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May 14, 2011
Visit Channel
4x4 average of 5 and average of 12 pb's. 1:04.33 and 1:07.10

1:04.44, 1:01.29, 1:08.79, (1:20.39), 1:09.42, 1:15.55, (58.57), 1:01.46, 1:05.45, 1:09.00, 1:06.08, 1:09.52

Edit: 3x3 average of 100 pb: 13.46. Maybe 5 10's, and 1 sub 10, 9.62.
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Jul 17, 2011
Crestwood, Illinois
Visit Channel
5.91 L U' R' L B' L' R L' b

r' L R L'
y R U' R' L' U' L

EDIT : 5.51 L B' R B' R' L U' R' b'

switch the two faces that were on front and bottom. Kinda like a z2 x'.

R U' R'
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Feb 4, 2012
11.83 Ao50 F2L Training, and I used only 1-3 Rotations!
Fridrich - F2L training
24.03.2012 11:42:00 - 12:33:00

Mean: 11.83
Standard deviation: 1.90
Best Time: 7.66
Worst Time: 16.83

Best average of 5: 10.43
28-32 - 10.53 (8.94) (13.42) 10.48 10.28

Best average of 12: 11.25
32-43 - 10.28 13.39 10.72 10.94 (15.83) 9.44 11.60 12.39 10.76 (8.87) 12.58 10.39

