | 1. 1:31.87[42.36]
2. 1:12.34[44.38] 3 edges |
20 | Mike Hughey (Mike Hughey) | 1:32.58 | DNF, 1:32.58, DNF | 1. 1:21.36[38.37] 3E.
2. 1:32.58[35.71] Major recall pause prevented this from being very fast. 3. 1:19.72[40.34] 4E 4C. Went too fast; lost track of a turn. |
21 | Matt Prestwich (MattP98) | 1:34.00 | DNF, 2:10.76, 1:34.00 | 1) 1:17 - DNF by a flipped edge, would've been PB2. =( |
22 | Alexander Botz (ichcubegerne) | 1:40.16 | 1:40.16, 2:07.12, 1:53.03 | |
23 | Tristan Steeves (cubeshepherd) | 1:50.72 | 1:50.72, DNF, 1:57.83 | |
24 | scylla (scylla) | 2:00.43 | 2:00.43, DNF, DNF | |
25 | Andreas Lambropoulos (2017LAMB06) | 2:06.29 | 4:00.51, DNF, 2:06.29 | 3rd solve scramble lol |
26 | Emile Compion (elimescube) | 2:15.41 | DNF, 2:26.34, 2:15.41 | I use M2/OP in that order and fix parity with U M2 U' (first corner) U M2 U' M2. Sometimes I forget the last bit. |
27 | Zach Zwerling (ComputerGuy365) | 2:20.20 | DNF, 2:20.20, DNF | 1. 1:55.21[56.29] - 2 flipped edges
2. 2:20.20[1:18.62] 3. 2:44.12[1:37.26] - 3 edges |
28 | Hanns Hub (Jacck) | 2:29.10 | DNF, 2:49.18, 2:29.10 | 1. 3:41.72[2:14.96]
2. 2:49.18[1:34.14] 3. 2:29.10[1:21.05] 4th pb |
29 | Glomnipotent (Glomnipotent) | 2:50.29 | DNF, DNF, 2:50.29 | 1. 3:24.04[2:20.99]
2. 3:15.36[2:28.39] 3. 2:50.29[1:35.40] |
30 | SpartanSailor (SpartanSailor) | 3:40.94 | DNF, DNF, 3:40.94 | 1. Lost control of cube.
2. Forgot memo 3 FINALLY! |
31 | Clay Moore (buzzteam4) | 4:15.27 | 4:26.95, DNF, 4:15.27 | |
32 | James Markey Jr. (mrjames113083) | 4:42.96 | DNF, 4:42.96, DNF | 1) 1 pair off for edge orientation
3)Disaster |
33 | Frederik Rollmann (topppits) | 4:58.15 | DNF, 4:58.15, DNF | 1. 3:49.42[2:34.04] mess
2. 4:58.15[3:53.66] 3. 3:23.99[2:12.38] 3e |
34 | Andrew Tyberg (hotufos) | 5:02.86 | 5:02.86, 7:25.42, DNF | 1. Decent time
2. Very long (about 1 min) pause to remember last corner pair 3. Extraordinarily slow, 11 minutes something, I was tired. DNF by M2 and three edges, maybe I missed an edge target...? |
35 | Coleman Vaughn (InlandEmpireCuber) | 5:24.80 | DNF, DNF, 5:24.80 | 1. off by one edge and two corners
2. Forgot one letter in corner memo which cost me a success. Everything else was fine. 3. First success in like the last 25 solves. |
36 | Max Murphy (tigermaxi) | 6:19.53 | DNF, 6:19.53, DNF | 1. 2 flipped edges because of the memo
2. good memo 3. forgot first 2 letters of the corner memo |
37 | Spencer Kenison (Aerospry) | 8:45.44 | 8:45.44, DNF, DNF | |
38 | leudcfa (leudcfa) | DNF | DNF, DNF, DNS | 1. 3:05.38[1:47.77] 2 flipped edges
2. 3:26.41[2:20.97] gave up in the middle lol |
38 | Aedan Bryant (TipsterTrickster ) | DNF | DNF, DNF, DNF | Messed up so badly |
38 | Nathanael Morgan (NathanaelCubes) | DNF | DNF, DNS, DNS | 1. 9:32.08[6:22.33] |
38 | Dan Nguyen (dnguyen2204) | DNF | DNF, DNF, DNF | Let's see how I do after switching to M2.
1. 6:43.54[3:51.73] basically scrambled, 6c8e 2. 5:34.31[3:28.05]6c5e 3. 6:48.41[3:44.48] 4e, ixdc |
38 | Zachary Miller (weatherman223) | DNF | DNF, DNS, DNS | 1. 20:13. DNF by 4 edges. exec error during edges. forgot to do R' when trying to reverse an alg. |
38 | Bernhard Brodowsky (Lykos) | DNF | DNF, DNF, DNF | 2. 1:01.44[24.19]
3. 1:00.69[27.79] |
38 | Patrick Moehlen (dschieses) | DNF | DNF, DNF, DNF | 1. 4:49 - 1c
2. 5:06 - same goddamn corner 3. 3:58 |
38 | Tim Lawrance (theos) | DNF | DNF, DNF, DNF | 1. 8:11.55[4:03.90] Missed parity. (2C2E)
2. 14:49.23[10:52.80] Went over memo multiple times to try get a success but still made a mistake. (2 flipped edges) 3. 6:57.83[4:06.61] Really thought I had it this time with what was easy edge memo, but must have messed up the execution somewhere. (2 flipped edges again) |
38 | Mats Bergsten (MatsBergsten) | DNF | DNF, DNF, DNF | 1. 1:58.43[56.47] centers off !!! :)
2. 2:05.98[39.78] weird stuff?! I had parity on corners but not on edges?? 3. 1:26.30[49.04] lost ori. Three really totally bad solves. |
38 | Ethan Davis (Cuberstache) | DNF | DNF, DNF, DNF | Screwed up a comm on the last one, off by two flipped edges. This is what I get for not practicing. |
# | Name | Result | Solves | Comment |
1 | Graham Siggins (sigalig) | 2:08.46 | DNF, 2:08.46, DNF | 1. 1:02 memo (meh) then popped on the second corner comm lol
2. 54 memo, exec was pretty trash though, this should have been sub-2 given the scramble :/ 3. forgot wings |
2 | Abhijeet Gokar (abunickabhi) | 2:41.62 | 2:41.62, 3:12.26, 2:57.47 | Memo was slow on the first one.
Slow execution on the second one. Nice mean of 3 , i guess |
3 | Khairur Rachim (Khairur Rachim) | 5:09.47 | 5:24.67, 5:09.47, DNF | |
4 | Mats Bergsten (MatsBergsten) | 6:11.43 | DNF, 6:11.43, 8:13.96 | 1. 8:00.49[5:11.35] 3x :(
2. 6:11.43[3:41.78] 3. 8:13.96[4:40.94] memo recall pauses |
5 | Mike Hughey (Mike Hughey) | 6:44.23 | 6:44.23, DNF, DNF | 1. 6:44.23[3:17.97]
2. 6:07.82[3:07.73] 4X 8W 4C, missed an F2 somewhere 3. 8:44.10[5:02.60] off by r2 and 3W - turned a slice the wrong direction |
6 | Deni Mintsaev (denthebro) | 7:46.78 | 7:46.78, DNF, DNF | 1. First time using a new memo method
2. 2 centers, 2 wings. Very sad, would have been pb by 1:34 3. Complete mess |
7 | Deri Nata Wijaya (Deri Nata Wijaya) | 8:23.55 | DNF, 8:23.55, DNS | |
8 | Zach Zwerling (ComputerGuy365) | 11:53.52 | 11:53.52, DNS, DNS | 1. 11:53.52[6:35.90] Yay :) |
9 | Hanns Hub (Jacck) | 11:53.95 | DNF, DNF, 11:53.95 | 1. 15:22.47[9:57.53] very bad: 1:20 to find a bad orientation, had to redo a part of the memo and exe was off by 5C!
2. 8:03.35[4:15.38] pretty mess 3. 11:53.95[7:14.85] finally |
10 | Clay Moore (buzzteam4) | DNF | DNF, DNF, DNS | 1. 42:29.80[32:45.58]. This was my first 4BLD attempt, off by 8 edges and 4 corners. I think I did an alg wrong.
2. 31:34.64[22:23.97]. So close! off by like 3 or 4 centers. |
10 | Matt Prestwich (MattP98) | DNF | DNF, DNS, DNS | 1) 16:49, slow and not that close. Forgot a couple of centre pairs and had a long pause remembering them. Think I must have missed a setup or accidentally changed orientation somewhere. |
10 | Tristan Steeves (cubeshepherd) | DNF | DNF, DNF, DNF | Road to sub 10:00 officially.
1) 12:40.94[7:24.59] Forgot to do Corner parity 2) 11:38.56[6:48.03] Off by 2 centers 3) 12:15.62[6:58.74] Off by 4 wings |
10 | Glomnipotent (Glomnipotent) | DNF | DNF, DNF, DNF | 1. 20:21.55[16:18.85]
2. 21:20.50[12:45.25] 3. 12:43.54[9:18.56] |
10 | Timo Norrkniivilä (T1_M0) | DNF | DNF, DNF, DNS | 1. 4:45.48[2:10.71]
10 | Andreas Lambropoulos (2017LAMB06) | DNF | DNF, DNF, DNF | 1. My first ever 4BLD attempt. 30:38.078 DNF by 2 twisted corners fml.
2. 20:24.327 DNF, forgot D move in centers messed everything up. 3. 24:28.945 DNF, Many mis-moves, ended up looking completely scrambled lol |
10 | OJ Cubing (OJ Cubing) | DNF | DNF, DNF, DNF | 1st - I just can't ever retain wing memo :(
2nd - I legit just forgot everything 3rd - Pop lel |
10 | Walker Welch (TheDubDubJr) | DNF | DNF, DNS, DNS | DNF(11:58.65) first attempt in a while |
10 | Aedan Bryant (TipsterTrickster ) | DNF | DNF, DNF, DNS | Rushed memo
10 | Guido Dipietro (G2013) | DNF | DNF, DNF, DNF | 1st: interrupted
2nd: 2:20 3rd: 2:18 DNFs 2 and 3 were by setup mistakes |
10 | Dhafin Rayhan (dhafin) | DNF | DNF, DNS, DNS | 1. Off by 8 wings |
# | Name | Result | Solves | Comment |
1 | Graham Siggins (sigalig) | 3:58.27 | DNF, 3:58.27, 4:25.63 | 1. messed up center memo, wasted like 45 seconds figuring it out so i just stopped
2. 1:46 memo, yaaaaaaaaaaaay weekly comp WR :) scramble was 17 x, 20 +, 23 wings, 12 midges, 8 corners, so exactly average :D 3. 1:52 memo, also decent, exec was a bit pausey tho |
2 | Timothy Goh (pinser) | 5:47.96 | DNF, 5:47.96, DNF | 3) 4:54 DNF by 2 +-centers :( |
3 | Mike Hughey (Mike Hughey) | 11:34.99 | DNF, DNF, 11:34.99 | 1. 11:14.17[6:09.17] 2X. Memorized P when it should have been O.
2. 11:36.09[6:11.40] 3W. Memorized W when it should have been U. 3. 11:34.99[6:17.88]. At last I got one! Wow, all three attempts close or solved and sub-12. Nice! If only I can get my accuracy better again. |
4 | OJ Cubing (OJ Cubing) | 13:48.02 | 13:48.02, DNF, DNF | 1 - 13:48 [6:32] - success but slow because comms take me a while to think about
2 - 13:07 [6:03] - DNF by 3 +Centres 3- 14:24 [5:31] - DNF by 3 +Centres, but comms were really slow because I was thinking too hard |
5 | Mats Bergsten (MatsBergsten) | 15:10.73 | DNF, DNF, 15:10.73 | 1. 12:24.50[7:24.41] 3W skipped next to last letter pair, not uncommon that concentration slips towards the end :(
2. 13:09.17[8:26.82] a mess (but corners) Lost orientation 3. 15:10.73[9:34.10] Did not want three dnfs here too. Very safe but still slow. Not the best of orientations perhaps. Memo recall problems too. Mike: very impressed by your speed at the third after 2 dnfs. |
6 | Hanns Hub (Jacck) | 16:38.28 | 16:38.28, 17:21.59, DNF | 1. 16:38.28[9:42.98] 5th pb
2. 17:21.59[9:20.02] 3. 17:30.95[10:35.22] 3C memoed first two targets in wrong direction 76 instead of 67 - another milestone in stupidity ... |
7 | Deni Mintsaev (denthebro) | DNF | DNF, DNF, DNF | 1. Stopped during memo
2. 2 X-centers and 3 wings :'( 3. 2 Midges, 2 T-centers and 4 X-centers :'( |
7 | Tristan Steeves (cubeshepherd) | DNF | DNF, DNF, DNF | 1) 24:47.41[13:24.06] Off by 3 +centers and 4 wings.
2) 26:54.289[14:04.86] Off by 2 midges and I forgot to memo 1 letter pair on the wings. 3) 23:25.95[11:04.52] Rushed memo to see how it would work and that failed. Off by 3 x centers 2 +centers and 5 wings. Oops |
# | Name | Result | Solves | Comment |
1 | Abhijeet Gokar (abunickabhi) | 17:45.60 | 17:45.60 | 1. 17:45.60[8:44.23] yesssss PBBBBBB
had one minute pause in obliques, as i didnt know the order ,whether it is GAPJ or PJGA, i undid the order several times before deciding onto GAPJ ,and got a success, could have been a minute or 2 faster in execution. memo was safe as I can push memo upto 6 minute or so |
2 | Mike Hughey (Mike Hughey) | 33:12.40 | 33:12.40 | 1. 33:12.40[21:21.29].
Painfully slow memo because I thought I was missing a wing and spent about 7 minutes trying to find it. It turns out I just miscounted. Execution time wasn't bad. |
3 | Mats Bergsten (MatsBergsten) | DNF | DNF | 1. 32:58.80[21:26.66] 17w 3c 5o
Congrats Mike |
3 | Hanns Hub (Jacck) | DNF | DNF | 1. 35:44.45[21:16.98]3W (memo) + 2*3O |
3 | Timo Norrkniivilä (T1_M0) | DNF | DNF | 1. 35:24.17[16:43.73] messed something with the obliques at least |
3 | Graham Siggins (sigalig) | DNF | DNF | 4:13 memo which was decent but then i forgot wings :( |
3 | Tristan Steeves (cubeshepherd) | DNF | DNF | 50:34.67[32:21.988] First time attempting a 6x6 BLD and it failed pretty bad.
