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Hi, Louis here.

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Mar 7, 2013
Oxfordshire, UK
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Hi everyone. My name is Louis, and I'm from the UK. I first started trying to learn the cube back in December, and I've only recently decided to start speedcubing properly after getting an average near 30s. It took me around a month to work out how to do it, and I then started looking up faster ways on the internet. I've got my average down by about one and a half minutes now, and I usually average around 35 (sometimes lower) seconds. I use Fridrich, but I'm getting a bit bored and I'm thinking of learning Roux. I got a (really bad) 2x2 and a (really good) 4x4 last month, and a V-cube 5 and a Pyramorphix three days ago. My targets are sub-6 for the 2x2, sub-20 for the 3x3 and under 1:30 for the 4x4. Current records are:
2x2: 3.55 (really lucky OLL and PBL skip (I use Ortega) - my average is ~9s)
3x3: 21.03 (about 10-15s faster than average depending on which cube I'm using)
4x4: 1:56 (15-20s faster than average)
5x5: 5:09 (2 minutes faster than normal... I really don't know how I got this time without missing any steps)
Other than cubing, I do piano, and I have my grade 6 exam coming up... although I missed out grade 4 and failed grade 5... but at least it helps my finger speed, and I'm feeling more confident this time.
So that's just about it from me. Thanks for reading!

I also need help getting sub-30. Avg of 12s for:
Cross: 4.30
F2L: 14.87
OLL*: 5.03
PLL**: 5.99
Everything: 31.85
*: 1-look for 22 cases; 2-look for others. The 22 OLLs are (numbers from SS's wiki: 2-4, 7-8, 21-28, 33, 37, 43-44, 45-48, 51)
**: Mostly 1-look except N and G

Should F2L be what I should be working on the most?
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