1. 11.45 L2 D L2 U F2 D' L2 B2 L2 U' L2 F' R' U2 F2 R U L2 F L2 U
2. 9.17 B2 R2 U' R2 F2 D2 B2 D2 L2 U' R B R2 L2 B' D2 F2 R L2 D'
3. 13.45 B2 R2 L2 F2 D L2 D2 R2 D F R D F2 R B' D2 U B' U
4. 13.15 R2 L2 U2 B2 U' L2 B2 D' L2 F2 L2 F R' B2 U F' D L' U' B2 U
5. 16.83 D U L2 D' L2 B2 U2 F2 U' B2 L F D2 L' U R' D' F2 U2 R'
6. 14.77 U B2 D2 B2 L2 D' B2 U' R2 U F2 L' D' L' B' L F2 D L' D2 U'
7. 7.66 R2 B2 D F2 L2 U2 L2 D U2 B2 L2 F' D' R' U' F' L' D2 R L' F' D
8. 13.37 D B2 L2 D L2 U' B2 L2 B2 R2 F' U2 R U' R2 D' F2 L D'
9. 10.36 B2 U F2 U L2 U F2 D F2 D2 F2 L B R' D' R2 B' F2 R' B2 D U
10. 13.44 B2 F2 D B2 D B2 R2 D2 L2 D2 L2 F' D' B F' L' D' U' B2 R D
11. 8.32 R2 U2 B2 D' F2 R2 U' F2 D' B2 U' B' R B2 F2 U B R B D2 L
12. 13.49 F2 R2 U F2 R2 U B2 R2 D' R2 U' B F D' R2 L' F R2 L' D' F'
13. 12.50 R2 U' F2 U B2 R2 U B2 U R2 U2 F' B2 D B2 R' L2 D' L2 D' L2 U'
14. 12.80 D2 F2 L2 U L2 U R2 F2 U' F2 D L' U2 F2 D B F2 D L D
15. 11.69 L2 D2 R2 L2 D L2 U2 B2 U R2 U F' L U F' L' B F' D' R' F' D'
16. 13.21 B2 D B2 U F2 L2 U2 L2 D F2 U2 R' F' R' B2 F' L U2 L' D' F2
17. 12.70 D2 B2 R2 D' F2 U' L2 B2 L2 B2 U R U' F R U F2 U R2 D R2 D2
18. 12.34 D R2 B2 U' R2 L2 B2 U2 R2 D2 U' F R2 D' R' D2 U2 R D2 R2 F'
19. 8.51 U R2 U' L2 D' B2 F2 D2 R2 D2 U2 R' B F D' B L' B2 R F' D' U'
20. 11.45 D U2 R2 F2 D U2 B2 R2 F2 L2 D' F' L2 D' L' B L' B' D F' D2
21. 12.09 U L2 D2 R2 D' L2 F2 D L2 U2 B2 R D' F U' B' R' B U' F2 R
22. 14.98 D' L2 B2 D L2 B2 U' L2 U' R2 U R' U2 F' R2 B2 D R' U R2 D2
23. 12.53 U' R2 F2 R2 U' R2 U B2 D' R2 D2 B' L2 B2 U2 R B2 D' B' F' U'
24. 11.97 D2 U' R2 L2 B2 U' R2 U F2 R2 U' L B' D2 B2 U' L D L' B2 R2
25. 13.65 B2 U F2 L2 B2 L2 F2 L2 U' B2 D' R' D L2 D' U R D L2 U2
26. 12.43 U R2 L2 F2 R2 D' F2 U' F2 L2 D' F' R2 F' L2 B' L' U2 L2 U' L
27. 12.16 U F2 U2 R2 L2 U' R2 D B2 R2 D R B D2 F' U' F2 D F D'
28. 10.53 D B2 L2 D F2 D B2 L2 D U2 R2 B D' F' R2 F' R' D' R' F R U
29. 8.94 R2 U2 L2 U B2 D B2 R2 U F2 U' R U R2 F U F' U2 R'
30. 13.42 L2 F2 U2 F2 U' R2 B2 D' R2 L2 D' B' L D U2 B' R' F L2 U R
31. 10.48 R2 B2 D L2 B2 D' F2 U' R2 U' F' R B2 D U R B2 F2 R2 F2 D'
32. 10.28 R2 U F2 R2 B2 U' F2 R2 D L2 D R L2 U' F2 L B' R2 U2 B2 U
33. 13.39 D2 L2 U' F2 U B2 D' B2 L2 D R' F2 R' B D F2 R2 L2 D2 F2 U2
34. 10.72 D' F2 L2 B2 D' R2 U2 B2 U' R2 D L F' U L2 D' B U L D2 F2
35. 10.94 U2 R2 D B2 L2 D' B2 R2 F2 U2 L B2 F L' B2 L' U2 F2 U B2
36. 15.83 U L2 U L2 F2 R2 U' F2 D U' F2 R U B2 D U B' D2 F U F
37. 9.44 D' B2 F2 R2 F2 U' F2 R2 U R2 D2 B' U R2 B F R' U B R' D' U'
38. 11.60 D L2 U' B2 R2 D F2 U2 B2 D' L2 B' D' U F L2 F R D2 L2 B2
39. 12.39 U2 B2 F2 L2 U' F2 D2 U R2 F2 D2 L' B U' R D' R' B F' D R' D'
40. 10.76 D' R2 U L2 D L2 D' F2 D2 F2 U2 F D B F2 R' D R' U B D2 R
41. 8.87 R2 U2 R2 D' B2 R2 U' B2 D2 R2 U R D B' U' B' F2 L' D2 R2 D'
42. 12.58 U2 R2 L2 F2 R2 D' L2 D U F2 U2 F' L U' F2 U2 F2 U2 B L2 B'
43. 10.39 B2 D2 R2 D' B2 U' B2 U R2 D' R2 B' R2 D2 R D R U2 B' D' U'
44. 12.19 U' B2 R2 D' R2 L2 D B2 U' F2 U2 F R D R' B' D' R2 F2 U F
45. 11.66 U B2 D' B2 U B2 U2 L2 B2 L2 U B U R' U R' B U2 R' D U2
46. 11.13 R2 L2 B2 L2 U' B2 U' R2 B2 U' B2 L' U B2 F' L2 F R B L U2
47. 13.33 U2 B2 U F2 R2 B2 U2 F2 D' F2 L2 B R2 F' U F' R B R' D2 L2
48. 11.95 U2 L2 D2 U F2 D2 R2 F2 R2 U2 F2 R' D' L D' L' B D2 B L' F2 D2
49. 9.04 D2 F2 R2 U' B2 U' F2 R2 L2 F R U2 R2 U' F2 R2 D R2 U'
50. 11.38 D' B2 R2 B2 R2 U' L2 D' B2 D F2 L U2 B D2 U2 B D2 B2 L D


Jul 17, 2011
Kept going after my solves for the "Racing to sub-20"-thread and got a new avg12 PB with 18.60. It feels like when you have pushed through the 20 second barrier it gets a bit easier.