I was off by 2 inner and outer x centers, 4 obliques, 3 midges, and 3 wings. But hey I got the corners right. |
# | Name | Result | Solves | Comment |
1 | Mike Hughey (Mike Hughey) | DNF | DNF | 1. 44:55.20[22:38.26] 5O 2oX 3oW. Not a very good attempt. |
1 | Mats Bergsten (MatsBergsten) | DNF | DNF | 52:49.98[28:47.12] Perhaps only one error, a forgotten slice move reset.A little slow exec, had several memo recall pauses |
1 | Timo Norrkniivilä (T1_M0) | DNF | DNF | 1. 60:37.91[36:03.56] hmm need to check the video |
# | Name | Result | Solves | Comment |
1 | Kamil Przybylski (kamilprzyb) | 32 | 40/48 60:00 | |
2 | Graham Siggins (sigalig) | 16 | 33/50 60:00 | Full result was 36/50 in 1:01:04[37:54]
Pretty nice attempt for me, 5th ever attempt at 50 cubes and already getting close to sub-hour :) after I get sub-hour I'll hopefully be able to start working on getting the accuracy up |
3 | Mats Bergsten (MatsBergsten) | 9 | 10/11 47:02 | memo 33:57. Fast for me but easy scrambles. One cube had a 3-c edges which I don't understand. |
4 | Deri Nata Wijaya (Deri Nata Wijaya) | 9 | 14/19 57:14 | |
5 | Mike Hughey (Mike Hughey) | 7 | 11/15 57:12 | 1. 57:11.99[40:20.72] - 3:3C, 4:2E, 12:3E, 13:3C
Not sure what went wrong with 3; forgot to do flipped edge on 4; forgot one image early when memorizing on 12; executed a corner alg backwards on 13. |
6 | Shivam Bansal (the super cuber) | 6 | 11/16 15:05 | memo was 8:00. fast attempt :p |
7 | Hanns Hub (Jacck) | 6 | 8/10 50:26 | 1. 50:25.76[31:39.59] 3 twisted corners / one cube rotated on desk and I took it in the wrong orientation ... |
8 | Kit Clement (Kit Clement) | 6 | 9/12 58:34 | |
9 | Matt Prestwich (MattP98) | 3 | 3/3 9:59 | Too tired to do a big attempt, but didn't want to skip the week. PB 3 cube attempt by 8-9 minutes. |
10 | Tripp Peters (trippptrs) | 3 | 3/3 16:03 | Memo was 12:24 and execution was 3:39. |
11 | Emile Compion (elimescube) | 3 | 3/3 17:37 | Pleased with this. Simple, but first 100% in many years. |
12 | Tristan Steeves (cubeshepherd) | 3 | 7/11 56:09 | |
13 | Ben Coppin (Bubbagrub) | 2 | 2/2 9:24 | |
14 | Noah Paredes (NoProblemCubing) | DNF | 0/2 9:05 | |
14 | joshsailscga (Forum) (joshsailscga) | DNF | 1/2 6:01 | |
14 | Clay Moore (buzzteam4) | DNF | 1/2 13:54 | 13:54.02[9:56.72] first one was off by two twisted corners. |
14 | Bernhard Brodowsky (Lykos) | DNF | 0/21 59:49 | 1. 59:48.90[39:56.35] |
14 | Abhijeet Gokar (abunickabhi) | DNF | 1/3 2:47 | 1. 2:46.61[1:29.17] |
# | Name | Result | Solves | Comment |
1 | Louis de Mendonça (tdm) | 12.23 | 11.58, 12.41, 12.65, 15.27, 11.64 | :D |
2 | Khairur Rachim (Khairur Rachim) | 13.70 | 13.17, 16.71, 11.20, 13.90, 14.04 | |
3 | Eli Jay (lejitcuber) | 14.33 | 15.72, 12.52, 14.10, 17.98, 13.18 | |
4 | Sean Hartman (Sean Hartman) | 15.02 | 14.21, 21.41, 16.13, 14.71, 13.37 | |
5 | Jesper Schmidt (typeman5) | 15.06 | 16.77, 12.15, 9.20, 21.69, 16.27 | lol pb single and average |
6 | Justin Park (CubicOreo) | 15.22 | 15.12, 14.39, 20.15, 15.91, 14.62 | Overall pb average |
7 | Tolga Kaan Kantarcı (tolgakantarci) | 15.48 | 16.63, 16.95, 14.89, 14.91, 13.04 | yay |
8 | Alexander Botz (ichcubegerne) | 15.49 | 15.88, 15.02, 15.17, 15.49, 15.81 | |
9 | Tommy Cherry (TommyC) | 16.24 | 15.52, 18.97, 17.55, 15.65, 14.58 | |
10 | Tobi P. (PixelWizard) | 16.55 | 15.70, 13.94, 18.63, 16.26, 17.69 | |
11 | Nathaniel Gee (GenTheThief) | 16.93 | 13.44, 15.07, 17.96, 17.76, 18.90 | oi nice single. sub 17 is always a nice average |
12 | Janos Bereczki (jancsi02) | 17.70 | 19.00, 20.57, 17.36, 15.04, 16.74 | |
13 | Mihnea Pantu (mihnea3000) | 18.05 | 22.74, 19.47, 13.54, 15.03, 19.64 | |
14 | Ethan Davis (Cuberstache) | 18.43 | 16.26, 21.38, 24.01, 14.80, 17.65 | 3: Did something super weird during OLL...
4: PLL skip! Really nice average! |
15 | Andreas Lambropoulos (2017LAMB06) | 18.51 | 17.83, 16.09, 20.05, 21.23, 17.66 | |
16 | Ishaan Lal (thecubingwizard) | 18.54 | 17.41, 16.04, 22.18, 17.43, 20.79 | |
17 | Bill Hammill (SloMoCubing) | 18.87 | 18.15, 16.84, 17.81, 24.73, 20.65 | Holy shit, I average like 20-21 lul
not Pb though |
18 | Bryan Eng (OriginalUsername) | 18.98 | 19.99, 18.39, 17.09, 19.43, 19.12 | |
19 | Leo Annett (Leo Annett) | 19.08 | 19.16, 20.09, 18.00, 13.69, 20.88 | |
20 | leo lindqvist (leomannen) | 19.16 | 19.81, 14.71, 21.52, 18.55, 19.11 | |
21 | Daniel Goodman (DGCubes) | 19.47 | 19.79, 20.16, 18.46, 17.29, 22.74 | |
22 | Tristan Steeves (cubeshepherd) | 20.31 | 20.48, 17.58, 20.53, 21.47, 19.93 | |
23 | Ilie Nagrineac (applezfall) | 20.70 | 20.74, 20.85, 19.58, 20.51, DNS | |
24 | Aidan McKenzie (AidanNoogie) | 20.72 | 17.74, 17.56, 21.86, 22.55, 24.64 | |
25 | joshsailscga (Forum) (joshsailscga) | 20.82 | 21.04, 20.20, 18.51, 21.23, 25.93 | |
26 | Sumanth Chandrupatla (ExultantCarn) | 20.92 | 22.92, 19.40, 20.43, 17.75, 25.90 | |
27 | Allen Gustrowsky (TSTwist) | 21.05 | 17.98, 22.02, 17.93, 23.16, 27.58 | |
28 | Braden Richards (BradenTheMagician) | 21.81 | 25.47, 21.89, 21.62, 20.14, 21.91 | |
29 | Kit Clement (Kit Clement) | 22.53 | 24.35, 26.83, 22.43, 20.80, 18.27 | |
30 | Abhijeet Gokar (abunickabhi) | 22.57 | 21.62, 27.22, 23.97, 22.12, 20.85 | |
31 | Calvin Nielson (Sixstringcal) | 22.62 | 22.98, 23.82, 18.93, 21.05, 24.05 | |
32 | Ian Cawthon (Ianwubby) | 22.95 | 24.83, 20.16, 25.89, 20.03, 23.86 | Nice average |
33 | Jake Buckley (ARandomCuber) | 23.11 | 21.99, 29.04, 20.50, 23.42, 23.93 | |
34 | Malte Ihlefeld (Shadowjockey) | 23.82 | 21.96, 19.68, 24.23, 25.32, 25.26 | |
35 | Marcus Siu (Marcus Siu) | 23.82 | 25.67, 24.22, 22.80, 24.44, 22.26 | |
36 | Carter Bitz ([email protected]) | 24.70 | 26.54, 23.06, 29.20, 24.50, 21.13 | |
37 | Graham Siggins (sigalig) | 24.88 | 22.18, 21.07, 19.96, 31.38, 31.63 | last two solves ugh rip |
38 | xyzzy (xyzzy) | 25.32 | 31.38, 26.85, 19.81, 22.11, 27.01 | |
39 | Glomnipotent (Glomnipotent) | 25.57 | 27.90, 20.62, 29.89, 24.50, 24.31 | |
40 | David Alejos (muchacho) | 25.79 | 24.90, 32.75, 29.85, 22.63, 20.85 | |
41 | Matt Prestwich (MattP98) | 26.29 | 32.26, 22.91, 22.25, 33.94, 23.70 | Very pleased with the counting 22 and 23, less pleased with the counting 32. =( |
42 | Nathanael Morgan (NathanaelCubes) | 26.36 | 29.48, 25.20, 20.23, DNF, 24.40 | Rip average, nice single. |
43 | yghklvn (yghklvn) | 26.42 | 24.10, 29.89, 25.26, 33.55, 22.66 | |
44 | Katie Davies (Katiedavies3103) | 26.43 | 21.05, 28.31, 29.92, 20.51, 33.04 | |
45 | Mitchell Hum (MCuber) | 26.48 | 27.21, 26.21, 26.03, 31.31, 25.02 | |
46 | Noah Paredes (NoProblemCubing) | 26.94 | 36.20, 25.68, 22.68, 30.52, 24.62 | |
47 | Bernhard Brodowsky (Lykos) | 27.31 | 29.11, 36.85, 25.93, 25.12, 26.89 | |
48 | Ahsanul Insan Hamid (ican97) | 28.00 | 23.54, 27.17, 29.35, 36.85, 27.49 | |
49 | Guido Dipietro (G2013) | 28.21 | 25.38, 26.62, 25.75, DNF, 32.26 | |
50 | OJ Cubing (OJ Cubing) | 28.25 | 26.80, 27.58, 30.22, 26.95, 49.86 | Could have been PB average but messed up COLL on the last solve :/ |
51 | Nico Koller (speedcube.insta) | 28.82 | 29.53, 29.57, 29.07, 24.86, 27.85 | |
52 | Daniel Evans (cuber3141592) | 29.02 | 33.84, 31.50, 24.20, 24.13, 31.35 | |
53 | Rúnar Gauti Gunnarsson ([email protected]) | 30.22 | 30.90, 31.02, 29.77, 29.99, 23.24 | |
54 | Spencer Kenison (Aerospry) | 30.89 | 33.51, 32.14, 27.05, 24.38, 33.48 | |
55 | Chad Batten (obelisk477) | 31.00 | 35.95, 30.29, 30.18, 20.97, 32.54 | |
56 | Suen Ming Chi (MartinN13) | 31.58 | 36.15, 30.55, 25.59, 31.05, 33.15 | |
57 | Corner Cutter (CornerCutter) | 31.61 | 35.33, 29.46, 35.03, 27.85, 30.35 | |
58 | Clay Moore (buzzteam4) | 31.62 | 35.67, 31.52, 31.60, 31.74, 28.75 | |
59 | Max Murphy (tigermaxi) | 32.06 | 36.13, 31.32, 24.98, 32.00, 32.87 | |
60 | James Markey Jr. (mrjames113083) | 32.12 | 37.76, 29.21, 33.29, 30.85, 32.21 | |
61 | Parker Z ( Parker Z) | 33.10 | 38.29, DNF, 23.99, 30.88, 30.14 | |
62 | Lachlan Stephens (Lachlan Stephens) | 33.13 | 29.17, 26.21, 34.65, 36.94, 35.56 | Nice PLL skip on the 2nd solve |
63 | Moreno van Rooijen (Moreno van Rooijen) | 33.14 | 33.66, 34.97, 33.04, 27.36, 32.73 | |
64 | Andrew Tyberg (hotufos) | 33.14 | 28.74, 38.43, 40.05, 31.23, 29.76 | good |
65 | Dhafin Rayhan (dhafin) | 33.23 | 31.79, 30.88, 34.81, 33.08, 57.96 | |
66 | Bogdan Grigoruta (Bogdan) | 33.42 | 32.88, 35.36, 29.65, 38.30, 32.02 | |
67 | Zachary Miller (weatherman223) | 33.54 | 31.82, 37.09, 34.38, 20.20, 34.43 | not great either. 20.2 is overall PB however. |
68 | bugybunny (bugybunny) | 34.22 | 30.98, 1:04.56, 30.69, 40.98, 29.22 | |
69 | Theodor Nordstrand (TheodorNordstrand) | 34.50 | 33.17, 40.06, 37.69, 32.63, 32.50 | |
70 | Yaani Shah (YaaniMani) | 35.45 | 33.57, 26.06, 37.81, 38.45, 34.96 | |
71 | Jami Viljanen (Jami Viljanen) | 35.95 | 29.68, 33.05, 35.57, 50.66, 39.22 | |
72 | Emir Yusuf Çiçekdemir (Emir Yusuf) | 37.57 | 35.57, 37.20, 29.63, 41.43, 39.95 | |
73 | Junwen Yao (swankfukinc) | 38.66 | 43.36, 30.98, 43.55, 39.04, 33.59 | |
74 | Coleman Vaughn (InlandEmpireCuber) | 41.15 | 41.66, 40.37, 47.95, 41.41, 37.00 | |
75 | Bogdan Damski (cubingchemist) | 42.74 | 51.36, 37.40, 52.38, 37.65, 39.21 | |
76 | Deri Nata Wijaya (Deri Nata Wijaya) | 44.83 | 1:02.27, 49.10, 39.10, 45.87, 39.51 | |
