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  1. YouCubing

    Accomplishment Thread

    Generated By csTimer on 2023-06-14 single: 6.57 Time List: 1. 6.57 D B2 F2 D' F2 U' F2 U' B2 L2 F2 U2 L B2 D' B F2 R' B D genuinely might be the easiest scramble i've ever had
  2. YouCubing

    Easy / Lucky / Funny / Hard / Weird scrambles thread

    B U' L2 D' R2 F2 L2 F2 U2 F2 U F2 R2 F' U' L U B2 L F' Green to move, find the xxcross in 5.
  3. YouCubing

    Accomplishment Thread

    Generated By csTimer on 2022-01-24 single: 6.17 Time List: 1. 6.17 D' L2 D2 F2 L2 D R2 U R2 F' L2 D' B' L D L2 B L2 R2 Tied for my 2nd best single
  4. YouCubing

    Weekly Competition 2021-52

    Woo! My first win (I think) in 5 and a half years of on-and-off competing. Big week for me.
  5. YouCubing

    Accomplishment Thread

    Generated By csTimer on 2021-04-06 single: 6.28 Time List: 1. 6.28 B R U2 R2 D2 L' B2 D2 U2 L' U2 F2 B' U2 R D U' R U' B2 z2 U R' F D2 F' y U' L U L' y L U L' R U R' L' U L U R U' R' U R U R' U L' U' L U' L' U2 L M2' U M2' U2 M2' U M2' 41 moves/6.28 seconds = 6.53 TPS pretty sure this is my...
  6. YouCubing

    Accomplishment Thread

    Generated By csTimer on 2021-04-06 avg of 5: 2.37 Time List: 1. 1.87 R' F' U2 F' U' F2 R2 F' R2 2. (4.42) U2 F' R F' R2 F' R U2 F2 3. (1.03) F R' U2 R F2 U R U' F' 4. 1.51 U' R' U2 F2 U' R' U F2 U' 5. 3.73 U F' R F2 U' F' R2 U2 F' U2 Almost amazing
  7. YouCubing

    Accomplishment Thread

    Generated By csTimer on 2021-03-31 single: 0.52 Time List: 1. 0.52 U' R2 U R F U F' R' U' omegalul
  8. YouCubing

    Accomplishment Thread

    Generated By csTimer on 2021-03-26 single: 2:02.89 Time List: 1. 2:02.89 Dw2 Uw F Rw2 3Fw2 Dw2 3Uw F 3Fw' L D Uw 3Uw2 L' Uw' U L2 Uw 3Fw2 Dw L Lw Fw2 B L' Fw Lw' F2 Dw' B' 3Rw Uw2 3Rw 3Fw2 D' Bw' Rw' R' L2 3Fw2 D2 R Bw Uw 3Rw Fw B 3Fw Uw' 3Uw Dw' L2 Lw2 Uw' R D' L D' 3Uw2 Uw2 Dw2 Bw' 3Fw2 Rw...
  9. YouCubing

    Accomplishment Thread

    5x5 PB avg12 Generated By csTimer on 2021-03-25 avg of 12: 1:19.61 Homing in on sub1:20 global, which is exciting because my global avg has been stagnant for multiple years now
  10. YouCubing

    Accomplishment Thread

    Generated By csTimer on 2021-03-24 single: 4.96 Time List: 1. 4.96 UR0+ DR2+ DL5+ UL3- U3- R2- D3+ L0+ ALL3- y2 U1- R1+ D4- L1+ ALL0+ DR DL A bit rusty at Clock, working that off a bit, this is PB6 single
  11. YouCubing

    Accomplishment Thread

    Generated By csTimer on 2021-03-21 single: 6.65 Time List: 1. 6.65 R2 U2 F2 U' B2 U F2 L2 D R2 U2 F2 L F2 D' L R' F' R' U B z2 y R' D' L U' R' U' R R U2' R' y L' U2 L R' U R y' U' R U R' U2 R U' R' r U R' U R U2 r' U R U R' F' R U R' U' R' F R2 U' R' U' 46 turns 6.91 TPS PB8 single
  12. YouCubing

    Accomplishment Thread

    Generated By csTimer on 2021-03-17 single: 1:01.96 Time List: 1. 1:01.96 BR' BL' BR B L' B BL' F' L' U B BL' R' F' D R' BR U R' B BL L BR' D' R' FTO, skipped building last 3 triples and went straight from putting the last white triple in to a sledge and then solve was done
  13. YouCubing


  14. YouCubing

    Accomplishment Thread

    Generated By csTimer on 2021-03-15 single: 7:10.57 Time List: 1. 7:10.57 3d2 3f d2 L' 3r 3u2 3l D' B' L2 4f2 U' 3r 3d2 f' d2 3b 4u' 4r' U2 f D' 4u' 4f2 f' d' 3d' 3r' l r' R' 3f 3d 3u' 3l 3r2 R' L l2 F2 l2 3d r2 F' 3u b' d 3f2 3l2 d2 u' 4r' l2 U' 3f' d2 4f2 l2 u 4r F2 b' f R2 d 3d2 f' 3d 3u'...
  15. YouCubing

    New Events for the Weekly Competition for 2021

    Looks like I missed this, oh well. I'd really love Master Kilominx, and would be interested in seeing 8x8 and potentially 9x9 added to the mix, in mean of 3 formats. Not really in favor of 3x3 subsets because we already have 8 events that involve 3x3, not even counting Mirror Blocks or the...
  16. YouCubing

    History of the best speedcubes?

    oh thank you very much!
  17. YouCubing

    History of the best speedcubes?

    I'm doing a presentation for my Research Paper class on the history of 3x3 single world records. Obviously just listing out who got them, when, and how fast they were would be boring and wouldn't qualify as research, so I want some background info! What I'm looking for is the most popular...
  18. YouCubing

    Easy / Lucky / Funny / Hard / Weird scrambles thread

    D2 F2 U B2 R2 D L2 U L2 B2 D2 B2 L F2 U F' D2 R' D' L U' 4 move x-cross on white
  19. YouCubing

    Who will win world 2021?

    The real World Championships winner is the friends we made along the way
  20. YouCubing

    Accomplishment Thread

    Hardest was probably the Ghost Cube or the 3x4x5 (just because I kind of forgot how to solve it), and I think the Gigaminx took the longest