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[Unofficial] 2x2 avg5 5.29


Mar 15, 2013
Minneapolis, MN
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You have pretty decent TPS, that's very good. There are two main flaws I see in your solving.

1. I'll be honest, your layers look pretty dreadful. Try to keep them short. Don't be afraid to make a diag swapped layer and cancel into R2 F2 (or B2) R2. Jay Mcneill has an awesome video with example layers, and I'm planning to make one soon.

2. Learn your adjacent swap PLLs from multiple angles. I have an alg for every angle except bar in back.
Here, I'll get you started.

Bar on left: R U R' F' R U R' U' R' F R2 U' R' (U')
Bar on right: R2 F2 R U R' F2 R F' R
Bar in front: R' U R' F2 R F' R' F2 R2

Those are my favorites. Hopefully this helps!