77 | Mike Hughey (Mike Hughey) | 45.39 | 1:15.56, 44.99, 43.43, 39.57, 47.75 | |
78 | vorherrscher (vorherrscher) | 45.96 | 48.03, 40.92, 42.46, 47.39, DNF | overall pb |
79 | Ben Coppin (Bubbagrub) | 46.28 | 45.61, 46.88, 46.35, 35.63, 47.63 | |
80 | Hannah Minas (redoxxy) | 46.81 | 44.16, 49.03, 1:16.77, 38.02, 47.25 | |
81 | Kazuaki Matsuda (RyuKagamine) | 47.77 | 48.86, 52.23, 49.17, 37.31, 45.27 | |
82 | Christopher Baird (One Wheel) | 47.88 | 51.61, 35.73, 51.78, 40.25, 57.96 | |
83 | thunderbell cuber (thunderbell cuber) | 48.43 | 46.02, 51.82, 33.77, 47.46, 53.40 | Solve 3rd Coll pll skip |
84 | Thomas Brandhuber (Thom S.) | 52.00 | 53.82, 53.57, 33.45, 59.08, 48.62 | |
85 | Aufan Ahmad Mumtaza (Xauxage) | 52.37 | 1:33.48, 52.04, 52.89, 48.82, 52.17 | |
86 | Lumej (Forum) (Lumej) | 52.78 | 52.75, 1:04.21, 44.27, 49.70, 55.89 | |
87 | Evan Wright (EdubCubez) | 59.72 | 1:10.36, 51.55, 57.14, 51.66, DNF | |
88 | Kris Gonnella (Kris Gonnella) | 1:02.09 | 1:10.64, 50.02, 56.77, 1:04.92, 1:04.59 | first time doing oh too xP |
89 | Hanns Hub (Jacck) | 1:05.91 | 1:11.71, 54.17, 1:07.01, 59.02, 1:13.69 | |
90 | scylla (scylla) | 1:06.90 | 1:22.00, 57.96, 1:43.62, 31.46, 1:00.74 | |
91 | Petri Krzywacki (Petri Krzywacki) | 1:08.25 | 1:03.81, 1:12.75, 1:08.20, 1:12.85, 56.20 | |
92 | SpartanSailor (SpartanSailor) | 1:11.70 | 1:22.80, 1:31.81, 1:02.25, 40.30, 1:10.05 | 4. Easy f2l with Sune and PLL skip. Lucky PB. It’ll be a long time before I beat this one. Lol |
93 | William Marshall (WillyTheWizard ) | 1:17.80 | 1:02.33, 1:24.51, 1:26.75, 54.18, 1:26.56 | CRap. But pb single! |
94 | Tiago Jun Suda (TigaJun) | 1:19.65 | 1:14.21, 1:20.09, 1:12.94, 1:24.64, 1:26.03 | 1st ever OH try! |
95 | Anders Olsen (whatshisbucket) | 1:27.09 | DNF, 1:39.07, 1:26.45, 1:04.92, 1:15.76 | ouch |
96 | Alistair Miller (Ali161102) | DNF | 1:02.27, DNS, DNS, DNS, DNS | |
97 | Grady Warren (Gx Cuber) | DNF | DNF, 1:38.07, 1:34.91, DNF, 2:05.65 | Shoot DNF AO5 |
98 | Vyacheslav Kochergin (V.Kochergin) | DNF | DNF, DNF, DNF, DNF, DNF | misclick |
# | Name | Result | Solves | Comment |
1 | Tommy Cherry (TommyC) | 35.40 | 31.26, 35.28, 35.85, 45.66, 35.07 | |
2 | Braden Richards (BradenTheMagician) | 1:01.71 | 1:08.03, 57.03, 1:00.07, 52.79, 1:09.50 | 4th solve was overall pb lol. failed pb average too but im happy with the single <3
Edit: wait this is my pb average hell yeah |
3 | Ben Coppin (Bubbagrub) | 1:02.00 | 54.30, 1:38.60, 1:04.21, 1:07.50, 53.07 | |
4 | Bill Hammill (SloMoCubing) | 1:07.35 | 1:21.98, 59.59, 56.09, 1:00.49, 1:41.83 | FUCK THIS STUPID EVENT |
5 | Sean Hartman (Sean Hartman) | 1:17.29 | 1:27.94, 55.61, 1:20.63, 1:20.61, 1:10.62 | |
6 | Eli Jay (lejitcuber) | 1:21.99 | 1:29.23, 1:18.36, 1:26.70, 1:20.90, 1:11.86 | |
7 | Bryan Eng (OriginalUsername) | 1:32.55 | 1:40.98, 1:38.47, 1:22.46, 1:23.52, 1:35.65 | |
8 | Alexander Botz (ichcubegerne) | 1:46.14 | 1:59.66, 1:51.95, 1:39.21, 1:47.26, 1:32.12 | |
9 | Leo Annett (Leo Annett) | 1:47.46 | 1:36.51, 1:59.65, 2:07.07, 1:46.22, 1:32.69 | |
10 | Christopher Baird (One Wheel) | 1:48.42 | 1:52.38, 1:37.71, 1:55.45, 1:55.15, 1:37.73 | |
11 | Tristan Steeves (cubeshepherd) | 1:53.89 | 2:20.16, 1:45.72, 2:00.94, 1:30.62, 1:55.02 | Road to sub 2:00 officially. |
12 | Mike Hughey (Mike Hughey) | 1:59.26 | 1:43.52, 2:05.18, 2:25.75, 2:02.72, 1:49.87 | |
13 | Matt Prestwich (MattP98) | 2:22.67 | 2:30.92, 2:30.68, 2:20.61, 2:10.74, 2:16.72 | |
14 | Jake Buckley (ARandomCuber) | 2:41.60 | 4:34.58, 3:02.83, 2:54.21, 2:07.76, 2:05.45 | |
15 | Coleman Vaughn (InlandEmpireCuber) | 3:28.50 | 3:21.43, 4:21.15, 2:42.93, 4:53.95, 2:34.64 | |
16 | Mitchell Hum (MCuber) | 7:05.69 | 7:08.77, 7:00.96, 8:06.20, 7:07.35, 6:48.15 | #5 - Popped, but managed to put back in due to loose tensions |
17 | Jake Hanson (JMHCubed) | DNF | 4:56.15, 2:59.24, DNS, DNS, DNS |
# | Name | Result | Solves | Comment |
1 | Ishaan Lal (thecubingwizard) | 35.98 | 37.59, 33.60, 36.75, 37.58, 32.33 | :/ |
2 | Alexander Botz (ichcubegerne) | 44.02 | 39.19, 38.14, 1:31.23, 39.24, 53.63 | I hate my life... |
3 | Eli Jay (lejitcuber) | 46.11 | 45.40, 1:19.63, 46.59, 44.48, 46.34 | |
4 | Tommy Cherry (TommyC) | 47.48 | 25.70, 41.85, 1:14.90, 21.11, DNF | |
5 | Tristan Steeves (cubeshepherd) | 52.08 | 53.62, 57.83, 45.89, 50.73, 51.88 | Road to sub 50 "Officially unofficial" |
6 | Malte Ihlefeld (Shadowjockey) | 55.06 | 1:09.98, 45.91, 52.08, 51.45, 1:01.64 | |
7 | Marcus Siu (Marcus Siu) | 1:00.22 | 59.69, 50.09, 55.83, 1:10.91, 1:05.13 | bad |
8 | Kit Clement (Kit Clement) | 1:03.31 | 1:02.13, 1:01.56, 1:22.67, 1:01.20, 1:06.24 | |
9 | Coleman Vaughn (InlandEmpireCuber) | 1:12.97 | 1:02.33, 1:19.54, 56.25, 1:17.05, 1:35.94 | |
10 | Mike Hughey (Mike Hughey) | 1:13.22 | 1:18.23, 1:08.23, 1:41.43, 1:13.21, 1:03.25 | |
11 | Moreno van Rooijen (Moreno van Rooijen) | 1:30.65 | 1:34.38, 1:13.58, 2:47.81, 1:11.10, 1:43.98 | |
12 | Ethan Davis (Cuberstache) | 1:37.49 | 1:42.89, 1:35.15, 2:26.39, 1:24.67, 1:34.42 | Not bad I guess |
13 | Sean Hartman (Sean Hartman) | 1:37.65 | 2:11.48, 1:37.22, 1:52.67, 1:14.12, 1:23.05 | |
14 | Junwen Yao (swankfukinc) | 2:00.80 | 1:35.31, 1:51.41, 2:15.11, 1:55.89, 2:44.33 | |
15 | joshsailscga (Forum) (joshsailscga) | 2:11.50 | 2:23.27, 1:56.20, 2:15.03, DNF, 1:49.14 | |
16 | Spencer Kenison (Aerospry) | 2:19.93 | 2:35.60, 2:16.93, 1:54.11, 2:14.15, 2:28.71 | |
17 | Max Murphy (tigermaxi) | 2:34.93 | 2:47.36, 2:02.13, 2:28.76, 3:44.06, 2:28.66 | |
18 | Hanns Hub (Jacck) | 2:36.85 | 2:30.73, 2:39.05, 2:37.80, 2:58.77, 2:33.70 | tried something different ... |
19 | Bill Hammill (SloMoCubing) | 2:41.07 | 2:31.46, 2:16.37, 3:43.96, 3:15.38, 2:15.16 | oof |
20 | bugybunny (bugybunny) | 5:04.75 | 5:17.23, 4:41.39, 10:07.43, 5:15.62, 2:27.94 | |
21 | Guido Dipietro (G2013) | DNF | 41.45, 35.03, DNF, 15.79, DNF | 3rd: pop xd at 14 seconds
4th: ooohhhh nice! PB! 5th: 17.x DNF by 3 edges lol |
22 | Abhijeet Gokar (abunickabhi) | DNF | 48.52, 33.91, DNF, DNF, 49.56 | 3rd one off by 3 corners, 45 secs
4th one off by 3 edges, PS letter pair |
23 | Mats Bergsten (MatsBergsten) | DNF | 1:37.72, 1:06.55, DNF, 1:33.15, DNF | same story :( |
24 | Corner Cutter (CornerCutter) | DNF | DNF, DNS, DNS, DNS, DNS | I messed up solving the LL. |
# | Name | Result | Solves | Comment |
1 | Daniel Goodman (DGCubes) | 26 | 26 | |
2 | Ben Coppin (Bubbagrub) | 27 | 27 | |
3 | Eli Jay (lejitcuber) | 28 | 28 | |
4 | Kit Clement (Kit Clement) | 29 | 29 | |
5 | Braden Richards (BradenTheMagician) | 30 | 30 | |
6 | Theo Leinad (Theo Leinad) | 32 | 32 | |
7 | Bogdan Grigoruta (Bogdan) | 33 | 33 | |
8 | Malte Ihlefeld (Shadowjockey) | 34 | 34 | |
8 | Tim Lawrance (theos) | 34 | 34 | |
10 | Ethan Davis (Cuberstache) | 35 | 35 | |
10 | Tristan Steeves (cubeshepherd) | 35 | 35 | |
12 | Toshiaki Ishikura (craccho) | 36 | 36 | |
13 | Mike Hughey (Mike Hughey) | 39 | 39 | |
14 | Andreas Lambropoulos (2017LAMB06) | 40 | 40 | |
14 | Mitchell Hum (MCuber) | 40 | 40 | |
16 | Sean Hartman (Sean Hartman) | 42 | 42 | |
17 | Noah Paredes (NoProblemCubing) | 46 | 46 | |
17 | mihok lucas (pantu2000) | 46 | 46 | |
19 | Duncan Bannon (Duncan Bannon) | 47 | 47 | |
20 | yghklvn (yghklvn) | 49 | 49 | |
20 | Lachlan Stephens (Lachlan Stephens) | 49 | 49 | |
22 | leudcfa (leudcfa) | 51 | 51 | |
23 | Abhijeet Gokar (abunickabhi) | DNF | DNF | |
23 | Coleman Vaughn (InlandEmpireCuber) | DNF | DNF | |
23 | Hanns Hub (Jacck) | DNF | DNF | |
23 | Zach Zwerling (ComputerGuy365) | DNF | DNF | |
23 | James Markey Jr. (mrjames113083) | DNF | DNF |
# | Name | Moves | Solution | Explanation |
1 | Daniel Goodman (DGCubes) | 26 | B R L2 D' B' D2 B2 R B R' F D U' L2 U F U' F' D' F U R B' D2 B' L | B R L2 D' // EO
(L' B D2 B R' F2) // X-cross (B2 R B' R') // F2L2 (B2 D2 B) // AB3E3C Skeleton (17 to 3E3C): B R L2 D' B' D2 B2 R B R' B2 F2 $ R B' D2 B' L $ = F' @ D F U' F' D' F U (cancels 1) @ = B2 D U' L2 U D' (cancels 4) Insertions were optimal! Really happy that I was able to find such a great nested insertion. Definitely my proudest solution in a while. |
2 | Ben Coppin (Bubbagrub) | 27 | B F2 L' D L U' L' D' L F' L2 D2 R2 F2 U2 L' U2 L2 D2 L' U L D2 L2 B2 L R | B F2 U' F' // EO (4/4)
L2 D2 // Square (2/6) R2 F2 // Square (2/8) (R' L' B2 L) // xx-cross (4/12) (U' L' U2 L U2) // L5C (5/17) Skeleton: B F2 * U' F' L2 D2 R2 F2 U2 L' U2 L** U L' B2 L R Insert at *: L' D L U' L' D' L U (6/23) Insert at **: L D2 L' U L D2 L' U' (4/27) |
3 | Eli Jay (lejitcuber) | 28 | B' L2 D L2 F' B2 R2 B2 R U R2 B L2 B L' B' L' B L2 D' B2 R D L' D' R' D L | B' L2 D L2 F' // EO
B2 R2 B2 R U R2 // 2x2x3 (D' B2 D) B2 // F2L-1 B' L2 B L' B' L' B L2 // L3C B' L2 D L2 F' B2 R2 B2 R U R2 B L2 B L' B' L' B L2 D' B2 D * = [D' R D, L'] |
4 | Kit Clement (Kit Clement) | 29 | B F2 L' U R2 U' L U R2 U2 F' R' U' L U2 L2 B2 L B2 D' R2 U2 R' D' R U2 R2 B2 L2 | N: B F2 U' F' //EO
R' U' L U2 //2x2x2 L2 B2 L B2 D' R D' R' B2 L2 //18-5c Skel: B F2 (2) U' F' R' U' L U2 L2 B2 L B2 D' R (1) D' R' B2 L2 1: R U2 R' D' R U2 R' D (4) 4-5-1 2: L' U R2 U' L U R2 U' (1) 1-2-3 |
5 | Braden Richards (BradenTheMagician) | 30 | D R2 B' L' F R' L2 B L2 B' L U' L2 F' L F U L' B' L' B2 L B' L' D2 L2 D' L D L' | This is PB by 15 moves what the actual f**k lol..