21.63, 19.40, (15.16), 16.89, 19.12, 20.50, 18.21, 17.71, (22.77), 17.86, 16.18, 18.52


Jul 17, 2011
Crestwood, Illinois
Visit Channel
Really done last night but I didn't post it. :p

17.20, (20.65), 15.53, 16.59, 12.03, 11.61, 16.74, 12.01, 8.75, 12.66, 20.31, 18.65, 16.89, 15.77, 10.69, 17.15, 14.77, (7.49), 13.29, 13.11, 16.35, (5.91), 12.80, 11.93, 13.27, 10.31, 19.33, 18.17, 15.71, 17.26, 10.85, 11.67, 19.30, 16.09, (21.78), 14.54, 16.86, 15.81, 13.95, 16.31, 15.56, (8.75), 12.44, 16.27, 17.00, 16.34, 8.99, 17.43, (20.69), (5.51), 14.68, 19.37, 15.96, 13.22, (21.30), 15.63, 16.14, (21.12), 15.26, 14.39, 16.68, 16.40, 14.15, 18.11, 16.71, 13.00, 14.35, 16.30, 13.16, 14.53, 11.77, (7.23), 11.87, 18.79, 16.92, 9.02, 15.33, 15.32, 13.92, 19.78, 13.44, 14.56, 18.70, 15.05, 19.43, 11.27, 14.77, 12.49, 12.78, 11.71, 11.05, 14.88, 10.46, 11.77, 16.36, 16.61, 18.41, 14.09, 17.08, 9.66

= 14.82 Pyraminx average of 100


Feb 4, 2012
Best Ao12 and Ao5 and they were the first 12 solves after my F2L/Oll/PLL training session, 18 is fullstep+nonlucky
1947 24.03.2012 14:45:00 00:20.41 R2 U2 R2 B2 L2 D B2 U R2 B2 R' B2 F' R2 D F' R' F' U2
1946 24.03.2012 14:44:19 00:22.07 U' F2 L2 B2 D B2 U2 R2 U' L2 U2 F L' D2 F' D R D2 B L2 F2 D'
1945 24.03.2012 14:42:26 00:18.85 R2 D2 R2 F2 R2 U' R2 D' B2 D B F2 R2 F U B' F2 L D R L U'
1944 24.03.2012 14:41:44 00:24.59 D F2 U2 R2 U' F2 U2 R2 F2 U' L' B2 F2 D U B' L F R' D2 U
1943 24.03.2012 14:41:07 00:22.78 R2 D R2 U2 R2 U' B2 D L2 U F2 R U F' D2 U2 F D R L F D
1942 24.03.2012 14:40:20 00:23.73 U L2 U R2 U' F2 D' L2 B2 F2 D' L' D' B' D U' B R F U' L' U
1941 24.03.2012 14:39:42 00:21.99 U2 L2 D L2 D R2 B2 R2 D' F2 D2 R' F' L2 D R2 D2 B' F U R U'
1940 24.03.2012 14:38:57 00:25.78 F2 D' L2 D' F2 L2 U2 B2 U' B2 D L' D' B L' U' R F R' F L
1939 24.03.2012 14:36:50 00:20.46 U' L2 U2 L2 U R2 D B2 U L2 B2 L' F' D R' B F2 D R2 U' R2 U'
1938 24.03.2012 14:36:02 00:21.76 D B2 U' R2 D2 L2 D' U2 B2 R2 U' B U2 B D F' R' D B2 F R
1937 24.03.2012 14:35:08 00:25.34 D2 R2 L2 B2 L2 D' R2 L2 U' F' R' U F R2 D' B' F U2 R' L2
1936 24.03.2012 14:33:59 00:27.30 F2 D L2 D2 B2 F2 U' B2 D F2 U' F' R B2 L2 F2 R2 U L2 U' F U'

