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[Unofficial] 8 puzzle - 1.226 average of 12 UWR

Mar 18, 2014
in d middle of angleland
Visit Channel

cool, sub god movecount average (average optimal solution is ~21.97 moves) :p

Time	Moves	TPS		Scramble		Reconstruction

(0.879)	(16)	18.202		0 8 3\4 1 2\7 6 5	LULUR2D2LURULDLU
1.440	24	16.666		2 8 5\3 6 4\1 7 0	DR2UL2D2RU2LD2R2ULULDRUL
1.664	27	16.225		7 0 1\4 6 5\3 2 8	LUR2DL2U2R2DLULD2RU2LD2RULU
1.151	19	16.507		5 6 3\0 1 4\7 2 8	L2DR2UL2DRU2LD2RULU
1.080	19	17.592		4 1 8\6 7 2\3 0 5	RDLURD2LULDRU2LDRUL
1.152	19	16.493		8 7 1\0 2 3\4 6 5	LDLUR2DLULURDRULDLU
0.967	17	17.580		2 0 8\1 7 3\5 4 6	LURDRU2LDLURDRUL2
1.064	20	18.796		1 8 6\7 0 4\3 5 2	LUR2DLDLURULDRDLURUL
1.168	22	18.835		1 3 5\2 4 7\6 8 0	RDRUL2D2RU2LDR2UL2DRUL
(1.831)	(30)	16.384		2 1 7\8 4 3\5 6 0	RDLUR2D2LURUL2D2RURULDLURDRUL2
0.929	18	(19.375)	3 8 0\2 1 6\5 4 7	R2UL2DR2U2L2DR2UL2
1.647	26	(15.786)	3 6 7\1 8 5\0 4 2	LD2RUL2URDLDRULURDRUL2DRUL
1.226	21.100	17.328
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