Process: D R2 B' L' F R'] 2x2x2 (L D' L' D L2 D2)] 2x2x3 in inverse (L B L' B2 L B)] F2L-1 in inverse L2 B L2 B' L U'] last f2l edge starting oll L2 F' L F U] OLL L'] skip holy hell so lucky |
6 | Theo Leinad (Theo Leinad) | 32 | B' D B' U' B2 U' B' D' B U B2 U L' F2 U' B2 D2 B' D F2 D2 F D2 R L' F2 R' L2 F R' B2 D' | 32:
(D B2 R) // 221 B2 L' // Partial EO (F' L') // EO F2 U' B2 D2 B' // 223 (F' D2 F2 D') // 3E5C (16) B2 + L' F2 U' B2 D2 B' D F2 D2 F * L F R' B2 D' Insert at: * D2 R L' F2 R' L (Cancels 1) // L5C (21) + B D B' U' B - D' B' U (Cancels 1) - B U' B' D' B U B' D (Cancels 4) |
7 | Bogdan Grigoruta (Bogdan) | 33 | F B' D' B L' F' R2 F L F' R2 D R2 B' D B U R D B U2 B' R B D' U2 B2 U F U' B2 U F2 | on inverse:
F ** D U B' R' B U2 B' U' //2x2x2 U D' R' U' //2x2x3 B' D' B R2 D' * F B' D B F' //AB5C insertions: * R2 F L' F' R2 F L F' (2 moves canceled) ** F U' B2 U F' U' B2 U (2 moves canceled) |
8 | Malte Ihlefeld (Shadowjockey) | 34 | B F2 U' F B2 R2 L2 U' L2 B' L' B U2 B' L B L U2 L' U2 L' U' L' B2 L U' L U L' U2 B2 L2 B2 R | B F2 U' F // EO
B2 R2 (R') // 2x2 (B2 L2 B2 U2) // 2x3 L2 U' L2 U L' B2 // F2L-1 L U' L U L' // 2E2C Skeleton: B F2 U' F B2 R2 L2 U' L2 + U L' B2 L U' L U L' U2 B2 L2 B2 R + = B' L' B U2 B' L B L U2 L' U2 L' U2 Solution: B F2 U' F B2 R2 L2 U' L2 B' L' B U2 B' L B L U2 L' U2 L' U' L' B2 L U' L U L' U2 B2 L2 B2 R |
8 | Tim Lawrance (theos) | 34 | B' L2 D2 L D' F' L2 F2 L2 B L' F' L B' L2 D' B' D F D' B D L2 F' L F' D' L D B2 R L U2 D' | 2x2x2: (D U2 L' R' B2) B' [6/6]
2x2x3: L2 D2 L D' [4/10] EO: (D' L' D) [3/13] F2L-1: F' L2 F2 (F2) [4/17] AB4C: L * F' L' @ F L2 F' L F [7/24] Insert corners at *: L B L' F' L B' L' F [4/28] Insert corners at @: D' B' D F D' B D F' [6/34] Could get to F2L-1 (following this EO) in 14 but couldn't find a decent continuation. |
10 | Ethan Davis (Cuberstache) | 35 | D R2 B' L' F R' D L D2 U' L U D' L' D L2 D2 L2 F2 U2 D2 B' U' B U2 D2 F' U L' U L U' L' F' L' | z2 y' U F2 L' B' R F' // 2x2x2 (6/6)
x' y' R U R2 L' U L // 2x2x3 (6/12) R' U' R U2 R2 // F2L-1 (5/17) U2 y R U' // F2L (3/21) B * U B' U' R2 // Corners (Leaves 3 edges) (4/25) * F E2 F' U' F E2 F' U Edge insertion (From WCA orientation) (Apparently cancels 0 moves???) Note afterwards: I guess I got confused with which moves were happening and also ran out of time. Decided to learn some actual FMC techniques. I guess it paid off. Tied overall PB, and second solve with proper techniques (Although this one was a little weird with an edge comm) |
10 | Tristan Steeves (cubeshepherd) | 35 | D R2 B' L' F' L' B2 L F2 L' B' L' F2 L B' L' F2 L R' B' D' B2 D' L2 B F' D' F B' D2 B F' D2 F D2 | D R2 B' L' F & R' 2X2X3 [6/6]
L' B' D' B2 D' L2 B 2X2X3 [7/13] F' D' F B' D2 B F2L-1 [6/19] F' D2 F D2//AB5C [4/23] Skeleton D R2 B' L' F & R' L' B' D' B2 D' L2 B F' D' F B' D2 B F' D2 F D2 [23 moves] Insert at & y2 x R' U R' D2 R U' R' D2 R2 x' y2- AB3C [CANCELS 1] I undid the x and y2 for the second insertion and used L' etc. instead, since I kept messing up the x and what not for the last insertion. Skeleton 2 - D R2 B' L' F $ L' B L' F2 L B' L' F2 L R' B' D' B2 D' L2 B F' D' F B' D2 B F' D2 F D2 Insert at $: F2 L' B2 L F2 L' B2 L [Cancels 4] Final solution: D R2 B' L' F' L' B2 L F2 L' B' L' F2 L B' L' F2 L R' B' D' B2 D' L2 B F' D' F B' D2 B F' D2 F D2 [35 moves] This ties my PB on theses forums. |
12 | Toshiaki Ishikura (craccho) | 36 | B R L2 D' F D2 F R B' R' B2 R D2 L' B L B' L B' L B L B R' B L B' R B L B L' B' L' B L2 | B R L2 D' //EO
F D2 F R // 222 B' R' B2 R D2 // 223 L' B L B' // F2L-1 L B' L B L B // F2L R' B L B' R B L B L' B' L' B L2 // ZBLL |
13 | Mike Hughey (Mike Hughey) | 39 | B' R F L2 F L2 U B U' F U B' U' B L' B' L U L U' L' R U' R' U F' U2 F' U2 L F L' F U L' D R2 D' R2 | 2x2x2: B' R, premoves D R2 D' R2
2x2x3: F L2 F L2, premove L' 3x cross: F, premoves F2 U2 L F L' F U 4th pair: premoves R U' R' U F' U2 F all but 3 corners: . B L' B' L U L U' L' insert at .: F' U B U' F U B' U' |
14 | Andreas Lambropoulos (2017LAMB06) | 40 | D R2 B' L' F R' L' B' D' B2 D' L2 D2 B U2 D' L' F L F' U2 L' F L F' L' D' F' D F D R' D2 L D' L' D2 R L D2 | D R2 B' L' F R' - 2x2x2 (6/6)
L' B' D' B2 D' L2 (B) - 2x2x3 (7/13) (B') D2 B - Random Pseudo-Block (3/17) U2 D' L' F L F' U2 - F2L-1 (7/23) L' F L F' - F2L (4/27) L' D' F' D F (L) - OLL (6/34) (L') D R' D2 L D' L' D2 R L (D) - PLL (11/44) (D) - Premove (1/45) 45 moves - 5 cancelled moves = 40 |
14 | Mitchell Hum (MCuber) | 40 | D R2 B' L' F R' B L2 B' R' B2 R L D2 B D' B' D2 F' D2 F D' L D2 L' D L D2 L' F D' B D2 F' D F D2 F' B' D2 | CFOP ATTEMPT
F' U L' D' R2 B R D' R2 B R' B' // Lazy x-cross[12] R F' R F R2 F' R' F2 R' F' // F2L2&3 [22] R2 U R U' R2 B' R B // 30 D B' D' R' D R B R' D' // OLL [39] U2 R' F' B U2 F B' R' U2 R2 // PLL [49] BLOCKBUILDING ATTEMPT D R2 B' L' F R' // 2X2 [6] B L2 B' R' B2 R (1) L D' L' D L // F2L2 [17] D2 B D' B' L' F L F' // F2L [25] L' D' L D' L' D2 L B' L' D' L D B' // OLL [38] L2 D' F B' L2 F' B D' L2 D2 // PLL [48] FINAL SOLUTION HERE D R2 B' L' F R' // 2X2 [6] B L2 B' R' B2 R // CUTOFF [12] L D2 B D' B' // F2L3 [17] D2 F' D2 F D' L D2 // F2L [24] L' D L D2 L' // OLL [29] F D' B D2 F' D F D2 F' B' D2 // PLL [40] |
16 | Sean Hartman (Sean Hartman) | 42 | B D' B2 F2 U L2 F U' B' U B F' U2 F U' R U R' U' F U F' U' R' U2 R B' R' U' R U B F2 L2 F' R' F L2 F' R F' U2 | |
17 | Noah Paredes (NoProblemCubing) | 46 | D' B D' F' B2 U2 F U F' R' U R L U' L' U F U' F' U2 B' U B U2 F' U F U' F' U F U R U' R' U2 F U R U' R' U R U' R' F' | |
17 | mihok lucas (pantu2000) | 46 | y D2 U' R' U' R U2 R2 U R x B U L U L2 x' U L U' L' U2 F2 U2 L' U L U' L' U L y L' U L2 F' L' F U' y' L' U L' U' L' U' L' U L U L2 | 46 moves kinda nice |
19 | Duncan Bannon (Duncan Bannon) | 47 | ||
20 | yghklvn (yghklvn) | 49 | x' y2 U' F R2 U' D2 U2 L2 x2 D' U2 L' x' U' L x U' R2 U R2 L2 x2 U2 R' U R U y2 R2 F U' F U F2 R2 U' R' F R U' R L' x' U' R' L x U R2 L2 x2 U D2 y2 R' L x' U2 R2 L2 | x' y2 // Inspection
U' F R2 U' D2 U2 L2 x2 D' // FB U2 L' x' U' L x U' R2 U R2 L2 x2 U2 R' U R // SB U y2 R2 F U' F U F2 R2 U' R' F R // CMLL U' R L' x' U' R' L x U R2 L2 x2 U D2 y2 R' L x' U2 R2 L2 // LSE |
20 | Lachlan Stephens (Lachlan Stephens) | 49 | D R2 B' L' F R' B D' B R D' R' L D2 L' B2 L F L' B2 L F' L F' U F D' F' U' F D z2 y' R U R' U' r R' U R U' r' y z2 D' R D' R' L D L' R D R' | Inverse Scramble: F' U R U2 R2 B D2 R' L2 B D F' R2 D2 R L2 U2 B2 L B2 L' B2 L F' U R
L' D2 L' R D R' B' D B' R F' L B R2 D' L2 B2 L F L' B2 L F' L F' U F D' F' U' F D z2 y' R U R' U' r R' U R U' r' y z2 D' R D' R' L D L' R D R' Normal: D R2 B' // 2x2x1 L' F R' // 2x2x2 B D' B R D' R' L D2 L // 2nd 2x2x2 Inverse: R D' R' L D' L' // F2L-1 R D R' // F2L-1C D z2 y' r U R' U' r' R U' R U R' y z2 // last edges D' F' U F D F' U' F // 2 corners L' F L' B2 L F' L' B2 L2 // last 3 corners |
22 | leudcfa (leudcfa) | 51 | x2 U R2 F' L' B R' y' U' R' U R U' R F U' L' U2 L2 F L' y' U R U' R U2 R' U2 R' U' R U2 R D R' U2 R D' R' U2 R' U2 y M2 U M U2 M' U M2 | x2 U R2 F’ L’ B R’ // 222
y’ U’ R’ U R U’ R // extension to 223 F U’ L’ U2 L2 F L’ // EO y’ U R U’ R U2 R’ U2 R’ U’ R U2 R D R’ U2 R D’ R’ U2 R’ // finish F2L + OLLCP U2 y M2 U M U2 M’ U M2 // PLL |
23 | Abhijeet Gokar (abunickabhi) | DNF | DNF | [mod: changed to DNF because submitted solution did not solve the puzzle. Original submitted solution (fails because at move 21, B U B' should be B' U B instead):
D' B D' F' B2 U2 F U F' R' U R L U' L' U F U' F' U2 B U B' U2 R U' R' U R U' R2 U' R2 U' R2 U2 R' U' R' U' R U R U R U' R U2] |
23 | Coleman Vaughn (InlandEmpireCuber) | DNF | DNF | [mod: changed to DNF because submitted solution did not solve the puzzle. Original submitted solution (fails somewhere in the PLL portion of the solve):
F' U L' B D R2 D U' R U D R2 D' B' R B R' D R' D' B R B' D R' D' R D R D' F D R D' R' F' D' F D' B2 D F' D' B2 D2 R D' R' F' D' F D' B2 D F' D' B2 D2 B2 R' U' D B2 U D' R' B2] F' U L' B //Cross: 4 Moves D R2 D U' R U //F2L Pair 1: 6 Moves D R2 D' B' R B //F2L Pair 2: 6 Moves R' D R' D' B R B' //F2L Pair 3: 7 Moves D R' D' R D R D' //F2L Pair 4: 7 Moves F D R D' R' F' //OLL: 6 Moves D' F D' B2 D F' D' B2 D2 R D' R' F' D' F D' B2 D F' D' B2 D2 //PLL Corners: 22 Moves B2 R' U' D B2 U D' R' B2 //Solved: 9 Move Total: 67 Moves |
23 | Hanns Hub (Jacck) | DNF | DNF | [Changed by moderator to DNF. The competitor discovered he had done last week's scramble again (2018-21) instead of this week's scramble, which is why this solution did not solve the scramble. Originally submitted solution:
D' L2 U' L2 U L U' L2 U2 L U' L' U2 B' U B F2 U2 L' U' B2 U' F' L' D' L U' L' D L] D' // half of EO expected, but then just a premove (U F U B2) // 222 (U L U2 F2) // 223 (B' U' B) // EO (U2 L U L' U') // F2L-1 (U' L2 U L' U' L2 U L2) // L3C in 24 ssf: D' L2 U' L2 U L U' L2 U2 L U' L' U2 B' U B F2 U2 L' U' B2 U' F' U' * * U L' D' L U' L' D L // 8-2/30 |
23 | Zach Zwerling (ComputerGuy365) | DNF | DNF | DNF |
23 | James Markey Jr. (mrjames113083) | DNF | DNF | [mod: changed to DNF because submitted solution did not solve the puzzle. Original submitted solution (apparently off by one move - 4 corners and 4 edges incorrect):
y D' F2 R' L2 B' L F' B' D R2 D' x2 R' U' R' U' L' U L U' L' U' L y R U R' U R U2 R U2 R U2 R2 U2 R2 U2 R U2 R2 U2] |
# | Name | Result | Solves | Comment |
1 | Sean Hartman (Sean Hartman) | 4:21.18 | 4:21.18 | Not so good. 2:07 2-5 relay+ a 2:14 6x6. |
2 | Ishaan Lal (thecubingwizard) | 4:37.65 | 4:37.65 | |
3 | Malte Ihlefeld (Shadowjockey) | 4:39.41 | 4:39.41 | |
4 | Ethan Davis (Cuberstache) | 5:15.75 | 5:15.75 | Overall PB by almost ten seconds. |
5 | Bryan Eng (OriginalUsername) | 5:18.76 | 5:18.76 | |
6 | Katie Davies (Katiedavies3103) | 5:44.26 | 5:44.26 | |
7 | Marcus Siu (Marcus Siu) | 5:44.36 | 5:44.36 | pb by over half a minute wtaf |
8 | Abhijeet Gokar (abunickabhi) | 6:19.81 | 6:19.81 | |
9 | Tristan Steeves (cubeshepherd) | 6:26.73 | 6:26.73 | Road to sub 6:20 "Officially unofficial". |
10 | Kit Clement (Kit Clement) | 6:49.20 | 6:49.20 | |
11 | Junwen Yao (swankfukinc) | 7:56.52 | 7:56.52 | |
12 | Glomnipotent (Glomnipotent) | 8:04.91 | 8:04.91 | |
13 | Tim Lawrance (theos) | 10:06.88 | 10:06.88 | PB |
14 | Grant Tregay (GTregay) | 11:16.61 | 11:16.61 | |
15 | Mike Hughey (Mike Hughey) | 11:27.28 | 11:27.28 | |
16 | Hanns Hub (Jacck) | 11:28.09 | 11:28.09 | |
17 | yghklvn (yghklvn) | 16:01.33 | 16:01.33 | 6x6 popped |
# | Name | Result | Solves | Comment |
1 | Malte Ihlefeld (Shadowjockey) | 7:45.73 | 7:45.73 | finally a decent relay |
2 | Sean Hartman (Sean Hartman) | 7:52.29 | 7:52.29 | Not so good mainly due to the really bad centers on the 6x6/7x7 solves causing a ~2:26 6x6 and ~3:27 7x7 with a ~1:59 2-5. |
3 | Bryan Eng (OriginalUsername) | 10:10.15 | 10:10.15 | |
4 | Ethan Davis (Cuberstache) | 10:13.59 | 10:13.59 | Pretty good; double parity on 4x4 though |
5 | Abhijeet Gokar (abunickabhi) | 12:01.37 | 12:01.37 | |
6 | Tristan Steeves (cubeshepherd) | 12:33.62 | 12:33.62 | Road to sub 12:30 "Officially unofficial" |
7 | Glomnipotent (Glomnipotent) | 14:26.40 | 14:26.40 | |
8 | Junwen Yao (swankfukinc) | 14:43.59 | 14:43.59 | |
9 | Tim Lawrance (theos) | 18:25.44 | 18:25.44 | |
10 | Grant Tregay (GTregay) | 19:07.93 | 19:07.93 | |
11 | Mike Hughey (Mike Hughey) | 20:26.57 | 20:26.57 | |
12 | Hanns Hub (Jacck) | 20:44.26 | 20:44.26 | totally failed the 5x5: 4:45 (multiple messing up of centers) |
13 | yghklvn (yghklvn) | 24:16.50 | 24:16.50 |
# | Name | Result | Solves | Comment |
1 | Samuel Baird (Samuel Baird) | 5.60 | 5.13, 5.84, 5.54, 6.96, 5.41 | butchered scramble 4 |
2 | Jacob Ambrose (jaysammey777) | 5.71 | 5.66, 4.77, 5.87, 6.07, 5.59 | |
3 | Sam Spendla (sam596) | 7.17 | 6.63, 8.37, 6.14, 6.52, 10.92 | |
4 | Jake Buckley (ARandomCuber) | 7.19 | 9.29, 7.18, 6.37, 7.17, 7.22 | |
5 | Suen Ming Chi (MartinN13) | 7.35 | 9.93, 6.50, 6.66, 7.06, 8.34 | :) |
6 | Walker Welch (TheDubDubJr) | 8.04 | 8.64, 7.36, 7.66, 7.82, 9.27 | |
7 | PotatoesAreUs (PotatoesAreUs) | 8.16 | 8.13, 7.97, 7.87, DNF, 8.37 | |
8 | Mohit Lulla (mohitlulla___) | 9.07 | 8.63, DNF, 8.75, 9.84, 7.60 | |
9 | Kit Clement (Kit Clement) | 9.43 | 9.45, 9.95, 8.88, 6.13, 9.99 | |
10 | Louis de Mendonça (tdm) | 9.48 | 15.84, 9.19, 10.00, 7.97, 9.25 | 1) bad case, and I forgot my memo
4) Skipped last two moves |
11 | Clay Moore (buzzteam4) | 9.85 | 8.49, 11.12, 11.95, 8.49, 9.93 | |
12 | Aedan Bryant (TipsterTrickster ) | 9.86 | 15.10, 9.60, 9.53, 9.77, 10.22 | |
13 | Olivier van Luijk (oliviervlcube) | 10.02 | 9.81, 10.77, 10.35, 8.90, 9.91 | |
14 | Mitchell Hum (MCuber) | 10.19 | 10.80, 9.98, 9.53, 9.80, 11.62 | wtf soooo bad |
15 | Eli Jay (lejitcuber) | 10.39 | 8.90, 15.12, 11.82, 8.91, 10.43 | |
16 | Timo Norrkniivilä (T1_M0) | 10.81 | 8.52, 11.35, 9.09, DNF, 11.99 | |
17 | mihok lucas (pantu2000) | 10.86 | 11.16, 9.84, 11.57, 8.32, 21.86 | |
18 | Sean Hartman (Sean Hartman) | 10.87 | 11.47, 10.26, 10.89, 8.64, DNF | 1. had to double flip
5. 9.92 dnf by edge 1 tick off plus all1 move |
19 | Katie Davies (Katiedavies3103) | 11.21 | 10.60, 13.52, 11.02, 8.94, 12.01 | |
20 | Bill Hammill (SloMoCubing) | 12.03 | 11.71, 13.15, 12.94, 11.45, 11.21 | low 12 OwO |
21 | OJ Cubing (OJ Cubing) | 12.46 | 11.50, 10.83, 11.94, DNF, 13.94 | |
22 | Keenan Johnson (Keenan Johnson) | 12.52 | 14.10, 12.62, 12.15, 10.63, 12.80 | |
23 | Braden Richards (BradenTheMagician) | 12.68 | 12.66, 12.37, 18.28, 12.69, 12.69 | third solve, messed up side and had to go back
wow that consistancy (except for #3 lol) |
24 | Dhruva Shaw (Dhruva Shaw) | 12.85 | 13.49, 10.08, 12.32, 12.74, 15.22 | Whaat !! I loved the second one. |
25 | Marcus Siu (Marcus Siu) | 13.05 | 12.28, 12.87, 13.88, 12.40, 14.62 | |
26 | Coleman Vaughn (InlandEmpireCuber) | 13.17 | 16.24, 13.69, 11.82, 10.31, 14.01 | |
27 | Guido Dipietro (G2013) | 13.81 | 12.87, 11.51, 15.36, 13.21, 15.65 | |
28 | Malte Ihlefeld (Shadowjockey) | 13.96 | 15.36, 14.31, 14.54, 12.25, 13.04 | |
29 | Matt Prestwich (MattP98) | 13.99 | 14.99, 12.27, 14.71, 14.36, 12.89 | Very poor. Think my clock might be finally giving up the ghost. |
30 | Alexander Botz (ichcubegerne) | 14.64 | 12.46, 14.39, 14.63, 14.91, 23.75 | |
31 | Tristan Steeves (cubeshepherd) | 14.73 | 15.62, 13.07, 13.84, 17.36, 14.72 | Road to sub 15 officially. |
32 | Bernhard Brodowsky (Lykos) | 14.77 | 16.60, 15.93, 14.68, 13.00, 13.69 | |
33 | Ian Cawthon (Ianwubby) | 14.87 | 14.02, 14.55, 16.76, 12.55, 16.03 | |
34 | Bryan Eng (OriginalUsername) | 15.12 | 17.57, 15.41, 16.40, 13.54, 12.24 | |
35 | Ethan Davis (Cuberstache) | 15.15 | 17.07, 14.41, DNF, 12.44, 13.97 | 3rd: 13.50 Off by one corner :( Should have been a PB average |
36 | Ahsanul Insan Hamid (ican97) | 15.83 | 16.00, 15.57, 17.54, 12.05, 15.91 | |
37 | Joshua Costello (Rubiksdude4144) | 16.14 | 16.48, 18.28, 17.45, 11.07, 14.48 | |
38 | Kazuaki Matsuda (RyuKagamine) | 16.42 | 17.67, 18.34, 16.35, 13.57, 15.25 | |
39 | Graham Siggins (sigalig) | 18.02 | 18.99, 17.08, 17.98, 14.89, 19.33 | that 14 was lucky af |
40 | Zachary Miller (weatherman223) | 18.10 | 17.14, 15.31, 19.45, 17.72, 22.53 | bad |
41 | Andreas Lambropoulos (2017LAMB06) | 18.24 | 18.32, 18.78, 17.62, 15.41, DNF | DNF is 20.876 so doesn't matter |
42 | Mike Hughey (Mike Hughey) | 19.51 | 17.80, 16.07, 21.13, 23.97, 19.61 | |
43 | Jami Viljanen (Jami Viljanen) | 24.19 | 26.39, 30.01, 22.73, 21.35, 23.46 | |
44 | Chad Batten (obelisk477) | 24.55 | 29.60, 20.79, 24.88, 24.76, 24.00 | |
45 | Junwen Yao (swankfukinc) | 26.45 | 25.06, 20.88, 33.88, 24.98, 29.30 | |
46 | Corner Cutter (CornerCutter) | 27.46 | 29.91, 23.71, 28.77, 36.94, 22.34 | |
47 | Teemu Weck (Teemu) | 30.87 | 39.77, 24.35, 29.32, 24.07, 38.95 | |
48 | Aidan McKenzie (AidanNoogie) | 34.88 | 1:22.45, 34.23, 29.29, 41.12, 24.16 | |
49 | Ben Coppin (Bubbagrub) | DNF | 13.56, 13.18, DNF, DNF, 15.66 |
# | Name | Result | Solves | Comment |
1 | Eli Jay (lejitcuber) | 47.56 | 1:03.84, 49.04, 47.11, 41.80, 46.53 | |
2 | Ethan Davis (Cuberstache) | 50.34 | 42.61, 50.21, 50.59, 51.52, 50.21 | Complete and utter garbage. |
3 | Ishaan Lal (thecubingwizard) | 56.04 | 54.80, 55.25, 46.65, 1:00.02, 58.06 | |
4 | Allen Gustrowsky (TSTwist) | 57.18 | 54.11, 54.95, 1:01.17, 55.43, 1:01.62 | |
5 | Aidan McKenzie (AidanNoogie) | 57.71 | 55.71, 57.27, 58.30, 57.56, 1:04.22 | |
6 | Sean Hartman (Sean Hartman) | 1:00.91 | 1:01.00, 1:17.64, 1:00.43, 1:00.49, 1:01.24 | Definitely could've been a sub 1 avg without a few unnecessarily slow s2ls, but still a solid avg. |
7 | Mia Sponseller (miasponseller) | 1:04.03 | 1:01.27, 1:06.50, 1:05.20, 1:03.95, 1:02.93 | Bad |
8 | Parker Z ( Parker Z) | 1:10.17 | 1:14.10, 1:08.73, 1:10.67, 59.85, 1:11.10 | |
9 | Anders Olsen (whatshisbucket) | 1:12.92 | 1:14.78, 1:08.33, 1:14.75, 1:09.23, 1:22.07 | oof
10 | Khairur Rachim (Khairur Rachim) | 1:15.40 | 1:21.12, 1:14.34, 1:15.56, 1:11.70, 1:16.30 | |
11 | Malte Ihlefeld (Shadowjockey) | 1:16.88 | 1:21.67, 1:18.40, 1:10.78, 1:21.45, 1:07.67 | |
12 | Katie Davies (Katiedavies3103) | 1:17.50 | 1:12.62, 1:20.24, 1:19.39, 1:15.55, 1:17.57 | |