21.75 / 22.89

Woooot 16.74 PB Fullstep NL, holy shiiiiiiiit F2 D' F2 D R2 U' R2 B2 U2 B2 U' B D2 R D R2 L U2 R2 L'
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Premium Member
Sep 27, 2011
Stockholm, Sweden
Visit Channel
Yesterday I did this:
number of times: 100/100
best time: 10.14
worst time: 19.20

current avg5: 14.35 (σ = 0.88)
best avg5: 13.37 (σ = 0.98)

current avg12: 14.83 (σ = 1.16)
best avg12: 14.13 (σ = 1.01)

current avg100: 14.98 (σ = 1.32)
best avg100: 14.98 (σ = 1.32)
13.28, 14.14, 16.61, 16.30, 10.14, 16.42, 14.58, 14.17, 14.09, 17.06, 13.48, 14.18, 16.16, 15.08, 15.92, 15.68, 13.90, 12.62, 14.63, 19.20, 14.50, 14.68, 15.44, 16.64, 13.43, 17.06, 18.43, 16.26, 15.71, 17.29, 12.50, 16.59, 14.42, 17.61, 13.87, 15.05, 16.40, 15.36, 13.76, 15.42, 18.92, 14.25, 13.63, 14.19, 13.66, 15.11, 14.19, 14.50, 12.84, 12.73, 16.17, 12.77, 18.16, 16.98, 12.54, 14.81, 14.71, 15.79, 12.41, 12.81, 13.90, 14.87, 15.94, 17.55, 16.45, 15.39, 15.55, 16.75, 13.10, 15.81, 15.17, 13.84, 16.08, 12.25, 14.53, 14.89, 16.76, 13.06, 16.02, 13.64, 16.13, 16.18, 14.60, 15.38, 17.26, 15.11, 13.49, 11.62, 18.69, 14.31, 14.28, 16.59, 15.56, 14.70, 13.13, 16.60, 14.02, 15.35, 13.69, 13.21
Finally sub -15!!!
Nov 8, 2010
near Ottawa, Canada
Visit Channel
Which did you get the fastest?

R U' R U R U R U' R' U' R2: 0.87
R2 U R U R' U' R' U' R' U R': 0.92
R' U R' U' R' U' R' U R U R2: 0.92
R2 U' R' U' R U R U R U' R: 0.86
M2 U M U2 M' U M2: 0.62
M2 U M' U2 M U M2: 0.83
M2 U' M U2 M' U' M2: 0.79
M2 u M' u2 M' u M2: 0.70
R2' U' F B' R2 F' B U' R2': 0.94
R2 U' S' U2 S U' R2: 0.99
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Premium Member
Dec 31, 2011
Visit Channel
First sub-20!

4. 19.25 R2 D2 F2 R2 L2 D' L2 D2 B2 D F2 L B' U' F2 D2 B2 R D L B

Using CFOP with a 4LLL, had a bowtie corner OLL and a Z perm. Will try and reconstruct a little.

EDIT: http://alg.garron.us/?alg=F_R-_F-_L..._L2_D-_L2_D2_B2_D_F2_L_B-_U-_F2_D2_B2_R_D_L_B
Could only remember a little - does someone else want to try and finish?
OLL edges was either:
F R U R' U' F'
F U R U' R' F'
F R U R' U' S R U R' U' f'
But I THINK it was the first one (F R U R' U' F').
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Apr 22, 2010
Central Upstate New York
Visit Channel
First sub-20!

4. 19.25 R2 D2 F2 R2 L2 D' L2 D2 B2 D F2 L B' U' F2 D2 B2 R D L B

Using CFOP with a 4LLL, had a bowtie corner OLL and a Z perm. Will try and reconstruct a little.

