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[Unofficial] Ben Whitmore - Sub-10 with 20 Methods


Feb 14, 2016
Some great solves in the video, congratulations!
As a side note (as with many of these 'sub x with x methods'), I would call it sub-10 with 20 variants. I see only two methods, layer by layer (of which CFOP, LBL, ZZ, etc. are all variants), and Roux (of which there are variants). A true sub-x with x methods video would be some combination of LBL, Roux, Corners first, Columns first, belt method, and/or other unique methods.

CLL Smooth

Dec 17, 2012
Visit Channel
Some great solves in the video, congratulations!
As a side note (as with many of these 'sub x with x methods'), I would call it sub-10 with 20 variants. I see only two methods, layer by layer (of which CFOP, LBL, ZZ, etc. are all variants), and Roux (of which there are variants). A true sub-x with x methods video would be some combination of LBL, Roux, Corners first, Columns first, belt method, and/or other unique methods.
I agree with some of this. When I do things like OLLCP/EPLL I could call it CFOP or CFCE so I don't feel the need to differentiate which "method" it is I'm using. Also if I get a tripod case that I know I wouldn't say that I used the tripod method. But if someone like Ben actually builds the tripod before he finishes F2L I see it as a clear departure from the traditional LBL approach. I'd also say that ZZ and MGLS both stand out to me as different.
Nice to see Ben still cubing.