13 | Alexander Botz (ichcubegerne) | 1:17.93 | 1:10.99, 1:27.94, 1:15.56, 1:17.73, 1:20.49 | |
14 | Justin Park (CubicOreo) | 1:18.88 | 1:23.16, 1:19.61, 1:13.88, 1:23.45, 1:09.96 | |
15 | Bryan Eng (OriginalUsername) | 1:21.97 | 1:22.80, 1:28.49, 1:23.56, 1:17.10, 1:19.54 | |
16 | Janos Bereczki (jancsi02) | 1:24.11 | 1:25.93, 1:28.49, 1:20.66, 1:25.73, 1:17.81 | |
17 | Tristan Steeves (cubeshepherd) | 1:30.92 | 1:25.62, 1:31.51, 1:35.62, 1:40.51, 1:22.51 | The times are bad because I did what someone recommended, and that is I tried to reenact the competition settings, and get myself nervous like I was at the comp, so that I start to get used to that feeling and thereby get better in competitions (hopefully). I will keep doing this for all events until I start to get the same times as I can when I am relaxed at home and not nervous. |
18 | Kit Clement (Kit Clement) | 1:31.19 | 1:42.07, 1:37.44, 1:25.84, 1:30.28, 1:23.51 | |
19 | Chad Batten (obelisk477) | 1:32.85 | 1:38.11, 1:35.82, 1:27.61, 1:35.11, 1:24.06 | |
20 | Kevin Matthews (Keroma12) | 1:32.86 | 1:30.67, 1:42.71, 1:27.18, 1:27.04, 1:40.73 | |
21 | Jake Buckley (ARandomCuber) | 1:37.61 | 1:38.19, 1:46.02, 1:38.78, 1:34.12, 1:35.86 | |
22 | Mitchell Hum (MCuber) | 1:42.90 | 1:45.46, 1:49.68, 1:36.08, 1:45.59, 1:37.64 | |
23 | Bill Hammill (SloMoCubing) | 1:43.89 | 1:39.52, 1:49.65, 1:33.33, 1:42.98, 1:49.17 | nice |
24 | Hannah Minas (redoxxy) | 1:44.42 | 2:05.60, 1:36.99, 1:40.86, 1:48.36, 1:44.05 | Whut?! single pb until 10 min ago was 1:41 and ao5 1:58. New megaminx pays off :D |
25 | leudcfa (leudcfa) | 1:45.18 | 1:47.78, 1:46.82, 1:38.63, 1:59.17, 1:40.95 | |
26 | Junwen Yao (swankfukinc) | 1:45.75 | 1:50.84, 1:37.28, 1:47.28, 1:39.12, 1:58.10 | |
27 | Marcus Siu (Marcus Siu) | 1:45.81 | 1:49.58, 1:41.55, 1:40.07, 1:48.24, 1:47.65 | pretty nice |
28 | OJ Cubing (OJ Cubing) | 1:51.62 | 1:49.35, 1:38.98, 2:06.53, 2:08.45, 1:31.15 | |
29 | Timo Norrkniivilä (T1_M0) | 1:59.06 | 2:04.61, 2:28.02, 1:49.07, 1:55.99, 1:56.59 | |
30 | Corner Cutter (CornerCutter) | 2:00.30 | 2:03.88, 2:11.78, 1:40.99, 1:59.96, 1:57.05 | |
31 | Abhijeet Gokar (abunickabhi) | 2:02.98 | 1:55.48, 2:08.63, 1:48.00, 2:04.83, 2:22.83 | |
32 | Grant Tregay (GTregay) | 2:11.43 | 3:12.41, 2:14.24, 2:06.87, 2:13.19, 2:00.79 | New puzzle: X-man Galaxy v2 sculpted |
33 | Lewis Patterson (Lewis) | 2:25.60 | 2:31.84, 2:06.06, 2:25.10, 2:26.18, 2:25.51 | |
34 | scylla (scylla) | 2:26.05 | 3:00.16, 2:28.40, 2:23.34, 2:26.42, 2:16.27 | |
35 | Jami Viljanen (Jami Viljanen) | 2:26.47 | 2:29.29, 2:40.32, 1:59.88, 2:17.48, 2:32.64 | |
36 | Bernhard Brodowsky (Lykos) | 2:31.86 | 2:23.39, 2:35.60, 2:46.46, 2:36.58, 2:02.85 | |
37 | Glomnipotent (Glomnipotent) | 2:32.96 | 2:42.84, 2:32.38, 2:14.47, 2:28.86, 2:37.64 | |
38 | Coleman Vaughn (InlandEmpireCuber) | 2:34.61 | 2:19.92, 3:25.65, 3:00.12, 2:03.16, 2:23.78 | |
39 | Christopher Baird (One Wheel) | 2:35.37 | 2:51.97, 2:51.20, 2:20.94, 2:23.75, 2:31.16 | |
40 | Thomas Brandhuber (Thom S.) | 2:37.74 | 2:35.74, 2:37.02, 3:15.19, 2:36.39, 2:39.82 | |
41 | Theodor Nordstrand (TheodorNordstrand) | 2:38.77 | 2:35.75, 2:44.43, 2:38.46, 2:34.36, 2:42.10 | |
42 | Max Murphy (tigermaxi) | 2:39.51 | 3:07.70, 2:30.07, 2:00.78, 2:59.00, 2:29.46 | good average |
43 | Tim Lawrance (theos) | 2:57.63 | 2:47.68, 3:11.68, 3:09.39, 2:42.38, 2:55.82 | |
44 | Mike Hughey (Mike Hughey) | 2:59.41 | 3:00.71, 3:14.19, 2:55.05, 2:43.78, 3:02.48 | |
45 | Hanns Hub (Jacck) | 3:32.84 | 3:31.00, 3:22.23, 3:00.64, 3:45.29, 28:20.52 | 5 started blind 24:30 [12:36] |
46 | Petri Krzywacki (Petri Krzywacki) | 4:52.52 | 4:26.28, 5:24.25, 5:11.47, 4:56.37, 4:29.71 | |
47 | SpartanSailor (SpartanSailor) | 5:05.43 | 5:06.18, 4:45.20, 5:14.43, 5:51.16, 4:55.67 | |
48 | Guido Dipietro (G2013) | DNF | 1:57.15, DNS, DNS, DNS, DNS | lol i hate megaaa |
# | Name | Result | Solves | Comment |
1 | Eli Jay (lejitcuber) | 2.74 | 2.47, 3.53, 3.11, 2.62, 2.50 | |
2 | Robin Verstraten (RobinCube) | 3.12 | 3.00, 3.08, 4.13, 3.28, 2.48 | decent |
3 | Daniel Goodman (DGCubes) | 3.22 | 2.29, 2.68, 4.53, 2.46, DNF | |
4 | Corner Cutter (CornerCutter) | 3.26 | 3.05, 3.54, 5.79, 3.09, 3.15 | Not bad. |
5 | E-Cuber (E-Cuber) | 3.40 | 3.03, 2.91, 5.60, 4.10, 3.08 | nice! |
6 | Noah Paredes (NoProblemCubing) | 3.46 | 2.89, 3.27, 4.71, 4.16, 2.96 | woaji |
7 | Ishaan Lal (thecubingwizard) | 3.63 | 4.37, 3.23, 3.99, 3.63, 3.26 | |
8 | Sean Hartman (Sean Hartman) | 3.63 | 3.60, 3.40, 7.43, 3.90, 3.37 | |
9 | Justin Park (CubicOreo) | 3.67 | 2.55, 3.60, 4.02, 5.17, 3.38 | |
10 | Mihnea Pantu (mihnea3000) | 3.70 | 2.78, 7.72, 4.34, 3.78, 2.98 | |
11 | Steven Wintringham (Ghost Cuber ) | 3.78 | 4.19, 2.66, 6.18, 4.48, 1.57 | RIP. Could have very easily been sub-3. |
12 | Mattheo de Wit (MattheoDW) | 3.86 | 4.07, 4.38, 5.94, 3.13, 1.98 | |
13 | Tristan Steeves (cubeshepherd) | 4.01 | 4.23, 4.52, 3.59, 4.21, 3.58 | |
14 | Tripp Peters (trippptrs) | 4.02 | 4.43, 3.42, 3.00, 5.95, 4.21 | |
15 | Walker Welch (TheDubDubJr) | 4.19 | 3.16, 3.80, 8.65, 5.27, 3.51 | |
16 | Allen Gustrowsky (TSTwist) | 4.24 | 4.88, 3.18, 6.80, 4.65, 2.91 | |
17 | Braden Richards (BradenTheMagician) | 4.29 | 4.22, 3.16, 5.58, 4.87, 3.79 | |
18 | Kyle Polage (Kymapo) | 4.39 | 4.55, DNF, 3.55, 4.12, 4.50 | |
19 | leo lindqvist (leomannen) | 4.59 | 4.97, 4.39, 6.47, 4.41, 4.01 | |
20 | Dhruv Arora (DhruvA) | 4.61 | 3.83, 4.92, 8.59, 4.15, 4.76 | |
21 | Jake Hanson (JMHCubed) | 4.68 | 4.24, 4.96, 5.80, 4.83, 3.42 | |
22 | Malte Ihlefeld (Shadowjockey) | 4.83 | 5.04, 3.90, 4.84, 6.03, 4.60 | |
23 | Guido Dipietro (G2013) | 4.88 | 4.68, 5.19, 7.44, 4.76, 4.45 | wow nice!!! |
24 | Suen Ming Chi (MartinN13) | 5.00 | 3.83, 4.77, 10.50, 6.41, 3.23 | Meh |
25 | Bill Hammill (SloMoCubing) | 5.06 | 4.26, 5.40, 6.06, 5.52, 2.77 | nb scrambles. Pyra is dumb lul |
26 | Alexander Botz (ichcubegerne) | 5.17 | 3.48, 3.78, 8.37, 5.78, 5.94 | |
27 | Marcus Siu (Marcus Siu) | 5.19 | 3.56, 5.07, 5.37, 7.29, 5.14 | nice scrambles |
28 | Joshua Costello (Rubiksdude4144) | 5.27 | 5.19, 5.70, 4.92, 8.93, 4.42 | |
29 | Leo Annett (Leo Annett) | 5.28 | 4.56, 5.74, 7.84, 5.53, 2.89 | |
30 | Mitchell Hum (MCuber) | 5.50 | 4.82, 4.23, 6.16, 6.24, 5.52 | |
31 | Tobi P. (PixelWizard) | 5.50 | DNF, 5.70, 5.86, 4.92, 4.93 | |
32 | Emir Yusuf Çiçekdemir (Emir Yusuf) | 5.65 | 5.22, 5.55, 7.92, 5.87, 5.52 | |
33 | Bryan Eng (OriginalUsername) | 5.74 | 5.16, 8.12, 6.40, 5.66, 4.32 | |
34 | Keenan Johnson (Keenan Johnson) | 5.88 | 5.33, 4.65, 9.50, 7.61, 4.69 | |
35 | Ethan Davis (Cuberstache) | 6.01 | 4.93, 6.83, 8.27, 5.70, 5.49 | Lmao 0.01 off a comp PB average |
36 | Timo Norrkniivilä (T1_M0) | 6.20 | 4.09, 7.30, 6.21, 6.53, 5.86 | |
37 | Parker Z ( Parker Z) | 6.36 | 5.34, 5.72, 10.35, 8.02, 5.32 | |
38 | Jami Viljanen (Jami Viljanen) | 6.64 | 5.07, 6.57, 10.96, 7.52, 5.82 | |
39 | Lewis Patterson (Lewis) | 6.79 | 5.57, 5.46, 8.03, 9.58, 6.76 | |
40 | Matt Prestwich (MattP98) | 6.86 | 6.04, 5.97, 7.96, 8.55, 6.57 | |
41 | Tyler Buel (CubingTybu) ([email protected]) | 6.88 | 6.59, 7.87, 8.67, 6.19, 5.50 | Lol |
42 | Janos Bereczki (jancsi02) | 6.90 | 4.87, 6.99, 8.47, 9.12, 5.25 | |
43 | Aidan McKenzie (AidanNoogie) | 6.95 | 4.63, 8.47, 1:37.70, 7.76, 3.20 | Woaj |
44 | Nathanael Morgan (NathanaelCubes) | 6.96 | 5.82, 6.17, 8.89, 8.93, 5.14 | Yay, sub 7, that was unexpected. |
45 | Hannah Minas (redoxxy) | 7.10 | 6.96, 7.37, 7.27, 7.07, 6.28 | |
46 | Bogdan Damski (cubingchemist) | 7.26 | 5.61, 7.82, 8.34, 9.04, 3.84 | |
47 | Bernhard Brodowsky (Lykos) | 7.29 | 6.01, 6.43, 7.00, 13.04, 8.43 | |
48 | Andrew Tyberg (hotufos) | 7.45 | 6.87, 5.57, 9.78, 8.36, 7.11 | good |
49 | Clay Moore (buzzteam4) | 7.46 | 7.36, 5.67, 11.68, 8.88, 6.14 | |
50 | Katie Davies (Katiedavies3103) | 7.80 | 8.78, 7.17, 10.57, 7.15, 7.45 | |
51 | Andreas Lambropoulos (2017LAMB06) | 7.84 | 8.60, 8.66, 7.35, 6.94, 7.56 | |
52 | Kit Clement (Kit Clement) | 7.90 | 6.57, 7.91, 11.15, 8.84, 6.96 | |
53 | Glomnipotent (Glomnipotent) | 7.91 | 5.04, 10.96, 9.14, 7.71, 6.89 | |
54 | Theodor Nordstrand (TheodorNordstrand) | 7.92 | 5.55, 7.40, 8.08, 10.42, 8.27 | |
55 | Evan Wright (EdubCubez) | 7.93 | 8.40, 6.41, 10.07, 8.97, 3.79 | 3.79 :D |
56 | Ian Cawthon (Ianwubby) | 8.16 | 8.09, 6.93, 11.00, 7.44, 8.96 | |
57 | Max Murphy (tigermaxi) | 8.24 | 6.57, 7.37, 8.06, 9.40, 9.30 | |
58 | Jake Buckley (ARandomCuber) | 8.27 | 6.37, 7.87, 11.64, 9.46, 7.47 | |
59 | Coleman Vaughn (InlandEmpireCuber) | 8.32 | 7.58, 9.27, 8.38, 8.99, 4.15 | |