EDIT: http://alg.garron.us/?alg=F_R-_F-_L..._L2_D-_L2_D2_B2_D_F2_L_B-_U-_F2_D2_B2_R_D_L_B
Could only remember a little - does someone else want to try and finish?
OLL edges was either:
F R U R' U' F'
F U R U' R' F'
F R U R' U' S R U R' U' f'
But I THINK it was the first one (F R U R' U' F').
Congratulations! I remember my first sub 20. I ran down stairs to tell people :p


Sep 26, 2010
Near Toronto, Ontario, Canada
R U' R U R U R U' R' U' R2: 0.87
R2 U R U R' U' R' U' R' U R': 0.92
R' U R' U' R' U' R' U R U R2: 0.92
R2 U' R' U' R U R U R U' R: 0.86
M2 U M U2 M' U M2: 0.62
M2 U M' U2 M U M2: 0.83
M2 U' M U2 M' U' M2: 0.79
M2 u M' u2 M' u M2: 0.70
R2' U' F B' R2 F' B U' R2': 0.94
R2 U' S' U2 S U' R2: 0.99
Nice, but aren't the last two the same?


May 14, 2011
Visit Channel
I have no idea how I just got this: 11.00 average of 5, and 11.74 average of 12. PB's by far.

Times: (13.94), 13.03, 12.76, 10.97, (9.83), 10.94, 11.09, 12.10, 12.91, 10.18, 13.06, 10.39

2 PLL skips (9 and a 10) and a lot of free F2L pairs.

Edit: 13.22 3x3 average of 100. PB.
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Jun 16, 2011
Levittown, PA
Visit Channel
Just finished a megaminx Ao100 w/stackmat. Lol, not that it makes a difference.

number of times: 100/100
best time: 1:25.03
worst time: 2:00.53

current mo3: 1:44.24 (σ = 10.11)
best mo3: 1:32.71 (σ = 5.41)

current avg5: 1:39.03 (σ = 4.88)
best avg5: 1:36.73 (σ = 4.12)

current avg12: 1:40.96 (σ = 6.54)
best avg12: 1:37.93 (σ = 5.95)

current avg50: 1:43.37 (σ = 5.77)
best avg50: 1:42.91 (σ = 5.24)

current avg100: 1:43.13 (σ = 5.68)
best avg100: 1:43.13 (σ = 5.68)

session avg: 1:43.13 (σ = 5.68)
session mean: 1:43.11

1:37.75, 1:46.68, 1:40.25, 1:37.28, 1:49.47, (1:25.03), 1:33.27, 1:51.77, 1:40.81, 1:40.40, 1:32.03, (1:27.68), 1:38.43, 1:39.72, 1:45.77, 1:48.83, 1:49.78, (1:30.05), 1:39.78, 1:51.44, 1:43.97, 1:43.93, 1:45.16, 1:39.09, 1:47.22, 1:43.30, (1:58.77), 1:45.96, 1:41.09, 1:42.56, 1:42.34, 1:37.63, 1:47.65, 1:41.91, 1:41.69, 1:51.50, 1:43.86, (1:54.81), 1:34.19, 1:50.11, 1:45.13, 1:44.46, (2:00.53), 1:32.97, 1:42.43, 1:53.30, 1:42.63, 1:39.86, 1:42.30, 1:38.44, 1:48.38, 1:44.22, 1:48.97, 1:44.15, (1:30.09), 1:31.94, 1:38.22, 1:50.84, 1:48.59, 1:47.86, 1:42.77, 1:46.02, 1:49.40, 1:49.03, 1:39.28, 1:41.80, 1:45.40, 1:52.05, 1:35.59, (1:56.47), 1:52.27, 1:43.11, 1:54.09, 1:52.28, 1:42.02, 1:42.58, 1:34.75, 1:34.30, 1:44.86, 1:32.90, 1:44.34, 1:47.43, 1:38.97, 1:36.63, 1:45.88, 1:49.46, 1:44.71, 1:39.36, 1:46.50, 1:31.68, 1:37.59, 1:39.68, 1:37.22, 1:53.27, 1:46.53, 1:38.83, (1:31.00), (1:54.47), 1:44.00, 1:34.25

Everything is pb. :D