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  1. L

    Racing to sub 30 on 3x3

    so every week i will post 12 scrambles and u would do the 12 scrambles and post the times below in a reply so that ik what ur times were. Every Thursday i will post under this the top 5 people on the average of 12 Good Luck to all! Scrambles 1.D2 F2 L B2 L2 F2 L' U2 L2 B2 F2 U' L D U' L2 R' D'...
  2. L

    anyone looking for to have cubing friends

    perferred to be sub 1 min on 3x3
  3. L

    anyone looking to help me get solve squan or 5x5

    if u dont pls link some good tutorials im looking to solve my whole collection by christmas