60 | Sumanth Chandrupatla (ExultantCarn) | 8.34 | 6.11, 8.30, 10.60, 11.11, 2.89 | |
61 | leudcfa (leudcfa) | 8.71 | 8.33, 8.26, 11.39, 9.55, 7.56 | |
62 | Kris Gonnella (Kris Gonnella) | 8.86 | 8.34, 9.56, 16.38, 8.68, 7.77 | bad :P |
63 | Graham Siggins (sigalig) | 9.08 | 8.66, 9.66, 11.56, 7.63, 8.93 | |
64 | Moreno van Rooijen (Moreno van Rooijen) | 9.14 | 8.54, 11.89, 10.62, 8.27, 7.03 | |
65 | Spencer Kenison (Aerospry) | 9.70 | 10.67, 9.89, 10.79, 8.29, 8.55 | |
66 | Yaani Shah (YaaniMani) | 9.81 | 8.32, 7.74, 16.82, 13.36, 6.31 | Good. |
67 | Zachary Miller (weatherman223) | 9.97 | 9.35, 10.26, 11.43, 10.30, 8.92 | yay a good pyra average. |
68 | vorherrscher (vorherrscher) | 10.57 | 9.48, 10.35, 14.97, 11.89, 9.10 | i dont do pyra at all |
69 | Junwen Yao (swankfukinc) | 10.76 | 7.68, 17.25, 5.53, 15.59, 9.00 | |
70 | Vyacheslav Kochergin (V.Kochergin) | 11.63 | 10.29, 9.62, 15.73, 11.81, 12.78 | so bad |
71 | Abhijeet Gokar (abunickabhi) | 12.25 | 9.54, 15.83, 11.38, 17.96, 4.95 | |
72 | Mike Hughey (Mike Hughey) | 12.51 | 9.09, 8.96, 17.19, 20.30, 11.24 | |
73 | Patrick Moehlen (dschieses) | 12.58 | 13.35, 12.43, 11.97, 11.36, DNF | |
74 | Frederik Rollmann (topppits) | 12.61 | 11.63, 11.22, 14.99, 15.20, 8.46 | 2. 10.xx if I hadn't missed the timer
4. +2, missed a tip 5. new weekly comp single pb |
75 | Ben Coppin (Bubbagrub) | 12.97 | 15.13, 6.95, 18.42, 11.22, 12.56 | |
76 | Tim Lawrance (theos) | 13.02 | 12.08, 13.10, 13.88, 11.50, 17.48 | 5. Nice scramble but dropped the pyraminx and +2 tip :( |
77 | OJ Cubing (OJ Cubing) | 13.24 | 10.98, 12.99, 16.64, 11.33, 15.39 | |
78 | Kazuaki Matsuda (RyuKagamine) | 13.34 | 13.40, 10.26, 14.97, 14.69, 11.94 | |
79 | kumato (kumato) | 13.44 | 9.76, 13.77, 10.73, DNF, 15.83 | |
80 | Mia Sponseller (miasponseller) | 13.73 | 11.82, 13.71, 18.25, 13.52, 13.95 | |
81 | Hanns Hub (Jacck) | 13.76 | 13.37, 13.08, 27.81, 14.83, 12.98 | |
82 | yghklvn (yghklvn) | 15.64 | 19.19, 10.14, 18.64, 13.05, 15.23 | |
83 | Grant Tregay (GTregay) | 15.97 | 21.49, 17.63, 15.49, 14.80, 10.75 | |
84 | Calvin Lam (CyanSparkleMan2) | 16.04 | 14.10, 16.91, 16.78, 18.77, 14.42 | oof |
85 | scylla (scylla) | 16.27 | 19.79, 12.39, 21.02, 16.63, 12.10 | |
86 | William Marshall (WillyTheWizard ) | 16.52 | 16.95, 23.90, 20.56, 12.05, 10.81 | |
87 | Sam Wheelock (Ecuasamurai) | 19.02 | 16.95, 30.17, 21.59, 18.51, 13.24 | |
88 | Pnkn Head (PnknHead) | 19.06 | 19.15, 19.04, 26.85, 19.00, 18.41 | |
89 | Christopher Baird (One Wheel) | 20.00 | 20.12, 28.54, 17.41, 22.46, 13.09 | |
90 | Grady Warren (Gx Cuber) | 20.58 | 20.96, 16.62, 24.46, 21.87, 18.90 | pretty good |
91 | SpartanSailor (SpartanSailor) | 21.49 | 25.74, 20.76, 41.12, 17.98, 15.04 | |
92 | Talia Davis (jammastert125) | 26.16 | 24.94, 22.50, 35.65, 31.05, 15.52 | I just learned how to do this last week. My times suck. Don't judge. Cuberstache is my brother and he is GOING DOWN!!!! (eventually) |
# | Name | Result | Solves | Comment |
1 | Calvin Nielson (Sixstringcal) | 7.04 | 5.41, 6.23, 7.47, 7.53, 7.41 | |
2 | Marcus Siu (Marcus Siu) | 10.62 | 8.91, 10.65, 10.08, 13.66, 11.13 | not even sub 10 avg episode 6 |
3 | Ishaan Lal (thecubingwizard) | 11.02 | 16.25, 8.72, 11.75, 11.36, 9.95 | |
4 | Mattheo de Wit (MattheoDW) | 11.57 | 9.28, 10.64, 14.37, 13.02, 11.05 | |
5 | Eli Jay (lejitcuber) | 12.86 | 10.77, 11.73, 15.12, 11.74, 26.90 | |
6 | Malte Ihlefeld (Shadowjockey) | 13.81 | 13.38, 15.60, 12.31, 18.35, 12.45 | |
7 | Alaik Bhatia (speedcuber71) | 14.10 | 13.20, 9.91, 13.37, 15.72, 16.83 | DID NOT have my main squan atm but wanted to solve so ehhh |
8 | Competition Cuber (Competition Cuber) | 15.64 | 17.03, 13.41, 15.32, 16.50, 15.10 | Nice! |
9 | Alexander Botz (ichcubegerne) | 16.30 | 15.38, 11.06, 29.00, 19.86, 13.67 | |
10 | Thomas Brandhuber (Thom S.) | 16.41 | 12.99, 15.30, 17.27, 16.70, 17.22 | |
11 | leo lindqvist (leomannen) | 17.35 | 18.76, 17.45, 15.85, 15.40, 26.17 | |
12 | Bill Hammill (SloMoCubing) | 17.70 | 14.28, 18.72, 18.14, 16.23, 27.76 | when did I get so shit lul |
13 | Sean Hartman (Sean Hartman) | 17.75 | 17.84, 17.57, 19.96, 17.84, 17.21 | |
14 | Kyle Polage (Kymapo) | 18.10 | 18.90, 15.16, 25.26, 14.34, 20.23 | |
15 | Guido Dipietro (G2013) | 18.64 | 18.37, 18.28, 19.27, 19.71, 17.73 | |
16 | bugybunny (bugybunny) | 18.77 | 12.41, 22.46, 18.44, 21.05, 16.82 | |
17 | Walker Welch (TheDubDubJr) | 18.86 | 17.05, 18.55, 20.97, 39.16, 16.84 | |
18 | Tristan Steeves (cubeshepherd) | 19.11 | 16.08, 19.66, 19.04, 18.62, 21.41 | |
19 | Joshua Eom (Josh5271) | 19.23 | 13.65, 21.95, 13.85, 21.88, 22.82 | |
20 | Aneurin Hunt (Tx789) | 19.30 | 19.47, 20.96, 17.47, 16.56, 29.94 | |
21 | Braden Richards (BradenTheMagician) | 19.93 | 21.94, 18.14, 19.71, 17.40, 23.04 | |
22 | Aidan McKenzie (AidanNoogie) | 20.58 | 23.18, 16.40, 18.49, 20.33, 22.92 | |
23 | Graham Siggins (sigalig) | 20.94 | 21.20, 20.65, 28.18, 15.33, 20.96 | i keep starting algs and realizing i forgot them and it's ruining solves lol
24 | Matt Prestwich (MattP98) | 22.74 | 23.78, 28.55, 23.80, 20.64, 19.71 | 3 parities. |
25 | Joshua Costello (Rubiksdude4144) | 23.40 | 35.21, 24.34, 19.60, 25.21, 20.65 | |
26 | Katie Davies (Katiedavies3103) | 23.95 | 18.33, 22.75, 23.72, 35.71, 25.38 | |
27 | Keenan Johnson (Keenan Johnson) | 25.12 | 24.53, 20.64, 30.20, 19.87, 48.39 | |
28 | Allen Gustrowsky (TSTwist) | 26.56 | 19.19, 24.81, 27.77, 27.11, 31.34 | |
29 | Leo Annett (Leo Annett) | 27.96 | 25.86, 19.83, 27.25, 30.77, 34.08 | |
30 | Bryan Eng (OriginalUsername) | 28.23 | 27.96, 26.47, 27.57, 29.17, 29.58 | |
31 | Aedan Bryant (TipsterTrickster ) | 28.25 | 17.53, 24.51, 32.37, 28.63, 31.60 | 5) +2 |
32 | Ethan Davis (Cuberstache) | 28.34 | 29.32, 19.28, 29.53, 26.17, 30.41 | 3rd: Almost certain it was a misscramble. Comp PB single and average. |
33 | Mitchell Hum (MCuber) | 28.50 | 19.40, 24.12, 30.49, 30.90, 34.85 | |
34 | Andreas Lambropoulos (2017LAMB06) | 29.81 | 21.26, 57.54, 35.88, 25.58, 27.98 | 1st solve overall pb, but I locked up badly. |
35 | Yaani Shah (YaaniMani) | 31.17 | 32.21, 22.59, 34.32, 26.97, 39.69 | Bad parities on 1,3,5 |
36 | Sumanth Chandrupatla (ExultantCarn) | 31.17 | 56.61, 25.15, 30.09, 33.02, 30.40 | |
37 | leudcfa (leudcfa) | 31.86 | 37.75, 23.67, 34.51, 27.78, 33.29 | |
38 | OJ Cubing (OJ Cubing) | 32.88 | 34.41, 28.72, 31.24, 36.90, 32.98 | |
39 | Clay Moore (buzzteam4) | 32.90 | 31.73, 42.03, 33.14, 33.83, 31.34 | |
40 | Kit Clement (Kit Clement) | 32.97 | 39.45, 21.45, 32.55, 28.60, 37.76 | |
41 | Zachary Miller (weatherman223) | 36.07 | 37.43, 33.15, 45.66, 37.62, 31.11 | Could have been better |
42 | Suen Ming Chi (MartinN13) | 36.19 | 30.32, 38.23, 36.84, 33.50, 38.57 | |
43 | Mike Hughey (Mike Hughey) | 38.08 | 34.57, 53.10, 37.41, 33.45, 42.25 | |
44 | Ben Coppin (Bubbagrub) | 38.63 | 32.01, 39.78, 42.95, 35.35, 40.77 | |
45 | Moreno van Rooijen (Moreno van Rooijen) | 38.66 | 33.83, 36.25, 29.41, 45.90, 1:22.30 | Damn. It took 40 seconds to solve the cube shape on the last one. That's just insane! |
46 | Hannah Minas (redoxxy) | 39.19 | 30.45, 36.92, 39.52, 46.34, 41.14 | Ups |
47 | Corner Cutter (CornerCutter) | 39.32 | 33.99, 31.26, 44.58, 39.38, 44.64 | |
48 | Jake Buckley (ARandomCuber) | 39.86 | 42.42, 29.21, 43.01, 34.15, 45.45 | |
49 | Max Murphy (tigermaxi) | 40.12 | 42.26, 36.77, 1:07.13, 33.43, 41.32 | |
50 | Bernhard Brodowsky (Lykos) | 40.73 | 43.90, 37.66, 40.62, 46.90, 32.55 | |
51 | Jami Viljanen (Jami Viljanen) | 41.18 | 42.79, 30.80, 38.66, 43.05, 42.10 | |
52 | Lewis Patterson (Lewis) | 42.15 | 34.90, 39.18, 50.88, 38.24, 49.04 | |
53 | Glomnipotent (Glomnipotent) | 45.64 | 1:07.31, 41.48, 35.84, 35.69, 59.59 | |
54 | Kazuaki Matsuda (RyuKagamine) | 48.01 | 47.80, 56.10, 45.53, 39.54, 50.70 | |
55 | Spencer Kenison (Aerospry) | 49.26 | 1:14.87, 55.19, 46.85, 38.21, 45.73 | |
56 | Bogdan Grigoruta (Bogdan) | 50.65 | 54.20, 45.20, 46.34, 52.52, 53.08 | |
57 | Junwen Yao (swankfukinc) | 1:02.67 | 1:04.03, 1:02.36, 1:05.59, 1:01.63, 51.39 | |
58 | Coleman Vaughn (InlandEmpireCuber) | 1:03.87 | 1:10.92, 51.46, 1:34.92, 59.55, 1:01.15 | |
59 | Hanns Hub (Jacck) | 1:10.81 | 1:13.75, 1:32.27, 1:01.10, 46.32, 1:17.59 | |
60 | Nathanael Morgan (NathanaelCubes) | 1:12.46 | 1:25.40, 52.85, 57.94, 1:19.71, 1:19.74 | PB average and single! 3rd and 4th sub 1s! |
61 | vorherrscher (vorherrscher) | 1:13.84 | 1:08.53, 1:11.35, 1:16.93, 1:27.62, 1:13.25 | |
62 | Tim Lawrance (theos) | 1:26.76 | 1:47.63, 55.23, 1:29.68, 1:20.54, 1:30.06 | (1) Did parity alg from wrong position; had to redo edge perm.
