Lucas Garron
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  • Question about Twizzle: Is it possible to rotate a pyraminx to where a color other than yellow is on the bottom, if so how?
    Lucas Garron
    Lucas Garron
    Right now puzzles are have fixed up and down faces. We're almost certainly going to have some way to reorient, but for now you can use a puzzle rotation as a setup move:
     Twizzle link 
    do you know anything about past events that were removed form the wca? im trying to make a video on the the most amount of individual world records for each event including the removed ones.
    Lucas Garron
    Lucas Garron
    Sorry I missed this earlier!

    Most of this information is public, so I don't know if I can help much. If you're still looking for info, my email at isa more reliable way to get a reply!
    This was 1 year ago already, wow.
    You have ID #2. That's pretty lucky for a 2007 account... Just something I found cool.
    Lucas Garron
    Lucas Garron
    Not entirely a coincidence. ;-)

    I found this forum via YouTube stats while PJK was setting it up, and created the first non-founder account, before the accounts from the old forum were moved here.
    Hi Lucas
    I love your site. I have two quick questions. I have searched the site but cannot find any relevant answers.

    How do I change the color scheme so that white appears on bottom and yellow on top?

    Is there a way to run an algorithm on a loop, so the viewer could observe the algorithm being performed over and over without touching any buttons?
    thanks i was wondering if i should use either TuRBo, M2 or 3OP
    Use Turbo method , which can help you transition to 3 style with UF buffer , much smoother.
    umm.. i was wondering how on earth do you do BLD
    Have a buffer piece, perform trace for 2 kinds of pieces (edges and corners) separately. Do swapping algorithms while keeping track of parity, do sighted solves of this method first to get familiar.
    Hey Lucas,

    I remember you had freestlye BLD algorithms for edges on your cubing site,but I can't find them now.Where are they?
    I was looking through your ELS cases for MGLS and came across a typo in case F2.

    (d)FRUR'F' [5]
    should be
    (d')FRUR'F' [5]

    I don't know if you even care about the page anymore, but I figured it would be best to inform you nonetheless.
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