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Cuthberts Open 2014 - (UK)


Premium Member
Mar 20, 2011
Saint Albans, United Kingdom
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I'm going to assume that this is 99% official now seeing that is has its own page on the UKCA website, BTW I haven't got a facebook so it's difficult for me to keep up to date.

I have one question, are the dates certain yet or could they be changed?

Woah I swear I replied to this already... nkay mayb not.

The dates are confirmed by both the venue and the sponsor and the comp has been submitted to the WCA so the dates will not change.

Can you go without actully 'entering' the compatition, like just sitting around talking about cubes with other people like in Memyselfandpi's video of the world championship?

You could... but why the hell not compete :) Please don't tell me you think you are too slow >.<