(2) Corner perm skip and easy edge perm. Should have been a PB if I wasn't so bad at shape. (4) Easy shape but somehow messed it up and had to redo it. (5) Once again slow shape. Faster than last week, but still disappointingly slow when I know I can do so much better. |
# | Name | Result | Solves | Comment |
1 | Eli Jay (lejitcuber) | 2.80 | 2.77, 2.63, 3.14, 2.24, 2.99 | |
2 | Mattheo de Wit (MattheoDW) | 2.97 | 2.88, 2.91, 3.51, 3.12, 2.53 | |
3 | Leo Annett (Leo Annett) | 3.99 | 4.54, 3.52, 4.92, 3.71, 3.72 | yay |
4 | Jake Hanson (JMHCubed) | 4.29 | 4.29, 4.43, 4.15, 4.07, 7.27 | Finally bought a Wingy and this wa s the average I got on it |
5 | Katie Davies (Katiedavies3103) | 4.43 | 3.73, 4.79, 3.86, 5.44, 4.64 | |
6 | Tristan Steeves (cubeshepherd) | 4.51 | 4.46, 5.06, 4.34, 4.12, 4.72 | |
7 | Walker Welch (TheDubDubJr) | 4.53 | 4.04, 4.54, 4.38, 4.67, 5.52 | |
8 | Calvin Nielson (Sixstringcal) | 4.63 | 3.92, 5.40, 3.24, 5.49, 4.57 | |
9 | Tyler Buel (CubingTybu) ([email protected]) | 4.69 | 4.87, 4.47, 4.70, 4.49, 5.04 | Nearly pure sub 5 average |
10 | Bill Hammill (SloMoCubing) | 4.73 | 3.75, 5.71, 6.49, 4.72, 3.68 | lul
had to dig this out from behind my desk, shows how much i care about skewb |
11 | Sean Hartman (Sean Hartman) | 4.79 | 2.96, 7.70, 5.32, 5.37, 3.67 | |
12 | Allen Gustrowsky (TSTwist) | 4.84 | 4.98, 4.36, 5.78, 5.19, 3.59 | |
13 | Evan Wright (EdubCubez) | 4.97 | 1.72, 3.81, 7.82, 4.69, 6.40 | |
14 | Malte Ihlefeld (Shadowjockey) | 4.98 | 5.14, 5.15, 3.88, 8.21, 4.65 | |
15 | Kris Gonnella (Kris Gonnella) | 5.04 | 4.72, 5.64, 6.30, 4.56, 4.76 | |
16 | Aidan McKenzie (AidanNoogie) | 5.06 | 4.19, 4.79, 7.50, 5.97, 4.41 | Rip sub 5 |
17 | Carter Bitz ([email protected]) | 5.11 | 4.48, 5.19, 4.23, 8.51, 5.65 | |
18 | Advay Sant (asacuber) | 5.14 | 3.92, 25.52, 4.84, 4.43, 6.14 | last +2 2nd pop |
19 | Ishaan Lal (thecubingwizard) | 5.26 | DNF, 4.28, 6.27, 4.77, 4.75 | |
20 | Marcus Siu (Marcus Siu) | 5.27 | 4.49, 5.63, 5.86, 4.60, 5.59 | |
21 | Bryan Eng (OriginalUsername) | 5.51 | 5.11, 5.31, 8.08, 6.11, 4.42 | |
22 | Mitchell Hum (MCuber) | 5.79 | 5.21, 6.19, 6.17, 5.99, 3.74 | |
23 | Aedan Bryant (TipsterTrickster ) | 5.87 | 4.52, 5.52, 5.95, 6.27, 6.15 | rip counting 6
24 | Alexander Botz (ichcubegerne) | 5.94 | 5.82, 6.46, 5.54, 6.66, 4.67 | |
25 | leo lindqvist (leomannen) | 5.95 | 5.79, 4.66, 9.35, 6.28, 5.77 | |
26 | Justin Park (CubicOreo) | 5.98 | 6.08, 13.46, 5.39, 6.48, 4.94 | |
27 | Bogdan Damski (cubingchemist) | 6.05 | 4.31, 6.50, 6.57, 5.29, 6.35 | |
28 | Kyle Polage (Kymapo) | 6.12 | 4.40, 7.34, 7.01, 6.74, 4.60 | |
29 | Zachary Miller (weatherman223) | 6.14 | 6.03, 6.13, 6.19, 8.43, 6.10 | woaj the consistency |
30 | Anders Olsen (whatshisbucket) | 6.22 | 4.62, 6.38, 5.33, 7.46, 6.95 | nice |
31 | Daniel Goodman (DGCubes) | 6.29 | 4.88, 7.83, 8.61, 6.17, 4.49 | |
32 | Suen Ming Chi (MartinN13) | 6.41 | 6.11, 6.19, 6.18, 6.85, 10.72 | |
33 | Mihnea Pantu (mihnea3000) | 6.46 | 4.65, 6.27, 24.88, 6.17, 6.93 | |
34 | Joshua Costello (Rubiksdude4144) | 6.62 | 7.05, 7.94, 11.75, 4.36, 4.87 | |
35 | Matt Prestwich (MattP98) | 6.73 | 6.59, 7.05, 8.06, 6.55, 4.84 | |
36 | Janos Bereczki (jancsi02) | 6.85 | 6.80, 12.55, 6.95, 6.73, 6.79 | |
37 | Jake Buckley (ARandomCuber) | 6.86 | 5.65, 8.95, 5.59, 10.89, 5.98 | |
38 | Kit Clement (Kit Clement) | 6.87 | 6.99, 6.76, 9.01, 6.33, 6.86 | |
39 | Max Murphy (tigermaxi) | 6.99 | 6.37, 7.51, 8.71, 7.08, 5.89 | |
40 | leudcfa (leudcfa) | 7.05 | 4.13, 7.17, 8.15, 8.99, 5.84 | |
41 | Andreas Lambropoulos (2017LAMB06) | 7.16 | 4.34, 8.06, 7.72, 7.97, 5.80 | |
42 | Braden Richards (BradenTheMagician) | 7.20 | 5.98, 8.18, 8.93, 6.52, 6.89 | |
43 | Zach Zwerling (ComputerGuy365) | 7.21 | 9.12, 7.45, 8.17, 6.00, 4.54 | |
44 | Andrew Tyberg (hotufos) | 7.23 | 8.46, 8.85, 8.37, 3.69, 4.86 | awful average, good single |
45 | Guido Dipietro (G2013) | 7.37 | 4.85, 11.58, 8.08, 7.08, 6.95 | |
46 | Aufan Ahmad Mumtaza (Xauxage) | 7.38 | 5.42, 8.83, 12.37, 7.00, 6.31 | |
47 | Competition Cuber (Competition Cuber) | 7.40 | 8.88, 7.33, 7.70, 6.56, 7.17 | |
48 | Corner Cutter (CornerCutter) | 7.55 | 6.96, 6.73, 9.05, 8.97, 6.16 | |
49 | OJ Cubing (OJ Cubing) | 7.74 | 5.71, 9.15, 6.62, 17.95, 7.45 | |
50 | Robin Verstraten (RobinCube) | 7.82 | 6.95, 9.60, 7.84, 8.68, 6.03 | lol, all 5 scrambles end in B' U' |
51 | Ben Coppin (Bubbagrub) | 7.88 | 7.79, 7.36, 9.66, 7.65, 8.20 | |
52 | Khairur Rachim (Khairur Rachim) | 7.95 | 3.15, 9.47, 9.44, 8.91, 5.50 | |
53 | Timo Norrkniivilä (T1_M0) | 8.08 | 6.15, 6.42, 10.12, 11.87, 7.71 | |
54 | Theodor Nordstrand (TheodorNordstrand) | 8.15 | 6.91, 8.15, 9.18, 11.71, 7.11 | |
55 | Keenan Johnson (Keenan Johnson) | 8.18 | 6.13, 9.43, 11.19, 8.38, 6.72 | |
56 | Parker Z ( Parker Z) | 8.25 | 8.12, 8.00, 6.08, 10.51, 8.63 | |
57 | Hannah Minas (redoxxy) | 8.33 | 5.42, 9.27, 6.91, 12.56, 8.82 | |
58 | Noah Paredes (NoProblemCubing) | 8.51 | 9.40, 5.16, 7.89, 8.47, 9.17 | |
59 | Bogdan Grigoruta (Bogdan) | 8.59 | 5.92, 7.54, 12.55, 10.85, 7.37 | |
60 | Jami Viljanen (Jami Viljanen) | 8.86 | 6.31, 15.36, 11.31, 8.88, 6.39 | |
61 | Dhafin Rayhan (dhafin) | 9.65 | 14.15, 6.01, 9.11, 10.62, 9.23 | |
62 | Clay Moore (buzzteam4) | 9.87 | 6.66, 9.73, 11.95, 11.61, 8.28 | |
63 | Coleman Vaughn (InlandEmpireCuber) | 9.89 | 9.81, 6.60, 13.57, 11.65, 8.22 | |
64 | Mike Hughey (Mike Hughey) | 9.91 | 8.38, 11.77, 8.84, 18.29, 9.11 | New Weekly Competition PB! |
65 | Nathanael Morgan (NathanaelCubes) | 10.12 | 7.03, 15.37, 7.50, 12.25, 10.60 | Wow, a counting seven. |
66 | Patrick Moehlen (dschieses) | 10.47 | 7.06, 11.16, 14.50, 10.97, 9.27 | |
67 | Ethan Davis (Cuberstache) | 11.29 | 10.39, 10.41, 11.59, 11.92, 11.88 | Skewb. |
68 | SpartanSailor (SpartanSailor) | 11.47 | 7.17, 11.28, 15.16, 10.27, 12.87 | |
69 | Junwen Yao (swankfukinc) | 11.50 | 13.25, 10.70, 19.16, 9.23, 10.55 | |
70 | Tim Lawrance (theos) | 11.77 | 10.40, 8.11, 15.05, 13.18, 11.72 | 3. Messed up first layer |
71 | yghklvn (yghklvn) | 12.10 | 12.12, 42.12, 9.37, 13.65, 10.54 | |
72 | Moreno van Rooijen (Moreno van Rooijen) | 13.58 | 13.12, 17.57, 14.30, 13.32, 10.83 | |
73 | Frederik Rollmann (topppits) | 13.77 | 7.79, 16.34, 14.05, 10.91, 16.67 | comp single pb :) |
74 | Spencer Kenison (Aerospry) | 13.89 | 14.95, 11.59, 15.12, 19.20, 9.09 | |
75 | Lewis Patterson (Lewis) | 13.97 | 17.67, 12.83, 9.71, 12.06, 17.02 | |
76 | Yaani Shah (YaaniMani) | 14.29 | 7.32, 11.95, 15.17, 36.62, 15.75 | |
77 | Kazuaki Matsuda (RyuKagamine) | 14.29 | 19.28, 13.62, 12.07, 15.82, 13.43 | |
78 | William Marshall (WillyTheWizard ) | 17.06 | 13.72, 24.02, 10.94, 19.12, 18.34 | |
79 | kumato (kumato) | 17.71 | 19.07, 22.28, 15.89, 15.20, 18.16 | |
80 | Lachlan Stephens (Lachlan Stephens) | 21.85 | 25.97, 24.67, 14.91, 10.76, 32.18 | Im BeGiNnInG tO FeEl LiKe a SkEwB GoD SkEwB GoD |
81 | Glomnipotent (Glomnipotent) | 22.30 | 26.11, 18.52, 16.65, 26.58, 22.26 | |
82 | Mats Bergsten (MatsBergsten) | 22.99 | 18.34, 24.20, 24.52, 31.38, 20.26 | |
83 | Hanns Hub (Jacck) | 24.35 | 13.29, 34.61, 2:23.87, 18.63, 19.80 | 3 pop on the way to a 16
84 | Kevin Matthews (Keroma12) | 27.67 | 48.46, 27.70, 20.45, 34.86, 18.76 |
# | Name | Result | Solves | Comment |
1 | Ethan Davis (Cuberstache) | 20.50 | 19.20, 19.66, 21.18, 26.88, 20.67 | Amazing average! 4th solve was quite locky, but it doesn't matter that much. |
2 | Tristan Steeves (cubeshepherd) | 29.14 | 28.52, 28.83, 26.73, 31.62, 30.06 | Road to sub 30 "Officially unofficial". |
3 | Parker Z ( Parker Z) | 30.19 | 27.15, 33.38, 35.24, 30.03, 26.07 | |
4 | Tommy Cherry (TommyC) | 31.37 | 39.08, 24.81, 22.98, 31.69, 37.60 | |
5 | Sean Hartman (Sean Hartman) | 33.29 | 44.96, 31.79, 36.00, 32.07, 28.94 | |
6 | Aidan McKenzie (AidanNoogie) | 33.43 | 35.79, 31.63, 32.86, 40.96, 29.84 | |
7 | Noah Paredes (NoProblemCubing) | 34.87 | 28.16, 41.91, 39.48, 36.16, 28.97 | |
8 | Leo Annett (Leo Annett) | 34.97 | 36.55, 34.45, 45.96, 33.90, 30.97 | |
9 | Malte Ihlefeld (Shadowjockey) | 36.01 | 44.98, 33.69, 33.93, 36.71, 37.38 | |
10 | Bryan Eng (OriginalUsername) | 36.67 | 39.65, 37.88, 34.87, 37.26, 30.71 | |
11 | Kit Clement (Kit Clement) | 42.35 | 47.76, 50.30, 38.06, 41.19, 38.11 | |
12 | Corner Cutter (CornerCutter) | 51.11 | 54.89, 54.42, 44.07, 54.84, 40.47 | |
13 | Mike Hughey (Mike Hughey) | 1:08.49 | 1:00.41, 1:23.39, 1:02.38, 1:09.87, 1:13.22 | |
14 | Junwen Yao (swankfukinc) | 1:12.79 | 1:36.06, 1:12.05, 1:04.53, 1:20.11, 1:06.20 | |
15 | Coleman Vaughn (InlandEmpireCuber) | 1:18.99 | 1:06.70, 1:26.64, 1:30.28, 52.23, 1:23.63 | |
16 | Andrew Tyberg (hotufos) | 1:19.15 | 1:35.82, 1:04.28, 1:21.82, 1:28.40, 1:07.22 | really bad |
17 | Kris Gonnella (Kris Gonnella) | 1:23.52 | 1:17.58, 1:15.24, 1:29.98, 1:42.30, 1:22.99 | First time doing kilo too xD |
18 | Hannah Minas (redoxxy) | 1:33.17 | 1:25.37, 1:43.65, 1:30.49, 2:47.18, 1:22.16 | |
19 | Nathanael Morgan (NathanaelCubes) | DNF | 1:09.22, DNS, DNS, DNS, DNS |
# | Name | Result | Solves | Comment |
1 | Sean Hartman (Sean Hartman) | 4:02.76 | 4:02.76 | PB for mini guildford relay but could've been a sub 4 without a bad lockup on the auf of the 4x4 solve and without a messup on sq-1 cubeshape. But still a nice time! 58 mega solve and 1:08 5x5(good mega time and a few seconds worse than avg 5x5 time), then the rest in 1:56. |
2 | Ishaan Lal (thecubingwizard) | 4:12.11 | 4:12.11 | |
3 | Malte Ihlefeld (Shadowjockey) | 4:50.19 | 4:50.19 | |
4 | Bryan Eng (OriginalUsername) | 5:15.79 | 5:15.79 | |
5 | Tristan Steeves (cubeshepherd) | 5:45.72 | 5:45.72 | Road to sub 5:40 "Officially unofficial" |
6 | Braden Richards (BradenTheMagician) | 6:18.13 | 6:18.13 | very nice execution for every cube except 5x5 |
7 | PotatoesAreUs (PotatoesAreUs) | 6:32.43 | 6:32.43 | |
8 | Jake Buckley (ARandomCuber) | 6:45.79 | 6:45.79 | |
9 | OJ Cubing (OJ Cubing) | 7:05.42 | 7:05.42 | |
10 | Aedan Bryant (TipsterTrickster ) | 7:11.19 | 7:11.19 | |
11 | Corner Cutter (CornerCutter) | 7:43.41 | 7:43.41 | |
12 | Matt Prestwich (MattP98) | 7:44.21 | 7:44.21 | |
13 | Junwen Yao (swankfukinc) | 8:01.11 | 8:01.11 | horrible |
14 | Jami Viljanen (Jami Viljanen) | 8:43.20 | 8:43.20 | |
15 | Joshua Costello (Rubiksdude4144) | 8:57.06 | 8:57.06 | |
16 | Mike Hughey (Mike Hughey) | 10:07.99 | 10:07.99 | Disastrous square-1 solve kept me from a PB. |
17 | Spencer Kenison (Aerospry) | 10:45.67 | 10:45.67 | |
18 | Hanns Hub (Jacck) | 13:10.37 | 13:10.37 | |
19 | Ethan Davis (Cuberstache) | DNF | DNF | Second ever sub-5! Really good! EDIT: I DNFED CLOCK NOOOOOOOO |